The 7/10 System


Hi, I am a newbie in forex and I am studying for 3 weeks now.

I know I am almost a new born!

This is my first thread here, so i hope i am in the right one posting this system!

My system is this:

1. I will open an account of $2.000 and I will earn the 5% of my account daily. Or almost daily! Some times nothing can be absolute perfect.

That means: $100 per day divided by 10= $10 per pip

there are 22-23 days of trading activity per month.

I will allow myself to lose 2 days and win 20 days, that means money in the pocket are from the 18 days!

180 pips per month with a lot of the 1/10 of the 5% of the account.

Example: Account=$5000 the 5% of that account is $250, and the 1/10 is $25 So 1pip=$25. If we multiply with 180 pips per month we have the amount of: $4500.

So the average of each day is 10pips, and we already calculate losses, !

Month 1.

Now, 10pips*$10=$100*18days=$1800+$2000(my capital)=$3800

Month 2.

5% of $3800= $190*18days=$3420+$3800= $7220


Month 3.

5% of $7220=$361*18days=$6498+$7220=$13718


Month 4.

5% of $13718=$685,9*18days=$12346+$13718=$26064


Month 5.

5% of $26064=$1303,21*18days=$23457+$26064=$49521


Month 6.

5% of $49521=$2476*18days=$44569+$49521=$94091


Month 7.

5% of $94091=$4704*18days=$84682+$94091=178773


Me personally I will stop here doubling my account.

Month 8.

10% of $178773= $17.877 per month, not anymore per day!

that means that 20 pips per month (1pip=$893)(5pips per week!) will make that amount!

20% of $178773= $35.754 per month,40 pips per month(10pips per week)!

30% of $178773= $53.631 per month,60 pips per month(15pips per week)!

In order to make each pip to cost a certain amount we fix the lot size.

So, after my full 7 month period (I call it The 7/10 System) which we don't take any of the money we make for 7 months, we can have a monthly income, of 10% or 20% or 30$ of the amount of money someone has made and saved!

10pips are the easiest, don;t listen to the people who are saying it is not! and sometimes we can even make more than that, so, calculate 2 pips extra for the broker!

My pair is EUR/USD and my broker has a fixed spread of 2 pips, and since I will not play in huge volatility the spreads will be 2 pips and he will also be happy because the bigger the lot the bigger his profit!

I don't know much about brokers or what are exactly they want Forex investors to do, but with my simple logic, I believe that a serious broker wants you to win, to make money, to know how to play, because then, the more you play, the bigger his profit, if you lose money, are air, he is not getting anything! He is just getting his spread and his is getting even with the money you lost from your account!

It doesn't make any sense that the broker wants u to lose!

Simple math!

My system is simple math, no stress, no crazy robots, no thousands of pips per month, no triple and whatever multiply someone can think of of your capital.

I am 27, and in 6 months I will be 28, I feel great that I have a goal and a system which makes sense, it is moderate easy, and I will make appx $17.000 per month and even more after 7 months so easy!

It is fast, it is free to learn it, and you don't have to be the King of Pips

In order to do that I will have to learn forex, to be able to analyse technical indicators and fundamental analysis.

And I know if i treat it like a business will give me back good money!


U wish!

For a newbie,this is just a wish that cant come true.With your $2000 take just 0.1 lot instead of 1 lot.Your success is not even guaranteed.


Do you have an EA for your system?

I will buy from you.

From $2000 to $180,000 after 7 months,

after few years you will be richer as Bill Gates.

Good Luck!



Interesting money management plan, if you can stick to it. Its harder to do then it sounds, but nothing wrong in trying if it suits you. Money Management is always a personal thing and as long as the method your using is keeping you in overall profit week after week, you should do well even if you dont reach your intended goals for the moment.

In the meantime, would you like to share what method your using or roughly what you have in mind to buy/sell? Im sure some people here can help you find a profitable setup that may suit your style of trading.

Im glad that your keeping high hopes rather than aiming for small earnings like 500usd to 1000usd per month. Atleast you have aspirations and ambitions and want to increase your earnings. Use it with some common sense and consistent trading though and you WILL do well.

All the best.

Interesting money management plan, if you can stick to it. Its harder to do then it sounds, but nothing wrong in trying if it suits you. Money Management is always a personal thing and as long as the method your using is keeping you in overall profit week after week, you should do well even if you dont reach your intended goals for the moment.

In the meantime, would you like to share what method your using or roughly what you have in mind to buy/sell? Im sure some people here can help you find a profitable setup that may suit your style of trading.

Im glad that your keeping high hopes rather than aiming for small earnings like 500usd to 1000usd per month. Atleast you have aspirations and ambitions and want to increase your earnings. Use it with some common sense and consistent trading though and you WILL do well.

All the best.

thank you for your kind respond.

I would like to say that someone can use the 2,5%, or 2% and start making money after a year, which is even more moderate but it is also very very profitable!

I thought about my system and of course money managment it is something personal, but I wanted to share it because 95% of people it is a big number to lose, and even though i am new to this, i notice that it is not how many pips you make each month, it is the lot size someone should also fix according to what you want to earn whithout great risks of making too many pips.

My plan is for people who know how to trade and they can make 220 pips per month with a 10% loss.

If someone for ex. can make 500pips each month with a loss of 25% and earns each pip $1, he/she is making $500 and loosing $125.

why not fix the pip value, keep the earnings to the account and apply profitable math!

anyway, thanks for your kind responce again

Best regards, Seanna.


Ah, nothing like new lambs to keep this game a playing.

gooood luuuuck.

Do you have an EA for your system?

I will buy from you.

From $2000 to $180,000 after 7 months,

after few years you will be richer as Bill Gates.

Good Luck!


lol, yes thats true, according to my system i can be BIll Gates after a few years!

Sorry I don;t have a EA yet, but I want to make one and of course for me sharing for free is giving me back a better carma, so.... when i will have a EA ready I will post it!

Ah, nothing like new lambs to keep this game a playing. gooood luuuuck.

luck is for gablers, i prefer good carma instead!

For a newbie,this is just a wish that cant come true.With your $2000 take just 0.1 lot instead of 1 lot.Your success is not even guaranteed.

i am a newbie this instance, but in the near future i would be a more experienced trader.

my plan is for people who have done their homework, and had practice.

180pips per month for a forex investor is really not hard to make!

as your can see, im not an idiot, practice makes perfect, and since forex is not a gabling game, i have the ability to learn it and make money!

it is not my fault that simple math can be profitable in forex!

luck is for gablers, i prefer good carma instead!

Hey Seanna,

Carma wont help either. If you really want to learn study risk, this is all about risk. Nowhere in your first post do you talk about what you are prepared to risk only your winnings, we all started thinking this was going to be easy.

Heres some other simple maths to consider, at $25 per pip as per your example, that is a trade size of $250,000, which at 1% deposit is $2500 of account held in trust by the broker. That leaves you with $2500 free equity therefore you have only 100 pips before your first margin call. How much financial pain can you stand.

Also the market is way to large for you to dictate that you will only lose 2 trades per month. The market giveth and the market taketh away, sometimes it even giveth to people with bad carma, it does not care.

I do wish you all the best and remember if it was easy everyone would be millionaires.



a bit of advice


I take it you already downloaded the meta trader platform,if not you really should.You see using the meta trader platform keeps your options open because the entire world contributes to meta trader with custom indicators and trading systems.

But you propably have already done that.Also when you buy a system,indicators or some robot(i hate robots) you need to do your homework.Google it ,read as many reviews you can get your hands on before buying anything.O and remember if you buy something from clickbank you know that you can get your refund

ofcourse if you become a serial refunder they will block you and you will not buy anything from them again.So if something does work don;t refund it okay

good luck