I'm getting a 80-85% winning trades a month! - page 5



I ran the system on visual tester...arrows appear too late....

Hey, is it possible for someone can program an alert for the 3-bar arrow indicator? I am still yet to learn how to program. This is a good indicator that gives good signals if trend is strong. Be nice if it had an alert.

Found this on another forum.


Thanks for sharing it,I will try it for sure!


Hey guys, just an update. The system is still trading very well! I'm have no losses for this week yet. I'm finding that the fisher indicators were and are not currently helping confirm trades. I've notice with myself that I still look for a hard cross on the stochastic. I also look for candle hints as well to acompany my stochastic cross. The 3_bar_swing indicator is very helpful but is late on giving a signal sometimes. It's not late all the time so it can be helpful on some trades.

I've noticed that just because trend is down and you see a stochastic cross or a signal on the 3_bar_swing going UP doesn't mean that trade UP will not go 20 pips. It's all a game of educated guesses and picking the trades that will go 20 pips is not always an easy guess and this is why I only trade at Volital times to make sure my signals are strong. If you trade during Volital times you may only need the stochastic, 3_bar_swing indicators. The fisher indicators are just so slow at changing trends that you miss the trade entirely sometimes. Use the fisher indicators if you find them helpful but my system's heart is based off of a strong stachastic cross during Volital times. Remember, stochastic levels, 14/3/3


You might have been here a long time and some people might respect you, but in the short time I have been here I have seen nothing of value from you, only negativity and attacking other people in their threads. I've not seen any of the other 'senior traders' here do this. Are just seeking attention because nobody visits your thread?

And why should Lilredy post any results, he is not selling anything and so why is it a matter of 'trust'. He has posted his system whether it works or not is irrelevant, I think all of us newbies have the intelligence to decide whether we want to use this system or not, no need for you gurus to point out the dangers.

And you are the pit bull...

Friendly regards...or as tic tac would say jajaja

The people that respect me are the people that know that I talk straight forward and that time after time again I am correct in what I say.

The people who see me as an attacker are people that want to hold on a dream and try to believe every author of a topic that says he makes money. And this way hope to pick up a grain.

The reason that I attack more then give help is because there are 90% bullshiters and liars and scammers on a forum then people who are working in a true and honest way and can back up their claims by showing results or people who can witness those results.

All those bullshiters leave a forum within a year but had their moment of glory and attention.

Friendly regards....iGoR

PS. Google on fxigor and you will see that I don't miss lack of attention and this way I try to get here in the picture. I want to tell you that this is just a real stupid set up where you want learn anything from. Only loos money over a longer period of time. If I would be really wrong in my accusations then the author of this topic would slam me around the face with his results.

If he starts a topic to help you all with indicators and templates and a lot of blah blah.... why not add that small but so important little detail "showing some regular results".......are you the naieve fool or am I the attacking idiot ?


This will summarize every post I've ever seen from iGoR: "That won't work, you're a liar, go away, prove it, I'm very experienced, that won't work."

Absolutely no help to anyone, ever. No trading methods, no advice, no nothing.

The people that respect me are the people that know that I talk straight forward and that time after time again I am correct in what I say.

The people who see me as an attacker are people that want to hold on a dream and try to believe every author of a topic that says he makes money. And this way hope to pick up a grain.

The reason that I attack more then give help is because there are 90% bullshiters and liars and scammers on a forum then people who are working in a true and honest way and can back up their claims by showing results or people who can witness those results.

All those bullshiters leave a forum within a year but had their moment of glory and attention.

Friendly regards....iGoR

PS. Google on fxigor and you will see that I don't miss lack of attention and this way I try to get here in the picture. I want to tell you that this is just a real stupid set up where you want learn anything from. Only loos money over a longer period of time. If I would be really wrong in my accusations then the author of this topic would slam me around the face with his results.

If he starts a topic to help you all with indicators and templates and a lot of blah blah.... why not add that small but so important little detail "showing some regular results".......are you the naieve fool or am I the attacking idiot ?
This will summarize every post I've ever seen from iGoR: "That won't work, you're a liar, go away, prove it, I'm very experienced, that won't work." Absolutely no help to anyone, ever. No trading methods, no advice, no nothing.

Listen dreamliner...maybe you are the funniest guy in your house when they put the garbage cans out side.

I am here for a quite some time and if you would try to make an attempt to read the threads I started they were all to help people in making money through trading. At this moment I help 52 people in making money through trading. On top of this (before you accuse me) can you ever (except this only posting) see postings of me that I attack people but in my attack that I try to refer to my commercial topic. NO never.

If I attack this topic here it is because they use an indicator I MADE as a joke and it is completaly useless.

Some stupid idiot found this indicator on the web and is now trying to make a system out of it with the help of a 2nd indicator ...the stochastic ?!?!..

Even mladen has tryed to give proof with the help of a thread that these kind of indicators are pure junk.

But over and over again there is some pseudo-trading-einstein that comes back with these indicators. Mladen even told me that some people sold my solar wind indicator for money..which is an absolute discrase.

And in this section of the forum every time over and over again the first thing that you read is : I have been trading this system succesfully for quite some and I want to share with you all publicly to even improve a bit more.

And over and over again after 6 months those threads die out completaly.

And over and over again if you ask the author of a topic show me your results then the answer is NO. Why is it NO. Why not in an easy way YES if you show a system and indicators and templates etc...

If you would check out my forex name FXiGoR on google then select a bit you would find some systems that I released here on forex-tsd that are discussed on sites from brazil to arab countries from germany to chinees and japanees coutries etc...

That was to help people and not to attack people by saying NO, CRAP, BULLSHIT...etc....

Do you see me attacking every topic here ?... NO I attack the bullshiters and especially a trading system that contains a joke-indicator that I made and like the juferik or solar wind indicator in combination with a stochastic and where the author claims to make 600% profit in no time.

I have helped here more people by attacking some authors so that they did not loos any money then people who dreamed of making money....

You are one of the people that thinks lets go to a forum they will help to make me money.

I am one of the people who sits for quite some time on forums and who says to the newbies who arrive here : you think that this is some sort of underground community that will help you to make money but be awere because if you listen to the majority of them you are going to loos more money then you ever hoped for!....

And if I sound negative in most of my postings it is because most people want to make others believe that trading is easy like some sort of a playstation or xbox and that with a little training and looking to a couple of indicators you can get good at it. Where in reality it is the most difficult job out there and most syems are pure crap and the moment you think you are good you loos more money then you ever hoped for.

Friendly regards...iGoR


In real life when you commit a crime you are considered to be innocent until proof can be given that you are guilty.

Is it now so DAMN difficult to do the same in trading. One does not make any money untill he can give proof of making money?!..

In real life if I tell you that I made it in life you will judge me by the porsche that stands in front of my beautifull villa. On a forum a closhard or a 23 year nobody who does not have a pot to piss in can claim that he makes 600% profit and nobody asks for any proof !?...

Why ?...Because in all naievity you hope that he has found something and wants to share it with the whole world......but does not want to share his results with the whole world ??....

So who is the idiot ....the nobody who seeks attention or you who seeks money?....



I think we trade too much , i.e. more than 8 transactions a day (1 lot each ) is far too MUCH !!

accurate forecast-ability -- then it is a better system


I think they want to attract the top notch of elite people


eventually, build a profitable system

==== all historical result look good

then when you try it in LIVE trade, it does not work !! (repaint, volatility, can you pay undivided attention for many hour -- while watching TV)

I agree on one thing, only 1 to 2 shots, in 1 day -- will be good

disagree with the claimed result -- I think he want to get more INPUT/ INSIGHT into a better system (for the future) -- but most of these CLAIM may eventually attract few PhD here -- as they just CLAIM that they got it (bait) -- so people might PM them privately and give them advice on better and better indicators