SFTMGM.com / Discipline Trader - page 9


Hey Subscribers,

I have had a technical issue to get here and reply . As You can see , we were aggressive 2 days ago . But no more than 12 opened positions at the time .

GBP/JPY has been included in our trading plan from now on full time .

As i said before and You can read from our RAS info site , we can get expected DD in such a time of trading . I explained in here and in video, how do we trade and what to expect if our equity gets under previous high . I don't think i have to do that again . As You could probably see and read...another state (portugal) was downgraded for investors..and Euro zone is in great risk of collapse (My personal thought ) . It will cost everyone in EU a bunch of money to fix it , and it still will be uncertain for another states in troubles (Italy ,Spain....etc) !

When such a strong fundaments occur, it is usually time to get aggressive , since it is almost "free" money . I say almost, because You never know . And i would risk only as much i am willing to lose . But if You are going to stay with me for longer periond of time, You will see, that such times of very aggressive trading is having 90% winning . Which means , that 9 out of 10 of these "special" days we will be making money . I do not want to stay with floating DD for more than few hours . It making everyone uncomfortable ,including me . I better stop the trade on some level, than wait for retracement . So even if You have 18 losers in the row (And i could leave it with much greater SL and floating DD , but with greater risk as well) it doesn't mean we will not get back . This signal is aggressive and for aggressive investors only . I think i stated my intentions clear and transparent enough . And i am very glad, that 99% of You understand !!!

Just for Your info . We are making statistics of strong fundamental days and related trading style . For last 4 months (Since the beggining of new year ) Our most aggressive trading happend mostly on Tuesdays and strongest fundaments happend on Tuesdays as well . It is just for those who are curious . Strong fundaments = Unexpected (Or slightly expected) news on world economy , Bank Governers and important people speeches . Sessions on commities and so on.....

This is, what we look for , to get our heads and hands busy !

Hope it is another step to get it more clear




Hey everyone,

Is that just me or anyone of You got problem to get at rentasignal.com as well ?

Extremelly slow upload ....almost unreachable for last two days....I did asked another users..and some of them experienced the same. I did try Explorer, Firefox and Chrome as well...all the same ....



Hey Subscribers !

our RAS signal page is showing 1 trade still opened !

We never trade over the weekend ever . Trade was closed on Friday. And RAS EA was connected at that time. I personally checked on that . As i said before, i have had an issue to get to the RAS site last week for few days. Not sure, what was the problem and i know i was not the only one .

I just want to make sure, You Guys know , that all trades are closed on Friday , always . Especially YEN crosses should never stay opened over the weekend, if You are not long term investor !




Hey Subscribers !

Yesterday killed us big time . We still trade by plan and will be working to get back. Our TA did not cooperate well in fundamentaly strong days like yesterday . Situation in EU is extreme , such is our trading style . We will be getting back...but as usuall it will be hard work . We have lost a big chunk , but we are expecting such . There is no suprise and rules to our trading style are clear .

Just to inform You :

Due to some technical issues with ALPARI UK demo accounts, our signal will probably be running from live account soon . I will inform everyone about any change soon enough . It might change the position sizing structure and possibly to more . We are evaluating signal from Live account just now .

We are still deciding to keep RAS EA on our charts or not. It is bit better this week , no technical issues so far...but it's a still big question !

I will check back with the decision soon as well .

Stay buckled as this ride may get bumpy !



Hey evryone !

Trading is stopped . Too close to max drawdown . This is a major situation .

This Signal will be out of order until next week . Extremelly strong market will continue for days . We will be reconsidering our trading plan for future !




Hey Subscribers,

We have stopped our trading after major loss on our accounts last week. If You have read our description , than You cannot be suprised by DD . Trend is strong and similar to "pre crisis" trend in 2007/8 . When we got 13% DD last week , we decided to end it and wait . Daily Range on all traded pairs doubled in just a few days and that is not a good sign . I guess we have made a point and i am honestly glad ,that we got out of the major trends at the end of the week. As You can see, this market is full of manipulations and undecisions + traders sentiment .

Too much for technical traders as we are. After going through the performance , we have figure out expectations for next few weeks / months . To get back to our Highest High it will take about 1 - 2 months of regular trading . We will watch the fundaments much closer now to prevent from trades like last week.

This is aggressive strategy and we use it on most aggressive accounts . But obviously we do not want to experience such DD in next trading period .

We are back in business and Hope You are still with us as well .

As i said before mil. times...it is a long process to get rich !




Hey Subscribers !

We have had another extreme night hit by loosing .

Aggressive mode has been activated on risk apettite from attractivelly low prices of currency pairs we trade. It did not work out as expected.

Wave 2 of multi positions will possibly stay over the weekend . It is very extreme , but necessary .SL will stay under lowest low , where it will be moved if price of GBP/JPY is not going to move 250 PIPS in our favor during friday May 14th. In this case our floating DD will get possibly higher ,than allowed by EA strategy. I will manually move positions and SL now.

Extreme market such as this require extreme measures . I will be as aggressive as possible with this signal until looses are erased !

And They will !

Expected low of the day on GBP/JPY - 134.00 .

There is possible rangebound between 134 - 137 until risk stabilize .




Dear Subscribers ,

Major risk taken with multiple opened position on volatile pair went wrong.

DT trading rules has been manually interfere and broken , which is wrong as well .

Our account got closed on margin calls .

Major fundamental events of last days and weeks took it's toll and i am disabling DT from RAS for obvious reason . Every trader should always expect the worse case scenario to avoid such a looses . Unfortunatelly i did take more risk than it is allowed and normal and got wiped out .

Now i need to reconsider the whole strategy and trading style of DT.

For those who lost real money in their account by trading DT i am thinking of solution to make some of it back ,by trading for free .

Will inform about it soon





Hey everyone ,

Since our Signal went down during the month of May , i don't expect anyone to be interested in it anymore. It is more than understanable .

But i decided to activate this signal again anyways . Instead of trading based on Expert Advisor , i will trade manually only . First goal will be to erase all looses by extreme trading , and than to start signal with moderate style of trading.

It will be hard to get back , but i believe possible.

Signal will not be available for new subscribers , and i will keep it this way until i am positive, we are making money for a longer while .

Our managed accounts have been hit by loosing period as well , but since risk management and strategies are much different and end of the month of MAY we have erased much of the looses , i decided to get active at RAS again .

I have not one complaint about that huge last loss last time, which suprised me very much . I know ,there were no more active subscribers having our signal "ON" at that time . But still no one said anything ?

Hope everyone of You is doing good and will be watching our trading again .




New Improved Strategy

Hey everyone !

After short break of "no trading" i decided to get back to conservative strategy . It is brand new improvement. As i know , most of serious subscribers looking for conservative investment . Here it is . This strategy is purely automatic, but i am in the control and watching it every day . Expect only few trades a week with "hidden" SL/TP set to each position accordingly to risk per account . I have firm risk percentage sitting on 2% per position !!!

Watch it for a while and than let me know what do You think . I run it and test it for last 3 months through the rough times of Summer Trend and it is a great strategy to stay with , if You are a conservative investor .

Be back with more soon !
