Which platform to use for trading on android os?



Which platform to use for trading on android os?

MT4 doesnt support android.

Any other choices? It is new os, probably not many is working in it.




I am also confused on this matter because there are many peoples which can provide this type of services.

if you have any site about this matter which one is good for you and me so please let me know.



fap revolution


Well, after some researches, there is simple no direct answer to it.

Since all of the platform doesnt support android in first place.

So probably only way is use a remote server and run software from android device to access remote desktop that can run a platform such as MT4 etc.

If you have better idea, let me know.


I'm not even sure I know what an andoid device is (sounds like a gadget from another planet) but anyway, you might want to try going through Excel. Do a search on here and you'll find a thread where the originator was trying to link his platform by passing the data through Excel.

Hope this helps,



Just look at this thread for Metatrader 4:


and this thread for Metatrader 5:


Just look at this thread for Metatrader 4:


and this thread for Metatrader 5:


I usually prefer trading on the Android devices when trading on the Mobile as it is more fast and also i have seen that many new traders prefer it to other devices.

Also Android based phones cost less than the Apple or Blackberry.


Among trading platforms I tried to use on android os the best of them is MT4. It has the most fastest execution. And it's the main thing.

Among trading platforms I tried to use on android os the best of them is MT4. It has the most fastest execution. And it's the main thing.

MT4 is the obvious choice for Android platforms since it is robust and we can perform trading in highly volatile markets easy without any time lags