Requests & Ideas - page 404


Upgraded (new options, shorter code) non repainting super trend : mtf_supertrend_nrp_new_correct_2.mq4



Can you please update the averages summed histo unlimited 2.2 indicator (which has inheritstate parameter as well) with the most recent price choices and the correct zero lag ma of your most recent attached averages mtf alerts 2 indicator?

Mladen, Can you please update the averages summed histo unlimited 2.2 indicator (which has inheritstate parameter as well) with the most recent price choices and the correct zero lag ma of your most recent attached averages mtf alerts 2 indicator?


Here you go : averages_summed_histo_-_unlimited_2.3.mq4



Thank you for the update. Can we have the averages rsi summed histo unlimited with the most recent price choices (19 price types) and the correct zero lag ma as well please?

Mladen, Thank you for the update. Can we have the averages rsi summed histo unlimited with the most recent price choices (19 price types) and the correct zero lag ma as well please?


This should be it. Try it out : averages_rsi_summed_histo_-_unlimited_1.03.mq4



Is it possible to add "AllAverages" to the adaptive slope difference indicator?





Is it possible to add "AllAverages" to the adaptive slope difference indicator?





Not sure

The problem is following : when an adaptive length is used for each slope a new instance of average must be made and calculated (because the calculating length has changed). Some averages can be calculated like that some can not (all the bars woud have to be calculated on all the ticks)

All that leads to infinite number of possible averages instances and that is something that would for sure stop the PC from rnning

Will check some more, but the odds that it is possible in some efficient way are very, very slim


Is it possible to add "AllAverages" to the adaptive slope difference indicator?




Here is an example : the difference comes from a fact that it is a slope of linear regression of length(n1) to linear regression of length (n2). Nor linera regression can be "fixed" but some (line all ema offspring, smoothers, and so on, would have to be calculated for all the bars on each tick because they always inherit the value of the previous bar so that nth bars has some part of first bar too

lr_slope.gif  67 kb


I was looking at a wrong direction. Linear regression slope is a slope of this :

Not of this

They are inclompatible. We can not calculate the slope of the average the same way as the slope of linear regression (not linear regression value/average or any other average) is calculated

lr_1.gif  61 kb
lr_2.gif  64 kb

Dear Mladen

Dear Mrtools

My Regards

Referring to upgraded MACD line 3 - mtf.mq4, I would appreciate if you may add some modifications as follows:

- arrowonfirest option for arrows which are appearing in on the main windows,

- add the 24 price options to use to the indicator setting, and

- add the 20 MA methods you use lately for the indicators

Thanks in advance

Talaat E