Requests & Ideas - page 206


I was convinced that I posted it

Anyway, here it is : candles instead of bars

Mladen, as always, thank you very much!


Mladen, I've added the BlauErgodicTsiCandle indicator to the charts, but somehow the candle colors remains the same no matter what ColorOn parameter I use. Kindly check, thanks.

Mladen, I've added the BlauErgodicTsiCandle indicator to the charts, but somehow the candle colors remains the same no matter what ColorOn parameter I use. Kindly check, thanks.


Here is an example with a changed colors and all works as it should. Do not mix the ColorOn parameter with colors. ColorOn parameter is used for other thing : for coloring on zero line cross (0), slope(1) or signal line cross(2) - as in the original indicator. Colors itself are changed in the color tab of the indicators parameters and it works OK (as you can see on the example picture)

blau_tsi.gif  44 kb
Raymond Here is an example with a changed colors and all works as it should. Do not mix the ColorOn parameter with colors. ColorOn parameter is used for other thing : for coloring on zero line cross (0), slope(1) or signal line cross(2) - as in the original indicator. Colors itself are changed in the color tab of the indicators parameters and it works OK (as you can see on the example picture)

Mladen, please see attached. The indicator below is the BlauErgodicTsiHistoMtf set with the same settings as the BlauErgodicTsiCandleMtf on the chart, with 0 for ColorOn (which means zero cross). The chart is currently on 15mins, whilst both the candle and histogram indicator is set for 60mins. As you can see from the crosses of the histogram, the candle coloring does not coincide. Please advice.

problem.gif  22 kb
Mladen, please see attached. The indicator below is the BlauErgodicTsiHistoMtf set with the same settings as the BlauErgodicTsiCandleMtf on the chart, with 0 for ColorOn (which means zero cross). The chart is currently on 15mins, whilst both the candle and histogram indicator is set for 60mins. As you can see from the crosses of the histogram, the candle coloring does not coincide. Please advice.


You are correct : in mtf mode it did not work correctly even though it worked correctly in regular mode. Here is the correct one (see the example of the 2 compared with same parameters - 1 hour time frame both)

Raymond You are correct : in mtf mode it did not work correctly even though it worked correctly in regular mode. Here is the correct one (see the example of the 2 compared with same parameters - 1 hour time frame both)

Thanks Mladen, will try it out!


Truncated mean

Hi Mladen,

Sorry to trouble you again... It's me & my investigation of statistical properties again = Danggg. Is it possible if you could code a Trimmed Absolute Deviation from the Mean & a Trimmed True Range using the below attached "SQ 2.01" indicator format? I know that the trimmed method isnt efficient as compared to the other methods but at least it makes for less computational power and easier coding. The exact implementation format (for instance in % trim format or instead in data sample size number trim format) etc etc as you see fit.

Thanks thanks!

Truncated mean - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yours sincerely,



This would be, as a first step, a truncated mean itself. Border elements are calculated (if necessary) using linear interpolation. Discard percentage is lmited to 49 percent for obvious reasons (otherwise all would be discarded) as well to 0 (you can not discard negative percentage). When the Discard percent is set to 0, truncated mean is equal to simple moving average. The greater the discard percentage, the greater the deviation from a simple moving average is. Decided to use 10 percent as a discard percentage simply in order to make it different from SMA when default parameters are used. Perhaps some experimenting should be done with discard percentage to see exactly how it "behaves"


MTF version of FXCorrelator


I found this FXCorrelator indicator on one of the forums.

Is it possible to make an mtf version of it.





I found this FXCorrelator indicator on one of the forums.

Is it possible to make an mtf version of it.





Did you check the one from this post : ?


Many thanks,
