45% world's wealth destroyed - page 14



With so much of the wealth destroyed...what to do with all that additional people who have no jobs and no means to feed themselves?



God, guns, gold


If the world assets are less than world derivatives does this mean the whole world is bankrupt.

I have no knowledge what derivatives are. Just know that derivatives are over-hyped phony instruments.

World assets are worth $400 Trillion to $500 Trillion. This includes real estates, stocks markets, world GDP, gold.

Whereas world derivatives are worth $600 Trillion to $700 Trillion.

Does this mean the whole world is bankrupt????


Money is in the mind

Money is a concept. Unlike in the past when we used gold and salt for trading, money is a fiat currency that derives its "value" from what people THINK it is worth.

Ever since governments worldwide left the gold standard, paper money has been very over-inflated, so we keep thinking that investments are growing, but we also keep thinking that costs keep rising. In fact, the only thing changing is the amount of paper bills we need to pay for things (or that things are "worth").

Paper money is a scam created by the freemasons and bankers (see Chris Everard's docos). And if you don't believe in conspiracy theory, you are simply deluding yourself by trying to believe what THEY want you to believe.

Here's my 10c - hope you understand what I am trying to say. I am sure some of you out there know more about this and would like to explain it further... ?? I am always keen to learn more

Money is a concept. Unlike in the past when we used gold and salt for trading, money is a fiat currency that derives its "value" from what people THINK it is worth.

Ever since governments worldwide left the gold standard, paper money has been very over-inflated, so we keep thinking that investments are growing, but we also keep thinking that costs keep rising. In fact, the only thing changing is the amount of paper bills we need to pay for things (or that things are "worth").

Paper money is a scam created by the freemasons and bankers (see Chris Everard's docos). And if you don't believe in conspiracy theory, you are simply deluding yourself by trying to believe what THEY want you to believe.

Here's my 10c - hope you understand what I am trying to say. I am sure some of you out there know more about this and would like to explain it further... ?? I am always keen to learn more

It is TRUE that money is a concept. But is a concept that has his natural development. Since few years ago, paper money was the most advanced tool to boost commerce, services and goods trade between persons and between countries.

Now imagine a world without money. The only way to get goods that you don't produce (thousands of them. You probably will be able to produce very few by you own), you have to exchange, barter your goods by others. But At doing that, you are too assigning values to the goods traded, probably by offer and demand. So you have a referencial "value" for those merchandises.

But in that way is very difficult to trade, because you has to transport your goods to be exchanged an other has to do the same (not good if you are trading commodities, big volumes of grain or wood, for example). So, early solution was to assign a certain "value" for rare and scarce metals. Now you don't has to transport your goods in your back to trade with others. Just put some gold coins in your pocket and go shopping. Same to other productors.

But coomerce gets faster and bigger, and scarce metals where not enough to keep the speed of his development. Solution: government extend you a paper note availed by himsef, asigning a value to that note in reference to gold. In early times, that note allowed you to go to a bank (if you wanted to), and change that value with gold. But then billions where neccessary and no government in the world can keep that amount of metal in their banks. Their realized that was not nescesary either: only the governmental guarantee to the value of that paper bill.

Of course, this lead to governamental abuses because as any good, the law of supply and demand apply to paper bills too, and government uses according his economic policies: If he print more bills, the less will be his assigned value; If he takes bills out of the market, bills will value much more (you will be able to buy more than usual) because will be more scarce. But scarce bills mean less commercial movment too, and less jobs and production. Is a delicate balance.

Anyway, no masonic or dark conspiracys. Just natural ways that commerce and trade finds to keep his activity growing and people supplied. Now we are entering in the era of electronic money.