Passing XML Using wininet.dll


Has anyone got experience of posting XML using wininet ?

I want to transfer data from remote EA's to a centralised database server.

Pointers to websites, books, tutorials etc would be appreciated

Has anyone got experience of posting XML using wininet ?

I want to transfer data from remote EA's to a centralised database server.

Pointers to websites, books, tutorials etc would be appreciated

Use CSV isntead of XML, or put library of the database (API) direct to the metatrader.

Use CSV isntead of XML, or put library of the database (API) direct to the metatrader.

Thanks Kalenzo,

I'm already outputting to CSV, then importing the various CSV's into a centralised database.

The problem is that during EA development and testing our data logging requirments tend to be constantly changing, and as fields are added and dropped from the CSV, we need to change our database import code.

XML would at least ensure that the data was self describing. Importing and exporting CSV files is really messy, MT doesnt handle simultaneous file access, so you end up creating loads of files instead of one centralised repository, a direct write from the EA to the database is far preferable.

I like your API suggestion, I'll take another look at MySQL, I've managed to get this working locally in the past, and I'm assuming it'll handle remote connections over IP




What about creating a shared memory space .exe in c++? Write to the shared memory space from an EA or script using a dll, then access the memory space via another .exe that will handle sending the data.