Requests & Ideas - page 411


Hi Mladen, Just trying to find out how or if any progress has been made on the Adjustable hourly open?

By your last reply it sounds like you had hit a few problems.

I wondering if you could just post what you have and maybe I can figure out a way to fix it?



I think that in a day or two I will come up with a solution that will be simple enough to be efficient and usable in the same time

Tallat E

Compositing - no

Making a kind of average direction and force index - yes. Not all indicators can be made composite and that calculation is specific to what is made in the "composite rsi" (you can check the code and you shall see what is the "secret" of how it is calculated - but it is not an average, and it can not be applied to other indicators)

So, if average directional and force index is OK, it can be made

YES, Mladen:

I think I knew, now, why composting can not be made for Trend direction & force index indicator. In fact, I knew your genius algorithm calculation of composite RSI, the funny thing, please don't laugh, is I never check how Trend direction & force index indicator are made,

sorry for disturbing you

YES, Mladen:

I think I knew, now, why composting can not be made for Trend direction & force index indicator. In fact, I knew your genius algorithm calculation of composite RSI, the funny thing, please don't laugh, is I never check how Trend direction & force index indicator are made,

sorry for disturbing you


I don't think that the algorithm is genial - but it is simple, efficient and I am surprised that nobody came with similar idea to that "composite rsi"


Even though it is a completely different story and a completely different case, check what was John Ehlers doing with Hilbert transform (more or less overcomplicated, difficult to use in trading and most traders do not understand what is it about at the least) and he never saw that it can be used in a way phase accumulation is using it - but all was there : all the elements for breaking the assumption that sum of phases must be 1 cycle and that it is, because of that, perfect for adapting, were there, but he never done such a thing (or anybody else, come to think).

So sometimes it is just a matter of "out of the box" thinking. Geniuses are rare, I am not one of them.


Anyway, talking too much now - typical spammer in this Saturday hell hot afternoon

A nice weekend to all and as much "out of the box" thinking as it is possible


I don't think that the algorithm is genial - but it is simple, efficient and I am surprised that nobody came with similar idea to that "composite rsi"


Even though it is a completely different story and a completely different case, check what was John Ehlers doing with Hilbert transform (more or less overcomplicated, difficult to use in trading and most traders do not understand what is it about at the least) and he never saw that it can be used in a way phase accumulation is using it - but all was there : all the elements for breaking the assumption that sum of phases must be 1 cycle and that it is, because of that, perfect for adapting, were there, but he never done such a thing (or anybody else, come to think).

So sometimes it is just a matter of "out of the box" thinking. Geniuses are rare, I am not one of them.


Anyway, talking too much now - typical spammer in this Saturday hell hot afternoon

A nice weekend to all and as much "out of the box" thinking as it is possible

Ok! Mladen

From my point of view, I define the ingenious as person who can use simple and efficient idea or method to be applied to satisfying the purpose of this idea. On the other hand, thinking out side box is simply one of the intelligent tools used by genius person.Any way, this is another terminology could be due to my academic background. About John Ehlers, yes ofcouse he is one of those persons plus he very brilliant in the computational methods.

Best wishes with hot weekend that I believe it is much colder than in the place I am living now.

ish I think that in a day or two I will come up with a solution that will be simple enough to be efficient and usable in the same time

Okay Mladen, Please don't forget about me.



Okay Mladen, Please don't forget about me.




One question :

The main problem I have is that metatrader considers Sunday as a start of the week. That is OK as long as you do not try to use that "start of the week" to locate the start of the week in time frames different than weekly chart.

Should we agree that the start of the week is at Monday 0:00? Then all the problems will be solved and a simple function will make the indicator you need possible


Hi Mladen,

Yes agreed on the starting point.



Hi, is it possible to make slope speed indi for all 4 digital filters onchart (rstl,rftl,satl,fatl) chooseable from drop down selection same way as fatl smoother slope speed? If not, then separately rstl and satl. thanks.


Hi, is it possible to make slope speed indi for all 4 digital filters onchart (rstl,rftl,satl,fatl) chooseable from drop down selection same way as fatl smoother slope speed? If not, then separately rstl and satl. thanks. Kiko


Yes it can. here you go (changed the name since it is not just fatl now) : digital_filters_smoother_slope_speed_3.mq4


One question :

The main problem I have is that metatrader considers Sunday as a start of the week. That is OK as long as you do not try to use that "start of the week" to locate the start of the week in time frames different than weekly chart.

Should we agree that the start of the week is at Monday 0:00? Then all the problems will be solved and a simple function will make the indicator you need possible

Hi Mladen, was wondering if the simple function to make the Adjustable Hourly Open work, was a success?

Sounds like you may be getting close to having a working Adjustable Hourly Open soon.
