Requests & Ideas - page 426

Hi, could you please add the latest new averages into this gann averages. For some reason it is very sensible to different averages, on purpose off course. Thank you, Kiko

Kiko updated it with the latest new averages.

Oh, it will. Don't worry

Any news with the indicator ?

Any news with the indicator ?


Working on it

Right now some things flooded me (not coding related) so that I am a bit less able to code at the usual paste, but those things are going to be solved very soon, and I hope that then I will be able to return to usual coding habits

Hello Emmany4, wasn't able to get it to work, but made this version that doesn't need the include file to work and should be close to the same as the original version.

Hi Mrtools

would you add MTF and onfirstbar option, if it is possible



Working on it

Right now some things flooded me (not coding related) so that I am a bit less able to code at the usual paste, but those things are going to be solved very soon, and I hope that then I will be able to return to usual coding habits

No worries Mladen, Take as much time as you want , and always think whats better for yourself before you do something

Hi Mrtools

would you add MTF and onfirstbar option, if it is possible


Hi Talaat E, added the mtf and the onfirst bar option.

Hi Talaat E, added the mtf and the onfirst bar option.

Dear Mrtools: Thank you

I would like something like this , to be able to change rsi ma methods like in the picture i attached .

So hopfully the result gets better

Timmyhanke, something like this?

Timmyhanke, something like this?

Thank you sooo much ! it was exactly was i wanted !


I just tried this one yesterday and there has to be somthing wrong with the alerts. And yes i assume that it repaints, or changes over time to fit the market .

But when i use the alert on high and low i assume that it alerts on breakouts , but when i looked at it it alerted in the opposite way, so when it alerted that it had penetraded the upperband is was really the lower and vice versa.

So i desided hey lets see how much i can loose and hopfully it will result in profits instead the other day when i know how it alerts. so i got a minus - 35 00 and only 1 profit on 100 €

So i tried it out today to see if i would se the same type of result if i took the opposite of what the alert told me .

I dont even think it knows wich line it penetrates , sometimes the breakouts is perfekt but it alerted the other way and so on.

Can you see anything in the indicator that is wrong exept that it repaints ?
