Requests & Ideas - page 26

PS : Zipfrog, will do it. Right now I have some things to do that I can not postpone but will finish it soon and then will make what you requested

Thank you so much mladen.

Best Regards,



History files


Speaking of history, I recommend the magazine link kindly posted by gafet earlier in this thread (post 239), think you will find the part about history, the different data between sources and the reasons it can be inaccurate very interesting.



I had downloaded it intending to read it, as I am just now. And, I'm sure I will find it interesting. Early in the article, I've come across this tidbit with which I totally agree and reinforces my earlier observation,

"To do this, the main tools of any system developer are good historical data and software with which to analyse it."

However, the next sentence reads, "There are a number of excellent sources of data and software, readily available now."

Trouble is, I cannot seem to find that data - even though I'm happy to pay (a perhaps modest sum) for it. There are many places that claim to have the data - and I've been through several of them without success.


Dear mladen

Tick data is one tool, I am looking for.

I am actually opening one broker which can provide 5min of tick data.

How many ticks can display ?

For day trading, I am using 6 monitor, I don't mind if tick data takes 2 display size.

I need at least 5 min of every tick.

If you can display volume with it, that is the best for me.



About visual statements (which I am uploading in elite sections) and Signal Performance Factor - please read this post with explanation.


Hi Mladen ,

Is it possible for you to extract the trend bands indicator and two different period of jurik filter simple indicator on CFP indi as a seperate indicator?I am not sure buffering limit would be any problem.Many thanks.


Hi Mladen!

I have a request again..hehe

Is it possible for you to make a indicator or alert system that will alert/mail when this conditions are in line??


- EMA9 has crossed over EMA26

- DI+ >= 25

- ADX >= 20

- ADX is in between DI+ and DI-


- EMA26 has crossed EMA9 AND

- DI- is higher than DI+



- EMA26 has crossed EMA9

- DI- >= 25

- ADX >= 20

- ADX is in between DI- and DI+


- EMA9 has crossed EMA26 AND

- DI+ is higher than DI-

Thanks in advance!

regards, Halvard



The Tick data indicator is recording ticks from the broker. As far as I know there is no limitation of how much data can be saved. The "as far as I know" comes from a fact that when we use regular files in the "files" folder they do have a limit of 2 mega bytes but when using and saving to files from history folder I did not find anything that would suggest that there is any limitation imposed. So you should be able to have as much saved data as the operating system allows (the maximum size per file)

There are 2 issues that I know of :
When using offline charts and when the limit of bars on chart is reached then metatrader starts to lag with updating indicators on offline charts. The solution is to make the number of bars per chart from tools->options->charts greater Second issue shows us how metatrader works internally : it regards using offline charts on weekend (so when the market is closed) If you have an offline chart opened at such times and you try to add data to it, 2 things can happen :
metatrader freezes (especially if you use it from back test)

metatrader resets the data (after some bars added it simply reverses data to some state known only to itself - I have seen it trimming and trimming data on every consecutive run)

So, in fact, the chart itself does this. If you do not have an offline chart opened on such times no data is altered (trimmed)
As of volumes : volumes can simply be displayed from chart options but they will (and should be) same for each bar regardless of the mode used - 1 tick per bar or more. Volume is in fact showing the number of ticks recorded per bar

In the end : unfortunately in recording tick data we depend entirely broker and connection. Lately some brokers that usually did not have such issues, are having frequent "no connection" "things" going on, so ...

Hope this clarifies the "Tick data" usage



Tick data is one tool, I am looking for.

I am actually opening one broker which can provide 5min of tick data.

How many ticks can display ?

For day trading, I am using 6 monitor, I don't mind if tick data takes 2 display size.

I need at least 5 min of every tick.

If you can display volume with it, that is the best for me.

Hi Mladen!

I have a request again..hehe

Is it possible for you to make a indicator or alert system that will alert/mail when this conditions are in line??


- EMA9 has crossed over EMA26

- DI+ >= 25

- ADX >= 20

- ADX is in between DI+ and DI-


- EMA26 has crossed EMA9 AND

- DI- is higher than DI+



- EMA26 has crossed EMA9

- DI- >= 25

- ADX >= 20

- ADX is in between DI- and DI+


- EMA9 has crossed EMA26 AND

- DI+ is higher than DI-

Thanks in advance!

regards, Halvard

Do you have time to do this?

regards, Halvard



This is more or less what you described (without the exits) and it is showing how many of the conditions you described are fulfilled

But please check it out. When all the conditions you described are met then values shown by this indicator are either +4 (for longs) or -4 (for shorts). Will try to revise the whole thing, but ... Let me know if that is what you had in mind.


halvard.mq4  3 kb
halvard.gif  23 kb

This is more or less what you described (without the exits) and it is showing how many of the conditions you described are fulfilled

But please check it out. When all the conditions you described are met then values shown by this indicator are either +4 (for longs) or -4 (for shorts). Will try to revise the whole thing, but ... Let me know if that is what you had in mind.
regards Mladen

Thanks alot

Best Regards, Halvard