Web Based Signal Distributor


We have created a web based signal distribution system for distributing MetaTrader. One of its most useful uses is integrating the data from the signals into another website. We have released the code under the Apache License to all who may be interested.

The project is hosted at:

mt4signaldistrib - Project Hosting on Google Code

The system consists of a php server application, two MetaTrader C++ dlls, and a client EA for retrieving the signals.

We are doing some code clean-up and some enhancements to utilize other open source libraries that may make the code better. We also hope to have some basic documentation out soon.

It may be of use to someone.


Very interesting. Will it be available for downloading ??


It's available right now through the Google Code project (SVN access)


Without any documentation , there is hardly any use. Can you please describe, how this can be used ?



Of course that is a matter of opinion

We are working on documentation, but still working on ensuring the code works.

Right now, it is a client / server system. There is a PHP piece that sits on a web server. The "server" MetaTrader (which sends trades through the dll that is part of the project) sends trading signals to that web server piece. The "client" MetaTraders are constantly polling the web server and retrieving the trading signals and act accordingly.

As I mentioned, the benefit is in modification. We are working on documentation, but the code was priority (as you can see by recent commits to the project)


I saw this last post was moved, but that was a different topic and different tool.....Admin - why move it?


Trade Signal Copier

I just released my Trade Copier under an open source license at mt4tradeduplicator - Project Hosting on Google Code. It allows you to copy trades and trading actions between MetaTrader instances on the same PC.

It is a work in progress, but the source is there.

Side note - this is completely different than our signal distribution system and is for copying trades on the same PC.