If u loss with me plz Punish me - page 3

stop loss forever in my trades is 40 pip y..... follow me with blindy things

Okay, so it's a 40pip SL. And how do you exit??

these my recent chart for u!!!!!!!!! and don t forget if u loss with ne plzzz punish me

How did you exit the AUD/JPY trade??? do you have a set amount of pips for your TP (take profit) or what??? because if you are out of that trade how would we know to get out if we are just going to follow you!!! or maybe you are still in??? and if your not still in it might be a good idea to let the followers know that it's time to exit the position!!


i excit now ok

i excit now ok

What was your reason for exiting your position????

What was your reason for exiting your position????

am sure that gbd will go down than my exit point but i have to go sleep as am soo tired now

and don t forget if u loss with me plz punish me

am sure that gbd will go down than my exit point but i have to go sleep as am soo tired now and don t forget if u loss with me plz punish me

Yes i believe there is more downside to GJ. I still would like to know how you decide when to enter & exit a trade??? Anyway get some sleep, we can pick this up later


next trade 4 me buy buy here sorry for late

next trade 4 me buy buy here sorry for late

its kinda hard to see your picture, too small! I see that the trade is on AUS/USD.... but what price for entry??? So are you going to share with me how you decide to enter and exit a position???

Catch ya



could you explain how you decide to open a buy/sell order and exit? intesting

could you explain how you decide to open a buy/sell order and exit? intesting

I have asked that a few times.....i don't think M7 is going to share that info?? He has some big claims about his win/loss ratio over his 3yrs+ of trading.

So i will ask again.....Mr M7, will you share your way of trading with us???...I know that your SL is always 40pips, but.... How you decide to go long/short?.....when to exit a position??....what pairs do you trade???

I understand if you are here for a ego boost then you won't want to share with us how you trade.

Anyway let us know if you are going to share or not? so i don't have to keep wasting my time coming to the thread.

Look forward to a reply M7