Requests & Ideas - page 220

Mladen, can you kindly check on the indicator. Somehow nothing changes when I use CFB, please check, thank you.


ShortLimit and LongLimit are set to equal values for some reason in the default settings. It means that it does not have any room at all to adapt (it will always use same length since those lengths are the same) Set Long limit different from, the short limit and then it will adapt (tested it now and it does the job as it should)

rayphua ShortLimit and LongLimit are set to equal values for some reason in the default settings. It means that it does not have any room at all to adapt (it will always use same length since those lengths are the same) Set Long limit different from, the short limit and then it will adapt (tested it now and it does the job as it should)

Mladen, thanks for checking. Will set different numbers to long and short limits as you suggested. I'm curious, if different numbers in long/short limits is all that is required to show cfb changes, why not just place that within the coding? Or perhaps I am not understanding those parameters as I should. I see alot of CFB parameters in the indicator, and I am clueless as to what they are supposed to do. Can you advice? Thanks Mladen.

One other question, have you coded OMA in replacement of CFB using similar structure of this indicator, with rsi, wilders, rsx, cuttler, etc.? Would there be any advantage to this?

Mladen, thanks for checking. Will set different numbers to long and short limits as you suggested. I'm curious, if different numbers in long/short limits is all that is required to show cfb changes, why not just place that within the coding? Or perhaps I am not understanding those parameters as I should. I see alot of CFB parameters in the indicator, and I am clueless as to what they are supposed to do. Can you advice? Thanks Mladen. One other question, have you coded OMA in replacement of CFB using similar structure of this indicator, with rsi, wilders, rsx, cuttler, etc.? Would there be any advantage to this?


I do not know who and when changed the default parameters along the process of changes it went through (a lot of times people post their already changed versions and ask us to do some additional work - we (mrtools and me) can not check all the parameters too in such cases - the assumption is that the user knows why he/she set the parameters). That is one of the reasons why I asked multiple times that the indicators posted and asked to be changed should be the originals not the changed versions

As of OMA and CFB : they are completely differnt types of indicators. OMA is a smoother while CFB should detect if there is a trend or there is none. They can not replace each other


PS: you have to change the CfbDepth abd CfbSmooth and CfbNormLength from 0 to to activate cfb at all, I used 5,8,15 in my tests and used 10 and 30 for short and long limit


I do not know who and when changed the default parameters along the process of changes it went through (a lot of times people post their already changed versions and ask us to do some additional work - we (mrtools and me) can not check all the parameters too in such cases - the assumption is that the user knows why he/she set the parameters). That is one of the reasons why I asked multiple times that the indicators posted and asked to be changed should be the originals not the changed versions

As of OMA and CFB : they are completely differnt types of indicators. OMA is a smoother while CFB should detect if there is a trend or there is none. They can not replace each other


PS: you have to change the CfbDepth abd CfbSmooth and CfbNormLength from 0 to to activate cfb at all, I used 5,8,15 in my tests and used 10 and 30 for short and long limit

Mladen, thanks for your explanation. I will try experimenting with it and let you know if I am still confused. Thank you.

Next, can you or Mr. Tools come up with a candle (not bar) version of the same indicator. Thanks again.


Mladen, thanks for your explanation. I will try experimenting with it and let you know if I am still confused. Thank you.

Next, can you or Mr. Tools come up with a candle (not bar) version of the same indicator. Thanks again.



What would a candle version look like?

rayphua What would a candle version look like?

Sorry that I did not explain myself clearly. Please see the following of another indicator that colors the candles. I would like to have the earlier attached indicator coloring the candles similar to the following indicator. Thanks Mladen.


First this one

The adapting in the one posted before was all wrong (it was not adapting at each an every bar. Also, default parameters were all messed up. Used some default parameters that seemed logical and adapting is done as it should have been done (so, when you compare the two do not be surprised that they do not look alike at all when it comes to values). Try it out and try varying some parameters (keep in mind : in long and short period are the same there will be no adapting. CfbLevel now can not be 0 (code prevents that) CfbNormalization period must be > 1 or else again there will be no adapting)

PS: the example from bellow is 1 hour on a 15 minute chart. Dynamic zones set to 20% both. If you wish to have it as before (a simulated dynamic zero line cross) set them both to 0.5. Look back period can not be fractional (it is a number of bars that the dynamic zones are using to calculate the probability and the number of bar can not be fractional). Original smoothing factor (SF) for original QQE is 5 and by definition QQE WP factor is 4.236 (it is set as a default value now)

Thanks Mladen for looking into this, in the meantime I have attached 2 other indicators based on the earlier wrongly coded version for you to correct. Thanks again in advance.

1. qqecfbadaptivedynamiczoneslinesalertsmtf.mq4

2. qqecfbadaptivedynamiczonestapealertsmtf.mq4

I also look forward to the candle version based on this new version, thank you!


I have a "single line" indicator that calls on 6 other normalized indicators and averages them together. It basically shows me when all the indicators agree. I would like to see 3 timeframes of my averaging indicator in the same window.

Instead of asking for someone to download all 7 indicators and make me a 3-TF version, I was wondering if someone could point me to a simple 3-TF indicator that calls on another external single line indicator ( like iRSI or iCCI ). Then I could replace the original indicator call with my iCustom call.

I realize that this is not the most efficient way of doing things but it seems like the easiest to me. I know that there are many MTF indicators out there that call on other indicators instead of incorporating them into one stand-alone indicator but I can't seem to find a simple one that displays 3 timeframes. By simple, I mean that I don't need any fancy color changing or anything.

All the Best,

Thanks Mladen for looking into this, in the meantime I have attached 2 other indicators based on the earlier wrongly coded version for you to correct. Thanks again in advance.

1. qqecfbadaptivedynamiczoneslinesalertsmtf.mq4

2. qqecfbadaptivedynamiczonestapealertsmtf.mq4

I also look forward to the candle version based on this new version, thank you!

The tape version too (also using RSX as default RSI type)

Here is this one first PS: also changed the default type of the rsi to 2 (RSX). Did it because I think it is more usefull to use RSX in this indicator (due to its already natural smoothnes that resists suden period changes when calculation period is adapted)

Mladen, the line version works alright on 60 mins and under timeframes, but with 240 and above, the main line does not seem to change color. Please kindly check.