Requests & Ideas - page 289

"stupid new metaeditor!!!"


It is clearly written out when you drag the mouse over the compile icon that it "Compiles the currently open file, F7". What it does not say is that the unlucky F7 (or "compilation of the currently opened file") is, if you have any other opened files in other metaeditor windows, writting all all those files to the disk and that, in cases when you have opened multiple files in editor you have no idea what will be written to the actuall file. See the example : it keeps both as "current" version :

Or the "pearl" : try typing "bars" and you will get no autocomplete at all. You have to know the exact casing of a reserved word, function, procedure, variable, or you will get nothing. Zip. So much about the editor helping you with autocomplete. Better to turn it of than to always think "how the hell they named that ... exactly"

And these are just two cases. Things like these are all over the metaeditor and are making it one of the lowest end coding editors I have seen. Didn't they learn from visual studio (they are proudly telling that it was their row model). Metaeditor is nothing, but nothing like the visual studio code editor. And it will never be

efitor.gif  65 kb

It is clearly written out when you drag the mouse over the compile icon that it "Compiles the currently open file, F7". What it does not say is that the unlucky F7 (or "compilation of the currently opened file") is, if you have any other opened files in other metaeditor windows, writting all all those files to the disk and that, in cases when you have opened multiple files in editor you have no idea what will be written to the actuall file. See the example : it keeps both as "current" version :

Or the "pearl" : try typing "bars" and you will get no autocomplete at all. You have to know the exact casing of a reserved word, function, procedure, variable, or you will get nothing. Zip. So much about the editor helping you with autocomplete. Better to turn it of than to always think "how the hell they named that ... exactly"

And these are just two cases. Things like these are all over the metaeditor and are making it one of the lowest end coding editors I have seen. Didn't they learn from visual studio (they are proudly telling that it was their row model). Metaeditor is nothing, but nothing like the visual studio code editor. And it will never be

I agree. What is driving me crazy is that when I compile a file in metaeditor that it resets the settings of e.g. SSA indicators which I have attached to an opened chart even though I do not have the SSA indicators opened in metaeditor.

Each and every time after compiling a file I have to restore my templates in order to get back my settings.


Awesome, thanks mrtools


Ok then, this way is even better

Can we have a newer version of the volty channel stop on jurik summed histo indicator unlimited version (stand alone), which pretends to be two indicators (the very same way averages rsi summed histo unlimited indicator does) as well please? Thank you.

mandagozu81 No need for two separate indicators. It can "pretend" to be two indicators (which is exactly what this version is doing). Still one file indicator but it has unlimited number of levels now
Ok then, this way is even better Can we have a newer version of the volty channel stop on jurik summed histo indicator unlimited version (stand alone), which pretends to be two indicators (the very same way averages rsi summed histo unlimited indicator does) as well please? Thank you.


Just to let you know : I am working on it

As soon as it it finished it will be posted here

Ok then, this way is even better Can we have a newer version of the volty channel stop on jurik summed histo indicator unlimited version (stand alone), which pretends to be two indicators (the very same way averages rsi summed histo unlimited indicator does) as well please? Thank you.


This is a single file version (the one that "pretends" to be two indicators) of Volty channel stop on jurik summed histo. No other indicator needed for this one to work correctly



Hi Mladen, can you kindly create a mtf histogram tape version of the above OMA Ribbon for me, where anything above the ribbon is blue, below the ribbon is red, and within the ribbon is dim gray. Thank you very much Mladen.

One other thing, is it possible to have a mtf zero line histogram of the above?