FX Pimp´s 5m Farmyard Scalping Strategy - page 6


hi FX Pimp

thank you for sharing your strategy

I have send a email to you,but i haven't receive the template ,my email : bhcgn@163.com

hope you send template & indicators

thanks!(sorry for my bad English)


templates etc

seems like this thread has died recently.. did everyone go off and sign up for the service? i just want the templates at this point


Questions on 5m farmyard

First off, does anyone here use this method, and secondly does the farmyard template still come with the paid subscription to fx 500 club?

And what happened with it, I found the video on YouTube a while back and haven't found much else about it.

Thanks for any replies...



What ever Happened To The Pimp????



Can you send me indicators and templates?

What ever Happened To The Pimp????

Mr. Pimp "made to much money on this strategy."

He is on vacation in Soud America someweare, let him enjoing.

He is working on new strategy...

This is joke.