Trading System by Xard777 - page 280

Well said Ish, now before the holidays ...

As has been written by Big Joe before, I use Xards setup but I trade it in a different way.

I'm more reversal trader and I don't want to confuse people who trade the trend here.

It's really hard to describe how much you really contribute to our Fx Community,guys. And all this without taking a penny.

The greatest part of the people who take your systems and indicators are not even given any thanks for it.

On the other hand, unfortunately, many inexperienced traders become victims of all kinds of frauds.

Here's how Steve Hopwood speaks to people he cheated for $ 299.

His congratulated for the upcoming holidays:

SteveHopwood wrote:

So Titwits, here is what I really think of you. You are a bunch of asinine, dim-witted, charismatically-challenged, gormless, pathetic, creatively-absent, intellectually-negative, language-challenged, furtive frightened and useless, turdbrained creeps.

Or did I already mention this in The Toxic Thread? Hmmmm. Might have done. Never mind.

You cannot answer this at FXAW because Craig will not let you. You cannot answer here because I will not let you.

I do not care what you post elsewhere - here and FXAW are the only forums I visit.

So, non-titwit guys, if you want to throw some mud at The Titwits then this is the place to do it. Balanced argument is not required.

Counter arguments will be deleted and the poster banned.

Steve Hopwood

Tomi5lav, hey im sorry to hear that about Steve Hopwood. I don't really know the guy. I think I might have passed by his site once. Ive heard he is a talented programmer, but that's about it.

But enough about that.

So, you mentioned that you trade the reversals. Im guessing that you use some pretty strong indication of support and resistance. Can you give a quick overview of what you use to determine turn around areas?


Well said Ish, now before the holidays ...

As has been written by Big Joe before, I use Xards setup but I trade it in a different way.

I'm more reversal trader and I don't want to confuse people who trade the trend here.

It's really hard to describe how much you really contribute to our Fx Community,guys. And all this without taking a penny.

The greatest part of the people who take your systems and indicators are not even given any thanks for it.

On the other hand, unfortunately, many inexperienced traders become victims of all kinds of frauds.

Here's how Steve Hopwood speaks to people he cheated for $ 299.

His congratulated for the upcoming holidays:

SteveHopwood wrote:

So Titwits, here is what I really think of you. You are a bunch of asinine, dim-witted, charismatically-challenged, gormless, pathetic, creatively-absent, intellectually-negative, language-challenged, furtive frightened and useless, turdbrained creeps.

Or did I already mention this in The Toxic Thread? Hmmmm. Might have done. Never mind.

You cannot answer this at FXAW because Craig will not let you. You cannot answer here because I will not let you.

I do not care what you post elsewhere - here and FXAW are the only forums I visit.

So, non-titwit guys, if you want to throw some mud at The Titwits then this is the place to do it. Balanced argument is not required.

Counter arguments will be deleted and the poster banned.

Steve Hopwood

They are selling something that is just "planed" to be made. Why would anybody pay for something that does not exist (and when the pause of the author - that claims to be a NASA engineer - appearing ranges from a few weeks to few months). Sorry to say that, but all the elements for avoiding the trap were there and it was obvious from a mile high what is going on


If a guy was to actually come up with some sort of miracle holy grail of forex.

Do you really think he will sell?

Why would he need your money, if he could virtually pull any amount of money out of thin air.

You see that is why we all have to look at the big picture.

My advice would be to stay away from these distractions.

Focus more on building your style of trading.

Learn everything you can on how you plan on trading.

Thats the key. Plan!!

Have a plan...

How do you plan to make your money trading.

Figure out what you need to make it happen.

Then find others who can help you and that are on the same road as yourself.

And take advantage of the talent on tsd. Many good coders here on this site.

Im not promoting the elite section to this site.

But it's there and affordable and two very talented individuals do good work there and are known to create tools that could support your plan...

But in the end you will have to learn to depend on the most powerful indicator you will ever have.

And that's to trust in your abilities.

If you don't even trust in yourself then you won't make any money.

You need to train, learn and train some more until you are some forex badass...

That's something that can't be bought in a way.

It something you have to just earned.



The EA that Tomi5lav mentioned there is "planed" to be made for last 2 years and they started collecting the money long time ago. Now when some people are complaining about that, responses like that are a rule of thumb. Pity, because those guys did not seems to be "some of those"


Happy Xmas to all. And to make New Year full of themselves successful position. Let the power of pips allow us all to become an even better trader.

Back in the game after the new year;)

indeks.jpg  14 kb

hi everyone, have been doing exams and making music so forex has been on the back burner. how are you doing?


Inspirational Dissatisfaction

Like the man says... "Plan your trade and trade your plan".

Short term plans yield short term results.

One of the worlds great secrets to success, is to plan for the long term.

The bigger the plan the better. You will need to allocate more time to bring your goals and plans to life.

To solve the imposition of inspirational dissatisfaction plan for prolonged gratification.

Sometimes our best inspiration comes at our worst times when we are defeated with our progress.

That is when we are inspired and when we take our next step forward towards our life plan.

The best thing that you can do is blow up an account, even better, blow up two accounts.

We learn from our mistakes and it is this learning process that drives us forward towards success.

Compound interest is the 8th Wonder of the World - Albert Einstein

He who understands it, earns it... he who doesn't, pays it.

My Forex life plan includes me trading Gold every day that my plan allows (as trading Forex is a waiting game as we wait to be on the right side of the trend), achieving similar results day after day.

The only part of my plan that changes is that I compound my earnings so even though I am producing similar results, my earnings are growing exponentially. This way my plan becomes a force of habit, second nature as it were as I repeat what works best for me over and over again.

Here are screenshots of 1hr Gold for Daily viewing and 4hr Gold for Weekly viewing that works for me.

Plan Your Trade and Trade Your Plan - Imgur

Some people prefer 5min or 15min TFs, at the end of the day it is what works for you.

As Ish says there are plenty of resources available for download on TSD, test everything and eventually you will come across a system that works for you.

I am busy working on my own life plan but I will check back from time to time to see how some of you are doing.

All the best




Inspirational Dissatisfaction

As Ish says there are plenty of resources available for download on TSD, test everything and eventually you will come across a system that works for you.

Thank you Xard, Merry Christmas to you and all your loved ones and everyone else that reads this and their families too. FK it, why leave anyone else out Merry Christmas to the world! If you don't like it then thats too bad but understandable.

Can you Xard or anyone else say which indicators are worth looking at in the Elite section that might work well for gold. And I hate to ask this but whats the indicator in Xards chart. Been searching for it all night out of curiosity but didn't want to be the guys asking for it so if I know what it is i can do my own research.


@xard: why is the chart on your screenshot always different with the one you gave us? It's like you're always one step ahead of us. LOL

I just want to say, merry christmas forex guys! @xard, @ish, @forextrader600, @mike, @xkubas, @newdigital, and all other people here! happy pips.

@xard: why is the chart on your screenshot always different with the one you gave us? It's like you're always one step ahead of us. LOL I just want to say, merry christmas forex guys! @xard, @ish, @forextrader600, @mike, @xkubas, @newdigital, and all other people here! happy pips.

What's up Josua!! Merry Freakin Christmas man. I hope you guys are having a bad ass Chistmas. I on the other hand am home alone sick, sent my wife to her family for a couple days so I wouldnt get anyone sick. Holy crap 4:00 am. I'm addicted to studying (I've never been a studier).

Xard loves to tease us, lol. When I saw the indi in his posted picture I was like / DROOooll, What duh perty lookin indicater behind dem price bars, heh-heh, with a big grin. I've always hated seeing people screaming of an indicator they know nothing about but I see how it is now when you see a master trader using it you're standing there fidgeting, leg shaking, mumbling under your breath I hope he posts it I hope he posts it as you look around waiting for someone to ask because i'm sure as hell not going to be the one to do it. lmao, funny when you think about it.

I had the thought and had to post it. In know way am I asking for an indicator, I just thought it sounded funny (at 4am on Ambien) so posted it...

Oh yeah, I had a serious post as well.....Next post..