It's Getting Time To Short US Equities


All my indicators are bullish...

Everyone I talk to is bullish...

My shoeshine boy is bullish... (Joseph Kennedy comment circa 1929)

You can't hardly find a bear...

Now is the time to go short! I guess you can call me a contrarian.

I'm not saying stand in front of a speeding train. All I'm saying is start looking to find spots to short equities in the US market. There may be as much as 10% more upside, but after the glow starts wearing off, (already starting) Look out!

I'm not outright short yet, but I'm peeling out of my longs. I'm looking to find good short positions at this time.


I can agree somewhat with this view. If you draw a fib line from the highs of the dow ( around 14000 ) down to the low that we had in March, you'll see that the 38.2% retracement level is right where we are now. So, we'll either go down from here ( resuming the bear market ) or we're likely headed up to the 50% retracement level of 10360.

If we reach that, there will be even more pressure to sell off. Based on a current trendline, we could see the 10k level by the end of the year. I would also keep in mind, that we've only been in any kind of a bull market for a few months now, so we probably have further to go. But watch the support around 8800, this needs to hold for the bull to continue.

I don't trade individual stocks, so I could be wrong!

All my indicators are bullish...

Everyone I talk to is bullish...

My shoeshine boy is bullish... (Joseph Kennedy comment circa 1929)

You can't hardly find a bear...

Now is the time to go short! I guess you can call me a contrarian.

I'm not saying stand in front of a speeding train. All I'm saying is start looking to find spots to short equities in the US market. There may be as much as 10% more upside, but after the glow starts wearing off, (already starting) Look out!

I'm not outright short yet, but I'm peeling out of my longs. I'm looking to find good short positions at this time.

I would tend to agree but the market has continuously pushed higher each time I thought we would see a drop. And the market hasn't retraced the same as we saw in the Asian markets which were performing the best this year.


Here's something I noticed today looking through a chart of the Dow on the hourly chart. Looks like a potential head and shoulders forming