View More on MT4 Chart


This is hard to describe - but anyways, I have an indicator that either paints above or below a bar (maybe a few centimeters) and works great when the quotes are in the middle of my MT4 chart, however when the quote reaches a new low, or simply drops below the previously lowest point on the chart I can no longer see those indicators as they're below the chart. How can I get them to show up on my MT4 chart/ How can I view a lower portion of the chart? I've tried zooming out, zooming in, turning chart shift on, turning autoscroll on and off, turning full screen on and off, Any ideas?


On the right hand side where the prices are you can click in that area and drag up or down to resize the chart. That should do the trick.


Change Chart Scale

This is hard to describe - but anyways, I have an indicator that either paints above or below a bar (maybe a few centimeters) and works great when the quotes are in the middle of my MT4 chart, however when the quote reaches a new low, or simply drops below the previously lowest point on the chart I can no longer see those indicators as they're below the chart. How can I get them to show up on my MT4 chart/ How can I view a lower portion of the chart? I've tried zooming out, zooming in, turning chart shift on, turning autoscroll on and off, turning full screen on and off, Any ideas?

Hi MiamiFx,

This may be what you are looking for - On the right side of the chart the price column can be scaled up and down. Just place your mouse on the price column, hold, and move it up and down to see above and below the price line in the chart.

Hope this helps,



Perfect! That did the trick, thanks to you both


Also, if you right click on the chart and select properties you can put scale values into the dialog that prevent MT from rescaling every time you move the chart or new ticks come in. Could be handy at times.

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