Trading System by Xard777 - page 277

Pretty sure everone has seen this one.

Mike my friend, can you share your system shown on post #2761...looks like a great confirmation system to go along with xard's great system.

Thanks Buddy!

Mike my friend, can you share your system shown on post #2761...looks like a great confirmation system to go along with xard's great system. Thanks Buddy!

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Hey Big Joe,

How successful are your trades using your 15m system and can you share your indi's and template?

Thanks my friend.


I have no specific template, put the X3RSI with the colors you want but no black background ( indi is messed with black, dont know why ? ).

I can't reveal my success rate on the net, i'm just too shy but if you shot for 20 pips, it will be high enough.

Josua. When you get too Xard's level. There really isn't any need for more than 500 pips a week.

He trades pretty dang big. Larger then most.

And when you trade like that you want to be a bit more picky and certain of your trades.

Im sure Eventually he will target even less pips further down the road.

Plus. The guys works his ass off to come up with these setups.

I don't see how he can have time to even knock out 500.


Right..right, better take less trade but really-really profitable. I was trying to reduce my open position, maybe by filtering it out using a breakout indicator like Demark, what do you think?

Right..right, better take less trade but really-really profitable. I was trying to reduce my open position, maybe by filtering it out using a breakout indicator like Demark, what do you think?

I wouldn't say less is better. I myself target 1,000 a week.

But were I like to try and maximize the pips i can most times by squeezing out every last drop.

Xard will hit his target then close the trade and take the pips off the table.

Im sure you have read him saying, "No one has ever lost by taking profit" or something like that.

In the way it is probably better to just stick to your targets.

And close your trade. It may be best to stick to your trading plan and win your trade and then focus on the next.

But, that requires discipline which is something I'm working on.

You see Xard in my experience is a master planner. He plans his trades out from start to finish.

About using Demark. That's totally up to you. Try it. See how it works for you.

If it works out then share your experiences here.

These setups that Xard puts out aren't built so you have no choice but to use the indicators and templates that he provides.

He wants you to try out other ways to trade and maybe apply it to his setup or just post what works for you so maybe we can all benefit from it.

You see there are a lot of people out there that want to win.

They work there ass off to find a way to some how win trades and when they come across a good idea they hold on to it.

They protect it as tho there life depends on it.

They don't want to share.

They are worried that someone will take there idea and trade it better or maybe sell there idea.

I use to be like this.

Years ago before I had started learning from Xard I had this idea.

And I'm not going to lie, I kinda got inspiration for this idea from one of Xard's older setups.

Well, I shared this idea and the guy I shared it with was helping me because I couldn't and still can't code to save my life. ( I have a hard time with letters and words)

But anyway, this guy ended up making my idea into one of those cheesy EA Robots.

That everyone see's.

And he did this with OUT even telling me.

Not that I had any thing against robots but I didn't feel right selling this idea.

Because well it was my idea and I really didn't think it was good enough to pay money for, and I honestly hate marketeer that rip people off.

So I was hesitant to share ideas after that.

Until I met Xard. And he opened my eyes.

I learned that it doesn't matter how good your idea is.

You bring that idea to a master builder like Xard and he makes it a million times better.

Its like you have this idea for building your dream home. And you take your idea to this guy that knows how to design and build beautiful dream homes.

And he just builds and builds and builds, and it turns out to be something you couldn't even imagine.

So I learned that my ideas would never get to the point of greatness with out having other people to take it to that level.

And that's what we do. We work off good ideas and we go out of our way to try to make them great ideas.

And that's why Xard does not and won't ever sell you anything.

Let me ask ya'll something.

Nothing against those who sell there setups. Because I know first hand it cost money and precious time to build these setups.

I know you guys know Xard for what he is, a master builder. Just like one who builds beautiful cars or one who designs beautiful state of the art buildings. He is one of the best at what he does. ( I know he hates me putting him out there like that, but you all know it's true)

And you all know me. Im the guy usually talking on this thread it seems. But all I am is a glorified test dummy.

Most of what I have showed you from my experiences with these setups are what I have learned from both Xard and Tzuman.

I try to help answer question and I try to help figure out the setups. As ya'll can probably tell I kinda been off my game for the last few months. Had some personal problems with the ex and her dragging my daughter off to play house with some hombre in another state.

Those who know me know that my daughter is my only constant to everything that is good is this world.

And she is the only thing that keeps me on the straight in arrow.

So kinda dropped the ball since she hasn't been around, but hoping to get my shit together soon.

But, anyway......

It takes a shit load of time and effort to make these setups possible and neither Me or Xard are programmers.

Tzuman who many don't even know is a big part of Team Xard.

He's not all out in front doing barrow rows and loopy loops with his trades and posting them like im embarrassed to say I may have in the past.

But you all should know. With out Tzuman there is no Team Xard.

With out Tzuman there is no way you would get the ability to make money with these setups for free.

The Mad Scientist pulls off the impossible everyday to get these setups working.

One guy!

One guy!

Xard try's to help out with some coding but really it's The Mad Scientist, the guy you all know as Tzuman here on tsd to code all these beautiful works of art.

He will work his ass off multiple times harder than anyone I ever met in my life.

Xard will come up with an idea and The Mad Scientist will work his ass off to create that idea, strap that idea to the gurney, hoist that idea into the lighting and shock that idea into life.

Just so we all can try to make some pips.

And that's how he has earned the name The Mad Scientist. He didn't chose that name it was given to him for obvious reasons.

For never saying it can't be done.

You see for every setup that makes it to tsd, there are like 30 others that you guys never see.

And a hundred ideas that are still being worked on.

And a few unbelievable insane ideas that may take a few lifetimes to bring them to light.

But, The Mad Scientist, he just smiles at the impossible when others would tell Xard he is out of his mind.

The Mad Scientist he just smiles and asks if we would like that in Xard Blue or Xard Pink.

They both work there asses off and then the moment there done they post there setup here in a public forum for FREE!!!.

These setups are better then most that cost much money.

If not show us one and we will find a way to best it.

Make a better setup and again post it here Free!!!.


Why would anyone do that?

Why? Why not?

Why not just hold on to these setups and make a shit load of money and take over the world?

Why? Because we see the bigger picture.

We see that, us Forex traders, like it or not, we are all in the same boat.

We are all striving for the same goals.

We are all fighting against impossible odds.

So when we see someone download one of our setups and he starts winning trades.

It makes us feel good. It ensures us that we are not crazy, lol.

That we are on the right path. You know?

And of course we hope to discover newer ideas.

We are looking for advice.

We are needing help with testing and others experiences.

We never claim to be the best trader.

I don't consider myself to be even that great of a trader.

Because I know there are many traders that have been doing this successfully way longer and better that I have been.

And we look to learn from these other traders.

We look to better ourselves.

How else to better ourselves then from other experiences? right?

How else to do that then to hope to build a relationship with everyone who is willing? And show them what we have learned in hopes that we can learn from them .

So throw a Demark indicator on there and let us know how it works out for you.

And everyone else. Feel free to share your trades here with our setups or with someone else s, or with your own.



Excellent post Ish!!

I was starting make a long reply but the wording was getting complicated so I'll keep it simple.

I've been searching and searching all the forums and all the systems and nothing I have seen comes close to what a genius and visually beautiful system this is. Took me a little while to grasp the visual perfection of it.

The Creator(S) are not here trying to hype the system or need/want any of the glory that they actually deserve.

I wondered why there were not more posts here. Well this explained it. I was exploring the more popular "hyped" systems out there and would never have found this without the help of ForexTrader600.

171 downloads on the last update and 8 thank you clicks. The world needs more humble people. Like the idiot that said something about a cartoon (oh wait, that was me) .

So while i'm here babbling again,

A BIG Thank You to:




Next on the agenda might be a little on the mean side. (For any newcomers like me)

Read the damn thread guys. If you can't figure out how to trade the system after reading the thread without asking for instructions than you probably shouldn't be trading at all.

Be grateful for what is being provided.

KK, just some random thoughts there I wanted to get out.

Again.. Great post Ish, as always.






I've been backtesting the new MACD against the X2 RSI-T3 mainly on the EurUsd and am having a hell of a time figuring out which works best. They both seem to be kicking ass though. Sometimes the MACD works best and sometimes the RSI works best. I wish I had all this coded for Forex Tester 2. I think I need to start over and actually keep a detailed count. Tough call for me so far.

An easier way to visually backtest for some of you maybe to turn your monitor over on its side and change your screen resolution/Orientation to portrait. I'll enclose a pic for an Idea of what i'm talking about. (This is not a template, just threw some indicators up there for an idea of how much better you can see while visually testing/comparing indicators. This is on a 27" monitor which I love.

It looks like you could hook up an EA to an RSI Histo and make money just on that.

I'm learning a LOT from this system. It's amazing just how much i'm learning compared to previous time spent everywhere else.

22.jpg  730 kb

Still backtesting the RSI vs MACD. Doing it both through scrolling back through charts and taking only signals as price is near the daily open and doing it through strategy tester tick by tick. As soon as I think MACD is my baby RSI catches up. I haven't been keeping good records yet but see that I will need to as I backtest.

This system is going to make me freakin rich. I've never had so many great constant winning trades (Except playing AAPL options while it was one of the four horseman during a bull market). 20k into 120k in 6 months. Then I chased a bear market. BOY was that a lesson i'll never forget.

Have I told anyone what a great system this is? I mean OMFG, it's clicking lightbulbs on in my head.

What kind of win percentages are you guys getting? If you are only taking trades when momentum is taking price through the daily open and are keeping away from entering during the chop, I would think it has to be pretty damn high. I mean, even with the chop trades this system is GREAT. A little common sense on keeping out of the choppy areas and this thing is unreal.


And that's why Xard does not and won't ever sell you anything.

With out Tzuman there is no way you would get the ability to make money with these setups for free.He will work his ass off multiple times harder than anyone I ever met in my life.

The Mad Scientist he just smiles and asks if we would like that in Xard Blue or Xard Pink.

They both work there asses off and then the moment there done they post there setup here in a public forum for FREE!!!.

These setups are better then most that cost much money.

If not show us one and we will find a way to best it.

Make a better setup and again post it here Free!!!.


Why would anyone do that?

Why? Why not?

Why not just hold on to these setups and make a shit load of money and take over the world?

Why? Because we see the bigger picture.

We see that, us Forex traders, like it or not, we are all in the same boat.

We are all striving for the same goals.

We are all fighting against impossible odds.

And we look to learn from these other traders.

We look to better ourselves.

How else to better ourselves then from other experiences? right?

How else to do that then to hope to build a relationship with everyone who is willing? And show them what we have learned in hopes that we can learn from them .

So throw a Demark indicator on there and let us know how it works out for you.

And everyone else. Feel free to share your trades here with our setups or with someone else s, or with your own.


Well said Ish, now before the holidays ...

As has been written by Big Joe before, I use Xards setup but I trade it in a different way.

I'm more reversal trader and I don't want to confuse people who trade the trend here.

It's really hard to describe how much you really contribute to our Fx Community,guys. And all this without taking a penny.

The greatest part of the people who take your systems and indicators are not even given any thanks for it.

On the other hand, unfortunately, many inexperienced traders become victims of all kinds of frauds.

Here's how Steve Hopwood speaks to people he cheated for $ 299.

His congratulated for the upcoming holidays:

SteveHopwood wrote:

So Titwits, here is what I really think of you. You are a bunch of asinine, dim-witted, charismatically-challenged, gormless, pathetic, creatively-absent, intellectually-negative, language-challenged, furtive frightened and useless, turdbrained creeps.

Or did I already mention this in The Toxic Thread? Hmmmm. Might have done. Never mind.

You cannot answer this at FXAW because Craig will not let you. You cannot answer here because I will not let you.

I do not care what you post elsewhere - here and FXAW are the only forums I visit.

So, non-titwit guys, if you want to throw some mud at The Titwits then this is the place to do it. Balanced argument is not required.

Counter arguments will be deleted and the poster banned.

Steve Hopwood