The 7/10 System - page 5

I don't thing that Greece, poorest country in EU, will make influance on Euro.

we are not poor, we are corrupted, very corrupted.

we owe 300 billion, and the markets took advange of the bad news and they rise the spreads, hit the euro etc, etc.

I am angry with the Greeks because as a Greek I know whats going on in my country.

Europe has given us so much money!

And instead of making something good and usefull they did nothing for many years.

Corrupted polititians took the money from Europe and the Greek people and they eat everything, and nobody is chasing them.

Now they are cutting the 13th and 14th monthly income of people who work for the gov.

Sorry for my english!

In greece there so much wealth that can be used with the right way, like alternatives ways of energy, and so many other things, but we do nothing.

The currency goes down when a country ows to much money!

Like Greece.

I am Greek and I know , I watch the news almost all day.

So today I think our Prime Minister will talk with Merkel, maybe you should keep an eye on it because it may effect Euro and it might go up up up!

Or maybe nothing! Will see.

All I know is that he kind of F***** up greeks by cutting o alot of money from the workers to satisfied Europe to lower the spreads and stuff like that.

So, don;t make fun of me because I talk simple and i just gave an example to the other guy, ok.

I poked fun at you because it is not as simple as you seem to beleive it is, America is the most indebted country in the history of this world, ever, so why do people keep buying their currency. Currencies move up and down because of many factors and at the moment it is the case of "the less ugliest competiton". Since 2001 the US $ stunk now other currencies are begining to decay.

This too, could also change in an instant, the commission could throw out any or all of Greece, Ireland, Italy,Portugal, or Spain, leaving the Euro so much stronger and the US $ starting to pong again. Things arent always black and white.

If you dont want people making fun of you because you talk simple, dont talk simple.

I poked fun at you because it is not as simple as you seem to beleive it is, America is the most indebted country in the history of this world, ever, so why do people keep buying their currency. Currencies move up and down because of many factors and at the moment it is the case of "the less ugliest competiton". Since 2001 the US $ stunk now other currencies are begining to decay.

This too, could also change in an instant, the commission could throw out any or all of Greece, Ireland, Italy,Portugal, or Spain, leaving the Euro so much stronger and the US $ starting to pong again. Things arent always black and white.

If you dont want people making fun of you because you talk simple, dont talk simple.

Ok, now that u said that I will stop talking simple!

I will become one you and I bet then I will start trading successfully!

America might be THE most indebded country ever, but it is also one of THE most richest countries in the world!

Greece is THE most indebded country in the EU but it is also THE most poorest AND Corrupted country in the EU.

So, simple logic!

Simple trading

Simple life=Happy life!

I don;t want to be a smart ass like some people here, because I know I am new to this, but I know as a life principle which has never failed me is that simplicity in life and in bussiness = success.

So, as long I have a belief and I don;t risk real money, but only money of my demo account I will stick to my beliefs and my opinions strong and determent to reach my goal as I wish!

Yes, jobless people make the currency go down ...

it was just an example!

Jesus, some people here need to drop of their personal issues and just do things that they are more productive and positive!

You people need to relax, in this forum and in this thread there is too much negativity and sarcasm!

Sarcasm=anger=fear=not good trades.

Here is a psychology lesson which I know because I have study!

And forex needs good psychology, no anger, no fear!

I m ready to delete this thread for the negativity and only!

I m ready to delete this thread for the negativity and only!

It is a pretty useless thread. What have we acheived here? We all know 20 - 50 pips per week every week will make a great income, you dont hold the mysterious answer by saying simple maths and lot size is the key.

We all look at the charts and see the 10 - 20 pip moves and say If I get in there and exit there I'm done for the day, but the trick is to have a system that not only gets you into that move but one that will keep you out of failed set ups, consistently.

Consistency is what makes this the hardest job you will ever do.

Personally, it just seemed a bit arrogant to say you've got 3 weeks under your belt and you have a system to make $50,000/ month or what ever it was, with no idea of entries or exits, just converting pips into dollars.

Thats possibly why you attracted negativity and sarcasm, whats said is said, now its up to you if you want to continue, I'm sure people would be willing to help if you really want to learn.


if it lost , it losts 50 pip

It is a pretty useless thread. What have we acheived here? We all know 20 - 50 pips per week every week will make a great income, you dont hold the mysterious answer by saying simple maths and lot size is the key.

We all look at the charts and see the 10 - 20 pip moves and say If I get in there and exit there I'm done for the day, but the trick is to have a system that not only gets you into that move but one that will keep you out of failed set ups, consistently.

Consistency is what makes this the hardest job you will ever do.

Personally, it just seemed a bit arrogant to say you've got 3 weeks under your belt and you have a system to make $50,000/ month or what ever it was, with no idea of entries or exits, just converting pips into dollars.

Thats possibly why you attracted negativity and sarcasm, whats said is said, now its up to you if you want to continue, I'm sure people would be willing to help if you really want to learn.

I guess you like hanging out in useless threads.

I actually believe that I start having a real system, the last two days, not this one which is a method. ( but I want to test it)

(I notice that the "Moving Average Cross System (Short MA:C,21,E,Long MA:C,34,E) Everytime the red and the blue line(when the blue line is above the red:the price goes up, when the red line is obove the blue line: price goes down) changes with each other makes minimum 30 pips and sometimes goes up to 100+ every 1-3 days in the 30 minute chart. My observation is short time, from 23/Feb/10 up to 5/March/10(because of the numbers of bars in my chart), and has change 7 times and in all 7 times made almost right away 30pips at least without going at the apossite side and risk to hit the stop loss.

I think the key for that system is the right time chart, to make the order hit the number of pips you want ( not get greedy even if it goes higher) and walk out and then wait for the next change of the lines and repeat.

So, I am thinking to use it in the demo account and see how it will go. Right now I have placed an order up to 30 pips, and loss stop 30 pips.

If am right even if i lose one time out of ten for example, I will still have profit 90%, but that depends totally of me, because I need to learn how the news effect the curencies, etc etc.... But as a Trading System which i have it in the VT Trader platform seems very promising.Personaly I don;t like much MT4, I prefer VT trader, but I am using both, lol.)

I apologize earlier to ND, that what I said about the 10 pips per day is a system, it is not, it is a method.

Which I thought that some people might get a help with that method and to write opinions which can make my method better, or more moderate, less risky.

Thats why the first two things that I stated were: "I am new, I hope I am in the right thread!"

So, you came here with your very smart and complecated brain and you started picking me.

And I also did that with the pips, for the people who use or want to use trading robots, or they try to make too many pips per month and they get fustrated!

Since I started learning Forex, the whole internet is filled with 1000s of pips and systems that can make all these pips.

So, I threw all these terrible things out of my head, and I thought to make a thread which the people who might need that, to read it and make things more simple! The newbies like me!


Who told you that my thread is written for a smart and advanced brain like yours?

Not me!

I guess you like hanging out in useless threads.

I actually believe that I start having a real system, the last two days, not this one which is a method. ( but I want to test it)

(I notice that the "Moving Average Cross System (Short MA:C,21,E,Long MA:C,34,E) Everytime the red and the blue line(when the blue line is above the red:the price goes up, when the red line is obove the blue line: price goes down) changes with each other makes minimum 30 pips and sometimes goes up to 100+ every 1-3 days in the 30 minute chart. My observation is short time, from 23/Feb/10 up to 5/March/10(because of the numbers of bars in my chart), and has change 7 times and in all 7 times made almost right away 30pips at least without going at the apossite side and risk to hit the stop loss.

I think the key for that system is the right time chart, to make the order hit the number of pips you want ( not get greedy even if it goes higher) and walk out and then wait for the next change of the lines and repeat.

So, I am thinking to use it in the demo account and see how it will go. Right now I have placed an order up to 30 pips, and loss stop 30 pips.

If am right even if i lose one time out of ten for example, I will still have profit 90%, but that depends totally of me, because I need to learn how the news effect the curencies, etc etc.... But as a Trading System which i have it in the VT Trader platform seems very promising.Personaly I don;t like much MT4, I prefer VT trader, but I am using both, lol.)

I apologize earlier to ND, that what I said about the 10 pips per day is a system, it is not, it is a method.

Which I thought that some people might get a help with that method and to write opinions which can make my method better, or more moderate, less risky.

Thats why the first two things that I stated were: "I am new, I hope I am in the right thread!"

So, you came here with your very smart and complecated brain and you started picking me.

And I also did that with the pips, for the people who use or want to use trading robots, or they try to make too many pips per month and they get fustrated!

Since I started learning Forex, the whole internet is filled with 1000s of pips and systems that can make all these pips.

So, I threw all these terrible things out of my head, and I thought to make a thread which the people who might need that, to read it and make things more simple! The newbies like me!


Who told you that my thread is written for a smart and advanced brain like yours?

Not me!

Yes I've had some time on my hands lately and as the saying goes "create a useless thread and they will come".

You said you were new and seemed to be caught up with just the money side, so I wanted to show there was other things to consider. Never did you what ask what or how you took it all as a personal attack. Camisa said something you bagged him/her, dared to contact you in 2 years to say if making money and couldnt place a trade, Camisa is proberly a very profitable trader that could have taught you alot, but not now.

ND copped it next for asking about your system, he will be your greatest help in finding things on this site. Nearly burnt that bridge too.

I know I have bad habit, when people bite I keep niggling, so I will break that habit and leave your thread, it is obvious you dont want to learn from others mistakes and shorten your journey.

Makes no difference to me.

Yes I've had some time on my hands lately and as the saying goes "create a useless thread and they will come".

You said you were new and seemed to be caught up with just the money side, so I wanted to show there was other things to consider. Never did you what ask what or how you took it all as a personal attack. Camisa said something you bagged him/her, dared to contact you in 2 years to say if making money and couldnt place a trade, Camisa is properly a very profitable trader that could have taught you alot, but not now.

ND copped it next for asking about your system, he will be your greatest help in finding things on this site. Nearly burnt that bridge too.

I know I have bad habit, when people bite I keep niggling, so I will break that habit and leave your thread, it is obvious you dont want to learn from others mistakes and shorten your journey.

Makes no difference to me.

I sit and i read and learn Forex and technical indicators 24/7.

It is not magic, it can happen, it is not luck, you can make successful trading more than 90%,

It is math, technical indicators and fundamental analysis.

that means it is there! So it is so very possible to get money and really good money!

So, I don;t like hunging around with people, who like picking on others.

And if that can cost me some forex lessons from you, and the people you mention, out of the thousands out there, let be it.

This your thread is popular only because the header as

'The 7/10 System'.

So, you definitely should create some system ...

Or the members will help ...


you are right, it is not even just a method.

It is a money management method.

this thread got out of hand because it is in the wrong section and some people judge it and pretend to be advanced forex traders when they didnt even realise that I am in the wrong section and with the wrong name!

I would like to ask you, if there is a section in this forum which my thread will fit better, please move it there!

thank you.