SFTMGM.com / Discipline Trader - page 8


Hey Nettrader,

Video is AVI format and it should be ok to play . Or it is so far . I would like to keep it on screencast , since i pay for it . Check for Codec pack for Your player. Windows media player should work !



PS: IF You still have a problem to see it, i can send You this Vid. on email

Hey Nettrader,

Video is AVI format and it should be ok to play . Or it is so far . I would like to keep it on screencast , since i pay for it . Check for Codec pack for Your player. Windows media player should work !



PS: IF You still have a problem to see it, i can send You this Vid. on email

Unfortunalty, i stiil have same problem (( could you send it to me to my email: nettrader@mail.ru.

Also, which broker do you use? Because, today i had a lost order (RAS ID 823537) by S/L but in your statistic same order closed in profit!?

Unfortunalty, i stiil have same problem (( could you send it to me to my email: nettrader@mail.ru. Also, which broker do you use? Because, today i had a lost order (RAS ID 823537) by S/L but in your statistic same order closed in profit!?

I thing you will find that the market went so close to that price that some brokers will have triggered the sl and not others. I use multiple brokers and some went to sl and other to profit - yett all were correct - just a fraction of a pip was enough in this case - annoying but life !


Hey Everyone,

Unfortunatelly it is the way ianj wrote . When price get closer to to SL , some Brokers might have a bit different spot price and trigger the stop, as others don't . Sometimes it happen due to the LAG between EA's , when SL/TP is set .

Our Signal is running from ALPARI UK , but even that doesn't have to make it exact .

We have had loosing night . Watch for the swing as we might get bit aggressive tonite . They are no expectations of heavy economic news release today, but there is a lot's of fundamentals comming from EU lately .

Yesterday EUR fall , based on our analysis has been strongly manipulated by speeches of market makers like George Soros and others sending EUR "to hell" . We have had strong uptrend signal , which of course did not get where we wanted , but of course ithis is part of this business .

Will work hard to get back and higher again



Unfortunalty, i stiil have same problem (( could you send it to me to my email: nettrader@mail.ru. Also, which broker do you use? Because, today i had a lost order (RAS ID 823537) by S/L but in your statistic same order closed in profit!?

Broker is ALPARI UK . And i am sending video to Your email just now !




Hey Subscribers and everyone else

I have got two important thigs to talk about today

First !

I have been trying to figure out RAS "SPF" calculating....and did not get it done. I guess i'm dumb , cause as much as i'm thinking of the statistical reason and formula used in RAS "SPF - signal performance factor" , more less i am in point 0....

How the hell is it calculated , if high risk trading gets positive SPF and moderate Negative . It doesn't make any sense . Number of opened trades plus over all DD + "no SL" or "high SL".......neither one of those we experienced in last week...and signal SPF got in to the negative numbers again . When we have had multiple positions with high SL , signal got positive numbers.....now , when i took it easy and kept aggressive trading locked , there is a negative one and it makes me unhappy .

Just out of curiousity i have checked other signals...with multiple positions and steady floating DD and high SL....not gonna name them, since everyone can see it at RAS site . Don't care about them either , if they make consistent profit . But let's be reasonable in here . I called our signal aggressive . And i think it should be calculated as one . But why other signals , which are way more "crazy" gets positive SFP ?....this is another confusing statistic at RAS site i would say. From my experience , most of the RAS subscribers just doesn't know anything about investing . We are here to help...and RAS should be the first one to make sure , people are getting right informations .

Now another important finding .

Since our signal "Discipline trader" is set to make about 200 pips per week on average , i don't think we are going to be able to attract many new subscribers from the first RAS "find a signal" page . This is just simply impossible . First page is for heavy pip trading . Which we don't . And i will not go crazy to hunt for more . I do want to be consistent in long term with reasonable risk per account . With that i can only be making pips i am comfortable with . Even 200 per week is a very high number in this business . Looks like it doesn't matter , whether the signal is good or bad.....just how many pips per week it makes . And "JUST" making pips is not what we are looking for . Will watch this situation for few more weeks and than we will make decision on continuing our signal at RAS services . There is no point to keep RAS EA at our charts , if our signal get's to be in the far back of everyone else , just based on weekly pips profit . I am sure , that we are not the BEST traders around . Just smart enough to know what is good for us and our subscribers and what is not .

I wan't to keep subscribers happy and profitable and will inform everyone of You if any change occur .

Hope You made some profits this week !!

Have a great weekend everyone



Hey Subscribers or soon to be one !

We are trying to inform every investor of risk and trying to guide everyone through the labyrinth of investment business, which is unfortunatelly in most cases very untransparent .

I am very glad, that majority of our subscribers are very intelligent investors, knowing , that money are not growing at trees

I guess , thats the reason, why most of of You is staying with our signal and belive , that You can make money in long term if proper risk and money management is taken in consideration .

For those, who's mind is still undecided , please read this



Do not expect to get rich over the one month period .

This is long term project with consistent profitability.

Before subscribing to any signal , make sure You even understand the risk You are taking. If You plan to make a fortune from 5000$ account in short time , go to Casino and try it over there . You might get Lucky ! But This is not a Casino and You should be well aware of it . This is business ,which takes time to build .

If You plant a tree, You don't expect to grow it fast and high right the way .

Think of Your investment the same way .




PS: Subscribers , I am still trying to get Your emails , so i can start sending our Market Analysis and also important changes or guides in cases of technical dificulties . If You did not get me Your email yet, please do so now . Don't forget to include Your RAS Name and Number !


Hey Subscribers....

What a bad day.....we even turned GBP/JPY in to the trading....of course this pair is volatile and needs bigger SL...but as You can see...we have a hard work in front of us.....no worries...we will get back....all our accounts suffered 2% loss today and it is not pretty , but as You can see...we are getting higher by weeks

.....stay with us..!!!



Bad trading day - 27 April

HI, 18 consecutive loosing trades - not good

Can we have a maximum open positions setting ? Seems like the market is turning faster, and this system is loosing all it's gains in a matter of hours.


HI, 18 consecutive loosing trades - not good

Can we have a maximum open positions setting ? Seems like the market is turning faster, and this system is loosing all it's gains in a matter of hours.


I believe its 20 after last week when it opened 50+ by mistake - since then they have used an ea setting to limit it to 20. I think we saw 11 or 12 today - and it appears steady at that at the moment