I'm getting a 80-85% winning trades a month! - page 3



Crashdna ea works well...for some reason it only works well for Igor....I wonder if someone will explain that mystery....no joke...I am being serious for this one time....


Over the last years 4-5 years, me and severall other SENIOR PROFITABLE TRADERS have watched and seen NEWBIE traders that claimed to have found the holy grail.

Till 1 year ago we were always stuck in the same discussion: SHOW PROOF OF WHAT YOU CLAIM. But that was not realy possible because the author could hide himself behind the fact that this was not really possible without revealing several details.

But technology has and is always helping US.

So you come with a system like hundreds of people did before you. And all claimed to be very profitable over a longer period of time before they released their system here on forex-tsd.

But now the senior traders know that if you make these claims you can easely upload your results trough several sites so that other people can see your results and where people know you can not cheat on those results.

So I suggest to make your life here on forex-tsd easy and get rid of people like me by being honest and link your results to a site that shows your 600%results (there are at least 4 sites like that).

You can say NO and do your own thing and think that newbies will believe you without showing proof and you will have a lot of newbies and ignorent followers. But I am a pitbull and will bite myself into you and will not let go.

The easiest thing you could do now is to say I don't do anything in a forced way or by demand.

But the majority of people here on this forum all know the easiest way to solve this problem is, when you made the profits that you claim, is to link them to a site where we can all see your results. Automaticly you will have 100% trust of people who read your thread.

I do not claim to have 600% but I have a link in my signature where people can follow my results ( the only way to get full trust on what I say).

If you don't want to post your so called 600% profit then I can only say that you should not be trusted and that I will bite myself like a pitbull into you and your thread )

Friendly regards....iGoR


I toltaly understand your piont 100%

I have been screwed, trusting others results, eather on payed systems or systems I've found for free online. Strangely enough. I lost a lot of money because of putting my trust into others. I couldnt figure out why I was losing, was it because i was trading the system wrong? was it because i had poor money management? Was it because I was changing the rules? well, honestly it was a little of all 3 and more. I hated all the promises in the forex market. Like ooo I could really make a lot of money in this and become a millionare! this was a dream of mine. But aventualy reality came in to play and I was actualy losing my life savings over time.

What I needed to do but didnt know where to start....

I needed to creat my own system. something i knew how to trade, and something I wouldnt break the rules with. took me 2 years to finally get a decent system that has a high win rate.

fluff aside,

The piont you made about prooving my results. I will not show my results from last month on my live account. I'm scared of doing it and do not feel confortable with it since i'm new here. I would not be apposed to running a live demo starting next week for a month. So starting tomorrow afternoon. I'm even a little scared of posting my demo account because I'm going to be being watched by many. makes me nerveous. I hope I dont make bad desisions under pressure but i should be ok.

The holly grail????

Ok, there is no holly grail in the forex, I've heard so many claiming that there system is. You know, I'm not claiming mine is at all. The holly grail to me is having a good plan and sticking to it.

So I recently opened an account with mt4live.com. I'll am scared. Probably because of the intimidation by you but here is the account I should be using for now. It's a 10k account. for some reason my broker wont alow me to open demo accounts of 10k. I'll be trading this account like it's a 1k account. Make since? I'll be using 10% of 1k + compounding once a day.

Wish me luck, hope I have a good month!

PS. I'm glad your ton is better Igor. Makes more since to talk to someone that is rational. I hope I contenue to get the results I've had. Oh, and I'll be most likely using the system I first posted with the repainting.


I cant post my mt4live stats till i have 10 posts.... lame. This is the message I'm getting...

"You are only allowed to post URLs to other sites after you have made 10 posts or more."

What should I do?


i'd be interested in seeing more results.


Now would be a good time to split


If you value the time (and money) you've spent over the last 3 years, I recommend that you quietly remove yourself from this thread and continue trading your system.

Trendme said it best with "I think the reason why your system is working now, is not your strategy, but your level of patience and method of execution." - He is 100% right. The strategy itself is based on MAs (repainting or not), so theres really nothing new here... nor will there ever be anything new. My point is that YOU have reached a new level of self awarness as pertaining to the market, and self-mastery. Take your new found gift, and go earn some of your money back.

I like helping people too, but people don't want the help... they only want answers. Unfortunatly, the answers they want are not the ones that are going to benefit them. So please don't ruin this for yourself by exposing your mind to all of these miserable ditch diggers. If you read their words long enough, they will eat at your spirit like a cancer, and you'll mysteriously go back to losing money. Run like hell, while you still can.

In the meantime, congratulations and welcome to the club.


If you value the time (and money) you've spent over the last 3 years, I recommend that you quietly remove yourself from this thread and continue trading your system.

Trendme said it best with "I think the reason why your system is working now, is not your strategy, but your level of patience and method of execution." - He is 100% right. The strategy itself is based on MAs (repainting or not), so theres really nothing new here... nor will there ever be anything new. My point is that YOU have reached a new level of self awarness as pertaining to the market, and self-mastery. Take your new found gift, and go earn some of your money back.

I like helping people too, but people don't want the help... they only want answers. Unfortunatly, the answers they want are not the ones that are going to benefit them. So please don't ruin this for yourself by exposing your mind to all of these miserable ditch diggers. If you read their words long enough, they will eat at your spirit like a cancer, and you'll mysteriously go back to losing money. Run like hell, while you still can.

In the meantime, congratulations and welcome to the club.

This is good advise! I'm not sure what people are looking for and that's why I made a post. I've noticed with my other forex friends that there really admit about there own forex system and they really don't want to here forex advise. It's strange to me. "I like helping people too, but people don't want the help... they only want answers." Yeah, This is what I've noticed as well, I must be a different in this then most. I want all the advise I can get. I think it allows me to be a a better trader and understand the forex market better but I guess this isn't the case for everybody like i thought.

Anyway, One thing i don't understand as well...

Why is it that everybody is looking for something new to trade all the time? why not trade with proven indicators, or even fuse the 2 together? I see so many people coding and creating entirely new systems everyday. This takes 100s of hours of time with not much benefit, at least in my opinion. this is what I realized for myself and I started going back to using indicators I used years ago, you know, ones that are included with your mt4 platform. I was sick of trying to make a system work with only finicky custom indicators that really only work some of the time.

The biggest problem was I was bouncing around using every single new system I could find. This wasn't a bad thing for my forex knowledge but it was a bad thing for my forex trading. I wasn't sitting enough with each system to actually learn exactly how it worked therefor moving on to the next thinking that the current system just wasn't profitable.I know there are many systems I've had in the past that were profitable but I just didn't trade them the way they were ment to be traded.

Anyway, I recommend to you guys not to bounce around so much looking for the next best thing when it could be already right in your face.

geneometrik, I've taken your advise but not sure what to do with it yet. I'm not sure if there are people out there that would use this strategy and would like to see some results or if there are people just looking for there ego's to be larger by bashing other peoples ideas and methods because they think there's is the best. this is a decision I'll make soon.


Hi lilredry,

Thanks for your posts....I enjoyed reading them.

All the best



paint or repaint

Hi Lilredry

First time I posted on this site and it disturbs me how people abuse the author when they are only try to assist people

Time will tell whether your system works but I am quite happy to trade your system on demo account for the next week and see if is profitable or not..

I have my own trading system which generates 10 15 pips a day between

9.00 pm and midnight gmt but I refuse to publish it on this forum with the amount of abuse I would be exposed to

keep up the good work



You might have been here a long time and some people might respect you, but in the short time I have been here I have seen nothing of value from you, only negativity and attacking other people in their threads. I've not seen any of the other 'senior traders' here do this. Are just seeking attention because nobody visits your thread?

And why should Lilredy post any results, he is not selling anything and so why is it a matter of 'trust'. He has posted his system whether it works or not is irrelevant, I think all of us newbies have the intelligence to decide whether we want to use this system or not, no need for you gurus to point out the dangers.

And you are the pit bull...

Friendly regards...or as tic tac would say jajaja


I do not claim to have 600% but I have a link in my signature where people can follow my results ( the only way to get full trust on what I say).

If you don't want to post your so called 600% profit then I can only say that you should not be trusted and that I will bite myself like a pitbull into you and your thread )

Friendly regards....iGoR

hey u guys, no one is having a go at lilready. dont u guys know that there are the biggest fraudsters out there who claim all sorts of things? u wanna get scammed?. if you want to follow them, then get off this thread. go and blow ur accounts. igor is right. u may not like him or hes talk. but is speaking the truth. all he is asking is that when u make a claim, back it up with proof or go away! u get that? its simple. no nonsense. keep up the good work igor!!!