WARNING: FXBlog / MT4Stats and Various Websites


I'm going to say this once, and only once.

People like Bernard, who earns "trillions" of dollars from his "EA's" lives in his lonely home scamming you out of money, I wouldn't be surprised if he was the "Spammer" Bernard Balan himself.

I refuse to believe he makes this kind of money, and he has done a great job in deceiving the public that he does. Besides, what professional programmer uses a gimped programming language like MQl4 to develop systems?

But beside this point is the reality of these programs;

Luckily for Bernard, and other he doesn't need to show his actual trades but it probably doesn't matter until you get an investors password for his mt4.

Either way, any joe bloe who has a couple hundred bucks to throw around can easily hire a programmer (GetAFreelancer | Online Freelance Jobs | Employment | Design | Outsourcing | Programmers | Web Design | Freelancers) to program a intermediary program to intercept the information being sent to FXbook or MT4stats or WHATEVER. Program that program to understand price values of MT4, and send FAKE trades to be calculated to perfection.

Of course Bernard claims FXbook cannot be manipulated! Of course not! Sort of like how any joe blow can't preform port scans because you have a firewall or router? Laugh.

So i'll say it one more time

If its too good to be true, it probably is.

My 2 cents. Go digest.