MT5 Programming/conversion - page 6

Just as a general guide (for everyone)

any ideas how much its going to cost to have an indicator converted to MT4.5

and also MT5

and will FXTSD offer such a paid service out of the elite section


members of the elite sections already can request conversion of indicators (not EAs, that is a completely different story) to metatrader 5 versions. We have a "silent agreement" that it is one source per month but it can be extended (as long as it is not misused to flood with such requests - we had cases like that too that only a minute or two after posting something made at a request already another request was made (and so on and so on ...) which ended in banning of one such user from TSD)

So as long as it is kept within normal limits of good forum behavior that is done for those sections members


As of public section conversions : the decision was not depending on us entirely. With the "jobs" opening on mql5 site we had to decide if we are going to do such request on public sections too or not and we decided not to do so. The reason is simple : there were cases when people pretending to be coders at mql5 site were asking for a conversion here and then they passed it there as their own work. It happened more than once so we decided not to do that any more. As usual, due to the wrongdoings of the few, the majority is the one that suffers, but as long as such scams are more than probable, that rule will not be changed


Thanks Mladen for taking the time to answer in detail

unfortunately i have 20-25 indis (mostly yours and Mr tools) that i now can not trade without, so either way looks to be an expensive upgrade to MT4.5 and MT5, but not something Metaquote's seem to care much about or have fully thought through

we could all wait a few yrs for the natural cycle of conversions on the public domain, but a few yrs is abit too long to wait

and seems MT4 traders are going to get a nasty surprise one day and find most of the indis now don't work

could be a profitable business for some

looks like i'll have to raid the piggy bank again

or learn to code properly very fast, which is unlikely


Thanks Mladen for taking the time to answer in detail

unfortunately i have 20-25 indis (mostly yours and Mr tools) that i now can not trade without, so either way looks to be an expensive upgrade to MT4.5 and MT5, but not something Metaquote's seem to care much about or have fully thought through

we could all wait a few yrs for the natural cycle of conversions on the public domain, but a few yrs is abit too long to wait

and seems MT4 traders are going to get a nasty surprise one day and find most of the indis now don't work

could be a profitable business for some

looks like i'll have to raid the piggy bank again

or learn to code properly very fast, which is unlikely



That is what I was whining about for so long : with a decision not to be downward compatible, metatrader had made a very bad decision that is harming users.

I can understand that they do not care for the problems of users (since they are profiting from the "jobs" going through them too) but the decision to cut off quite a few years of many good coders work is, at the least, not a wise decision made by the "gods of metatrader" and had opened additional possibility for all kinds of scams


Its a shame a few bad apples have ruined a nice earner for FXTSD

obviously no-one wants to pay extra money, but i suppose it could be even put down as a tax deductible business cost for some

at $30 each and for 20 indis its $600 and bad enough at that, during hard times,

but then having to do it twice for MT4.5 and MT5 is going to be a bit too much for some, and might be easier, if possible to have them converted once to tradestation

then to find some good coders who won't run off with either the indis or money

at 1million users (approx) x $300-500, some will never even ever have to trade

just wish Metaquotes would hurry up with more decent information and the Beta so we can see where we are

as once we find out, there likely won't be enough good coders available without a long wait or price premium for each conversion

could be worse i suppose..

and can't go back to brokers free charts


I don't think (at least I hope) that there will be great problems with metatrader 4 new formats. From what I have tested so far the bigest problem will be when people used "." in variable names (hard to automatically replace from the editor since there are other normal occurrences of "." too) If the way how orders are handles stays as it is in metatrader 4 and if (as they promise) even older ex4 will be executed on a new terminal, there should be no significant difficulty to migrate to the "new" metatrader 4

Compared to eventual migration to metatrader 5 (where even the order handling logic is completely different - not just the coding language) it should be much easier and I think it will be done in no time compared to the time that would (and takes) to migrate to metatrader 5.

My advice : wait a bit more to see what will happen to metatrader 4.


It would be nice if they make up their mind and release the new metatrader 45. But no big chances for that


Checking the mql site every day to see if something new will finally appear, but no luck


I am embarrassed I missed this, I searched for a long time but not enough.

So firstly my thanks for showing me this link, and do you know if there exists a version of the attached in MT5, or could this be made possible. Its a variation of TDI but when the red crosses green there is a histogram bar along the bottom that changes colour. MQ4 attached, I believe TDI has already been done for MT5 but not this. tms-osc_histo.mq4

Thank you :-)

Can I also ask, people talking about MT4.5, we have MT5 so what is point of MT4.5. From user perspective the different timeframes, 12 hr for me, are most useful. Bit resource hungry running converter in 4 hence my desire to get 5 working. Will MT4.5 include more timeframes and accommodate old indicators?

All the best


This one is a pivots indicator for metatrader 5 (from here : Indicators - Pivot Point)
I am embarrassed I missed this, I searched for a long time but not enough.

So firstly my thanks for showing me this link, and do you know if there exists a version of the attached in MT5, or could this be made possible. Its a variation of TDI but when the red crosses green there is a histogram bar along the bottom that changes colour. MQ4 attached, I believe TDI has already been done for MT5 but not this. tms-osc_histo.mq4

Thank you :-)

Can I also ask, people talking about MT4.5, we have MT5 so what is point of MT4.5. From user perspective the different timeframes, 12 hr for me, are most useful. Bit resource hungry running converter in 4 hence my desire to get 5 working. Will MT4.5 include more timeframes and accommodate old indicators?

All the best



In my opinion, the main reasons why people do not want metatrader 5 are the following :

  • metatrader 5 does not allow multiple orders (and that way multiple EAs) on the same symbol - that way they are cutting away almost 80% of existing EAs for metatrader 4
  • metatrader 5 coding language is, even for my taste, too complicated (and I am "talking" some 10-11 coding languages) and is not meant for a trading platform coding language at all (in which it would be easy to manage orders and similar stuff - managing orders from metatrader 5 is anything but simple)
  • all that we were told about the metatrader 5 speed of execution - nothing of it was delivered. Just compare a simple indicator display in metatrader 4 and 5.
  • I had cases when metatrader 5 was returning a "non existent time frame" error on one tick and then on the other tick suddenly it was an existing time frame - that is a sign of very bad built in error checking and if such a simple task as finding some time frame data is resulting in errors on one tick and then no error on another tick without any change in the code, then what can we expect from more complicated tasks? I can give a lot of examples like that but to shorten it : it is an unreliable coding environment

These are just some of the points that are the cause for metatrader 5 not having users support. Combined with the fact that a regular user is facing substantial expenses to reach the level he/she is used in metatrader 4 ... well, what are the users going to chose?


Thank you for explaining Mladen, it is a mess.

The only reason i try to change is because more TF that suit me, if MT4 could swap (or add TF) between 4/8 hr, 12hr and week on the same chart I would not swap. Maybe MT4.5 will pull the best bits from both... If it will ever exist. :-)