Requests & Ideas - page 364


Mladen, sorry if i make you repeating the same thing, is it possible combining advanced forecater and envelopes separate?

Best Regards

Mladen, sorry if i make you repeating the same thing, is it possible combining advanced forecater and envelopes separate? Best Regards


Which advanced forecaster?



advanced forecater 2.04 mtf (one of your artworks). If not, i want to see something to combine with envelopes separate... It gives very good signals.

Best Regards


advanced forecater 2.04 mtf (one of your artworks). If not, i want to see something to combine with envelopes separate... It gives very good signals.

Best Regards

OK, will check it


OK, will check it

Mrtools or Mladen I found this New indicator review for visual chart. I didnt find anything similar coded in mt4.

Both ( 2 Periods of Macd Momentum and Histo Versions ) are very interesting.

Visual Chart: El indicador MACD Momentum Ratio

Here you have the code:

Dim MomPeriod As Integer '5

Dim MACD1_N1 As Integer '2

Dim MACD1_N2 As Double '1.5

Dim MACD2_N1 As Integer '6

Dim MACD2_N2 As Double '1.25

Dim N As Integer '100

'Parameters !!

Dim momdata As DataIdentifier

Dim macd1data As DataIdentifier

Dim macd2data As DataIdentifier

Dim dif() As Double

Dim dif2() As Double

Dim lastbar As Long

Option Explicit

Public APP As OscUserApp

Implements Indicator

Public Sub Indicator_OnInitCalculate()

With APP

momdata = .GII(Momentum, Data, MomPeriod, PriceClose, 100)

macd1data = .GII(MACD, momdata, MACD1_N1 * MomPeriod, (MACD1_N1 * MomPeriod) * MACD1_N2, 1, PriceClose, 0)

macd2data = .GII(MACD, momdata, MACD2_N1 * MomPeriod, (MACD2_N1 * MomPeriod) * MACD2_N2, 1, PriceClose, 0)

ReDim dif(N - 1)

lastbar = -1

.SetLineName 1, "macdmom_r"

End With

End Sub

Public Sub Indicator_OnCalculateBar(ByVal Bar As Long)

With APP

Dim curmacd2 As Double

Dim curmacd1 As Double

curmacd2 = .GIV(macd2data)

curmacd1 = .GIV(macd1data)

If (curmacd2 NullValue) Then

If lastbar Bar Then

dif2 = dif


dif = dif2

End If

Dim i As Integer

For i = N - 1 To 1 Step -1

dif(i) = dif(i - 1)

Next i

Dim ippos As IndicatorPosition

Dim signal As Integer

If (curmacd1 > curmacd2) Then

ippos = ipBull

signal = 1


ippos = ipBear

signal = -1

End If

dif(0) = Math.Abs((curmacd1 - curmacd2))

Dim ratio As Double

Dim maxdif As Double

maxdif = GetMaxDif()

If maxdif 0 Then

ratio = dif(0) / maxdif

.SetIndicatorValue signal * ratio, Position:=ippos

.SetBarRepresentation 0, 1, irVolume

End If

End If

lastbar = Bar

End With

End Sub

Public Sub Indicator_OnSetParameters(ParamArray ParamList() As Variant)

'¡¡ Parameters initialization

'Parameters initialization !!

End Sub

Public Sub Indicator_OnCalculateRange(ByVal StartBar As Long, ByVal FinalBar As Long)

Dim i As Long

i = APP.StartBar

If StartBar > i Then

i = StartBar

End If

While Not APP.ShouldTerminate And i <= FinalBar

APP.CurrentBar = i

Indicator_OnCalculateBar i

i = i + 1


End Sub

Private Sub OscUserAppInstance_OnConnection(ByVal Application As OscUserApp, ByVal MTDllInst As Object, Custom() As Variant)

Set APP = Application

End Sub

Private Function GetMaxDif() As Double

Dim max As Double

Dim i As Integer

max = dif(0)

For i = 1 To N - 1

If dif(i) > max Then

max = dif(i)

End If

Next i

GetMaxDif = max

End Function

Can you translate it to mt4 To test it?

Mrtools or Mladen I found this New indicator review for visual chart. I didnt find anything similar coded in mt4.

Both ( 2 Periods of Macd Momentum and Histo Versions ) are very interesting.

Visual Chart: El indicador MACD Momentum Ratio

Here you have the code:

Dim MomPeriod As Integer '5

Dim MACD1_N1 As Integer '2

Dim MACD1_N2 As Double '1.5

Dim MACD2_N1 As Integer '6

Dim MACD2_N2 As Double '1.25

Dim N As Integer '100

'Parameters !!

Dim momdata As DataIdentifier

Dim macd1data As DataIdentifier

Dim macd2data As DataIdentifier

Dim dif() As Double

Dim dif2() As Double

Dim lastbar As Long

Option Explicit

Public APP As OscUserApp

Implements Indicator

Public Sub Indicator_OnInitCalculate()

With APP

momdata = .GII(Momentum, Data, MomPeriod, PriceClose, 100)

macd1data = .GII(MACD, momdata, MACD1_N1 * MomPeriod, (MACD1_N1 * MomPeriod) * MACD1_N2, 1, PriceClose, 0)

macd2data = .GII(MACD, momdata, MACD2_N1 * MomPeriod, (MACD2_N1 * MomPeriod) * MACD2_N2, 1, PriceClose, 0)

ReDim dif(N - 1)

lastbar = -1

.SetLineName 1, "macdmom_r"

End With

End Sub

Public Sub Indicator_OnCalculateBar(ByVal Bar As Long)

With APP

Dim curmacd2 As Double

Dim curmacd1 As Double

curmacd2 = .GIV(macd2data)

curmacd1 = .GIV(macd1data)

If (curmacd2 NullValue) Then

If lastbar Bar Then

dif2 = dif


dif = dif2

End If

Dim i As Integer

For i = N - 1 To 1 Step -1

dif(i) = dif(i - 1)

Next i

Dim ippos As IndicatorPosition

Dim signal As Integer

If (curmacd1 > curmacd2) Then

ippos = ipBull

signal = 1


ippos = ipBear

signal = -1

End If

dif(0) = Math.Abs((curmacd1 - curmacd2))

Dim ratio As Double

Dim maxdif As Double

maxdif = GetMaxDif()

If maxdif 0 Then

ratio = dif(0) / maxdif

.SetIndicatorValue signal * ratio, Position:=ippos

.SetBarRepresentation 0, 1, irVolume

End If

End If

lastbar = Bar

End With

End Sub

Public Sub Indicator_OnSetParameters(ParamArray ParamList() As Variant)

'¡¡ Parameters initialization

'Parameters initialization !!

End Sub

Public Sub Indicator_OnCalculateRange(ByVal StartBar As Long, ByVal FinalBar As Long)

Dim i As Long

i = APP.StartBar

If StartBar > i Then

i = StartBar

End If

While Not APP.ShouldTerminate And i <= FinalBar

APP.CurrentBar = i

Indicator_OnCalculateBar i

i = i + 1


End Sub

Private Sub OscUserAppInstance_OnConnection(ByVal Application As OscUserApp, ByVal MTDllInst As Object, Custom() As Variant)

Set APP = Application

End Sub

Private Function GetMaxDif() As Double

Dim max As Double

Dim i As Integer

max = dif(0)

For i = 1 To N - 1

If dif(i) > max Then

max = dif(i)

End If

Next i

GetMaxDif = max

End Function
Can you translate it to mt4 To test it?


Will have to see if visual charts code functions are doing what I am expecting them to do (frankly, I have never used viasul charts, so it could take some time)


Uhm, All the info I've got is in Spanish, tell me if i can help with something

Uhm, All the info I've got is in Spanish, tell me if i can help with something

Don't worry (I speak Spanish:))


Mladen, i am usually watching charts and i observed that. We assume that markets are managed by MMs(money manipulators). When they click mouse(or whatever) for buying or selling , i am feeling SPEED OF BAR MOVEMENT on M1... Usually, who is moving bar more DEEPER on M1, market goes there. Because this shows decisiveness of MMs. (I hope you understand me, i am not talking about volume, bears bullish etc...). Is there any indicator or can you do that will show who is moving bar more deeper? I do not deal with who won bar, i deal with who is more deeper ...

P.S : I know that maybe you are laughing for my stupid request but it is fact.

Best Regards