My New Day Trading System-rate and test - page 4



Hey guys, Don't be sarcastic, let him prove it!

Bongo...xxxx doesn't have to prove nothin'...he is the king

"I just realized that that is probably your sig and you deleted your original post so just disregard that I guess."????...which post?...I didn't understand

The one where you asked about divergence.

You start every post with "..." so I didn't know if that was your sig or if you were asking a question.



The one where you asked about divergence. You start every post with "..." so I didn't know if that was your sig or if you were asking a question.

that was a question....

that was a question....

I answered it on page 3.

Taking the long view on 1 min with the %R set to 1000 doesn't really give appreciable divergence imo.


Suggestion to Save Asset Space on Chart

Hi CycleSurfer,

I have read your thread, and it is a nice & simple Trading System. I am forward-testing it atm.

Just my suggestion to save valuable viewing space on your chart, why don't you drag the toolbars that are lined-up vertically, to a horizontal level, thus giving you more viewing space.

I have attached a simple gif for your view, with a simple explanation.




Thanks AZ, and thanks for the tip, that's a lot better.

Good to have you aboard.

Hey guys, Don't be sarcastic, let him prove it!

Hey Bongo,

I'm not trying to prove anything. I'm only suggesting something that may work. If we all forward test it we would know one way or the other very quickly, which is beneficial to all.

I'm usually not the biggest fan of sharing systems that have profitability potential but eff it, right? Very few people who read this will actually try it anyway.


For Anyone Forward Testing

Hey guys,

If it's not too much trouble...

When you take a trade can u hop over here to let us know where you entered so we can all look at it on our charts?

Seeing what happened and why/when you decided to close the trade will help me come up with a standard exit if such a thing is possible with this system.

Right now it's pretty discretionary which is fine for seasoned traders but it's not very noob friendly. Then again, few actual good systems are.




1- i open a demo account with 2000 $

2- i tried ur system without money management from 25/03/2010 till 26/03/2010

3- now my demo account balance is 4389$ nice isn't it


my test pictures

take a look

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