Adaptive lookback indicators - page 124


Try now,hope it will be work

Thank you mntiwana... Its working...
its mean, there is no source file of this !!can you advise is the same indi or different... i am unable to load to chart.

You have a very simple solution : if you find that it is "mean", then don't use it.

And no : they are not the same (I am not in a business of making up different names for same things)


You have a very simple solution : if you find that it is "mean", then don't use it.

And no : they are not the same (I am not in a business of making up different names for same things)

sure mladen.. really sorry for that .. :)

Refer to the below pages posts for the similar inndicator & the attached snap 2 similiar indicator get differnt type. i dont know which is right to follow..

i am not expert.... :)

could you please update the indi which is not updated verison.

They are different versions using different calculations. There are no bugs. Use the one that you find the most convenient to your needs.

Hello mladen. I noticed that you're refering to one indicator that is rented for just $66/month. What is the indicator name actually? Would it be this?

If there is a published (free) version of this, where can i find it?

Very similar to what you have in the screenshot

Upgraded t3 demarker (phase accumulation adaptive version)


Upgraded t3 demarker (phase accumulation adaptive version)

Dearest MLADEN

Thanks for upgrading T3 demark,and making feel TSD like alive though last breaths.




Here is the rsi adaptive tema

What I can say that it is god damn fast (the example is using period 50) so I am not quite sure how useful it will be. Anyway, try it out

Sir can u post the .mq4 file for tema rsi floating levels.ex4 indicator, regards, arsd

Upgraded t3 demarker (phase accumulation adaptive version)

Here is a multi time frame version (and some minor issues solved). This version should be used



Here is a version with those line width modifications as well as multi time frame addition

Mladen - I need the .MQ4 version for this indi (MA RSI ADAPTIVE on chart 2.3) which is an .ex4 file. Can u post please ?