Engorge or will be shrinking


we could share our small winning idea on

- profit target : (taking profit limit )

>> 25 to 45 pip PROFIT

>> within 40 min to 6.5 hours time span (time duration)

Do you have your favorite method

if you would like to share

please enclose instruction A-B-C-D-E

A - List the indicators involved (name or include in the zip file) -- you may upload it to sendspace.com may upload pictorial INSTRUCTION in this thread or upload to an online location. ! [ please remember to quote the URL link HERE afterward -- check the box- and click [ UPLOAD]]

B - Graphic chart about the ENTRY point -- why it is the Entry point

C - Which currency pairs will it works

D - Any LIMITATION -- scenario that it won't work (or after entry, why we should exit immediately)

E -- what is the SUCCESS rate ( score out of 10 )

Going for excellence !!SAMPLE indicator and diff TF template is on this thread -- post no 8== a ZIPPED file


a dig for today aussie

today_dig.jpg  138 kb

does this look good

engorged.jpg  132 kb

an indicator - got it from here (credit the source from Auto Trendline and Triangle Indicator )


Just like a penis during excitement, it could go UP (engorged) - or – DOWN (shrinking)

during sexual activities, just like random volume, it will just go UP (increase in volume) or go down (decrease in volume)

Once the plateau has passed, the apex has reached, then relieved (reverse the TREND)

I think you can find a better example to explain:D


--- success depend on OUTBREAK and REVERSAL --

if you get the outbreak right, you should ENTER

if you get the reversal predict correctly, you should EXIT

this way, you can ONLY accumulate success, unless, 2 outbreaks happen , right around your ENTRY or EXIT point

prepare a template that could tell you the RIGHT MOMENT !! for forex business


template -- put it into your MT4 -- template directory

mq4 and ex4 -- put in into your expert/indicator directory

diagrams will be follow -- for illustration

super-s.zip  514 kb

diagram -- for the TEMPLATE (zip file above)

s1.jpg  251 kb
s2.jpg  306 kb
s3.jpg  141 kb

market are still quiet after interest rate announcement yesterday

DO you have good 5M chart strategy , that is SAFE to earn PIPS in this quiet movement market, please post your chart here

(CAD still got normal daily movement)


may try out the zip file -- with templates and indicators there

(in earlier post)


The next move (up or down) – just like an engorged penis

As most traders are guys, they do the trading for the excitement , profit making (hopefully) and for fun

Just like a penis during excitement, it could go UP (engorged) - or – DOWN (shrinking)

during sexual activities, just like random volume, it will just go UP (increase in volume) or go down (decrease in volume)

Once the plateau has passed, the apex has reached, then relieved (reverse the TREND)

But the most important thing to think of :

what is "The range" of the next 20 min or 2 hours, what range of movement will it be a moving around

Will it be engorged while money rushing in to one side (the top side)

Or it will be shrinking, and the money go to the other side (the bottom of the pair)

How to determine immediate future (range value) and how to make up the mind on putting your concentration on a volatile currency pair or another slow currency pair

a good technique to combine few indicators in MT4

-- if they are in similar scale (on the right-- the scale readings)