Cash Flow


Cash Flow System

Deposit 25'000.- $

RAS ID: 21767

Beginning Date: 12 November 2009

Trading Level: risk covered

Making 250.-$ per Day...and that's OKAY!


12 November 2009

see #2


Cash Flow - Outcome

Cash Flow System

RAS ID: 21767

Deposit 25'000.-$

Trading Level: risk covered

Target 1% of initial Deposit 25'000.-$ - 250.-$ per Day

Outcome:+ 465.42 $


Cash Flow - Outcome

Cash Flow System

RAS ID: 21767

Deposit 25'000.-$

Trading Level: risk covered

Target 1% of initial Deposit 25'000.-$ - 250.-$ per Day

Outcome:+ 606.68 $


tetrace == chris_swiss?

Why so many id's?


Chris_swiss , every time you blow up an account will you come back to RAS an re-started all over ?!... And every time you come back will you use an other name ?!

Do you think that all people here are idiots or what ?!?


Everybody hasn't give his real name on this thread.

So why not make the same?

That's all.

That's not unfair, is it?

Perhaps you won't really fair persons on your thread. So then it's your job to put a ban on me!

Kindest regards

Chris_swiss , every time you blow up an account will you come back to RAS an re-started all over ?!... And every time you come back will you use an other name ?! Do you think that all people here are idiots or what ?!?

Everybody hasn't give his real name on this thread.

So why not make the same?

That's all.

That's not unfair, is it?

Perhaps you won't really fair persons on your thread. So then it's your job to put a ban on me!

I will another of your question answer, too: Do you think that all people here are idiots or what ?!?


No I don't think that all people are idots!

Kindest regards

Chris_swiss , every time you blow up an account will you come back to RAS an re-started all over ?!... And every time you come back will you use an other name ?! Do you think that all people here are idiots or what ?!?

Count correctly, please.

It was the second time, that I ask for a name.

Perhaps you will be sold your ID's under yourself with several different names and will push everybody out of this IS-System. That's OKAY but tell it here, when you are a making selective measures.

So make me further bad. It's not my problem. I can make money with this threat or without it.

So don't need universal quantifier, when you speek with me!

Be fair!



In or Out?

Hi everybody.

It goes further on when iGor permit me to do it.


Go further with what ?!....blowing up an other account ?...your burned a 22K$ account is 48hours!!

1) if you are on a forum you can only have 1 indentity. Never you ask for a 2nd profile. If you do so you give proof of trying to hide something with your 1st profile. In your case it was obvious why you try to hide your 1st profile.

2) You say you can earn good money through trading. Give proof of that by uploading your account on so that people can see you are trading already for a long period of time and make consistent profits.

3) RAS is not some sort of a place that you can test your systems or methods. If you go to RAS it is because people would follow your system or method. If people would burn their account in 48hours like you did with your first profile, are you going to pay some of that money back to them??...

If you go to RAS then realize that you have a serious responisbility. That is helping people making money and not helping them how to destroy money.

Go to RAS if you have many years in trading and that you know that you trade a lot better then the average trader. Maybe you think that you are better. Well as I said before, to know that you are better is that you can show good and stable results over a period of at least 6 months.

You don't have a real system you don't know anything about money management.

It is clear that you are as good as a newbie. Go to RAS if you have at least MANY YEARS of experience of trading on forex.

Go to RAS if you can give proof of your trading results BEFORE you start not trying to give proof WHILE you trade.

If you can place your signals on RAS then 5000 people can place their signals on RAS.




totally agree with you, but:

Why can traders with so little experience and no proven track record even sell signals at RAS.

It is also the responsibility of the RAS site owers to check system vendors in the first place.

It is very obvious, that many people have registered with several ID`s in F-TSD forum.

With simply letting people register a system, things like that will happen everyday, which is surely not in the best interest of the users and will deteriorate RAS into another trail and error site.

I still wonder when RAS owners will take action?

Easy way to test the seriousness of a system seller is to charge a listing fee i.E 50.-USD for 1 year and keep the system "hidden" and "invisible" for 6 months and only display a system to the public , if it is profitable.

I bet we will not have many system vendors anymore on the RAS website and the ones we see after 6 months have certainly proven that their systems are profitable and the vendor takes the system serious.


In case somebody likes to know:
