Requests & Ideas - page 701


From the original code the changes were:

ORIGINAL lines 52 - 55

#property indicator_color1  clrLightSalmon

#property indicator_color2  clrPaleTurquoise

#property indicator_color3  clrDeepSkyBlue

#property indicator_color4  clrOrangeRed

#property indicator_color5  clrBlue

#property indicator_color6  clrRed

NEW lines 52 - 55

#property indicator_color1  clrNONE

#property indicator_color2  clrNONE

#property indicator_color3  clrNONE

#property indicator_color4  clrNONE

#property indicator_color5  clrBlue

#property indicator_color6  clrRed

 ORIGINAL lines 123 - 126

   SetIndexBuffer( 0,  uptrend); SetIndexStyle(0,DRAW_HISTOGRAM);

   SetIndexBuffer( 1,  dntrend); SetIndexStyle(1,DRAW_HISTOGRAM);

   SetIndexBuffer( 2,     fast); SetIndexStyle(2,     DRAW_LINE);

   SetIndexBuffer( 3,     slow); SetIndexStyle(3,     DRAW_LINE);

NEW lines 123 - 126

   SetIndexBuffer( 0,  uptrend); SetIndexStyle(0,DRAW_HISTOGRAM,clrNONE);

   SetIndexBuffer( 1,  dntrend); SetIndexStyle(1,DRAW_HISTOGRAM,clrNONE);

   SetIndexBuffer( 2,     fast); SetIndexStyle(2,     DRAW_LINE,clrNONE);

   SetIndexBuffer( 3,     slow); SetIndexStyle(3,     DRAW_LINE,clrNONE);


5th parameter of SetIndexStyle() call is color (not the 3rd)

Try like this (for all the buffers you wish to make invisible):

Will check it and get back with the results

Dearest MLADEN

  I know the sensitivity of the situation but i wish to create my last template as for my self and for other fellow TSD members,in my opinion kwan is the best filter among others ...... so requesting you again and again,hope you can manage time for adding Averages and fl to (step kwan as you don't have the code of MRTOOLS ( step kwan averages fls) and then latest averages and prices at requested places.

these are reference to previous posts for explanation purposes.







Dearest MLADEN

  I know the sensitivity of the situation but i wish to create my last template as for my self and for other fellow TSD members,in my opinion kwan is the best filter among others ...... so requesting you again and again,hope you can manage time for adding Averages and fl to (step kwan as you don't have the code of MRTOOLS ( step kwan averages fls) and then latest averages and prices at requested places.

ATTENTION: Video should be reuploaded
these are reference to previous posts for explanation purposes.






OK, Will do my best to have this finished
OK, Will do my best to have this finished

Dearest MLADEN

So kind of you.



Dear mladen or mrtools,

When you get a chance, could you look into my request in post #7000 please? 





5th parameter of SetIndexStyle() call is color (not the 3rd)

Try like this (for all the buffers you wish to make invisible):


Thank you, it is working as I intended it now.

Appreciate your patience with a half blind non coder.


  if ((iCustom(NULL, 0, "Trend",1,1) > .0000000001 && iCustom(NULL, 0, "Trend", 1,1) < 99999999)&& cur_bars!=Bars)
          Alert(Symbol() + "BEARISH TREND");
          SendNotification(Symbol() + "BEARISH TREND");
          SendMail(Symbol() +"BEARISH","MARKET"+Symbol()+"BEARISH TREND" );
      }//cur_bars=current bar
hello mladen and mtiwanna please help me removing a small error in this code....i would like the alerts to stop happening at the close of each candle ....instead the alert should happen only when trend changes since its based on a histogram  on the picture below...which code should i implement thank you....
trendchange.png  47 kb
  if ((iCustom(NULL, 0, "Trend",1,1) > .0000000001 && iCustom(NULL, 0, "Trend", 1,1) < 99999999)&& cur_bars!=Bars)
          Alert(Symbol() + "BEARISH TREND");
          SendNotification(Symbol() + "BEARISH TREND");
          SendMail(Symbol() +"BEARISH","MARKET"+Symbol()+"BEARISH TREND" );
      }//cur_bars=current bar
hello mladen and mtiwanna please help me removing a small error in this code....i would like the alerts to stop happening at the close of each candle ....instead the alert should happen only when trend changes since its based on a histogram  on the picture below...which code should i implement thank you....
Unfortunately i am zero in coding matters,just a learner same like you,sorry.

Hi Mladen,

Would it be possible before the Terminator comes around to apply other averages to the Adaptive Rsx 3.2 Oma than Oma ?

It would be great for the Three Musketeers and the rest of the community ....


OK, Will do my best to have this finished
Would be amazing to see how it looks like after its finished  , cant wait .
But take your time Mladen ! :)