Trading System by Xard777 - page 270

Hey Ish,

I am able to keep the MM lines in there no problem, I just darkened the colors to blend in with the background more but am still able to see them. Same thing with most of the other stuff on the chart.

I'm not a Supply and Demand trader as of yet, but that is what I have been studying.

I have all of Sam Seiden's videos, XLT courses, and PDFs and have only been through a tiny bit so far. Also been going through "Price is Everything" thread by Redsword11 on the FF board.

Has your friend been successful with his S/D trading and was all of his studying worth it? I would think if he was doing well you might have gotten into it yourself.

There are so many ways to trade and so many systems out there it's mind boggling.

I'd hate to spend the next few years on S/D trading come to find out I can't be profitable on it. Or any other way of trading for that matter. So when I see two things that seem to work very well, I figure It can't hurt to try and combine them.

I'd really interested in hearing how your friend is doing?



My friend who actually my best friend since the 2nd grade. Yeah he is a very impressive trader.

He have pulled off trades that are impossible in most eyes.

He trades only support and resistance.

He never trades the trend.

Thats were we differ. I maily trade the trends and hardly look to trade the turn arounds.

Thats his deal. He is obsessed with pipointing the exact moment of a turn around.

And in my mind thats nearly impossible to do consistantly.

I can tell you that his trading level had gone up thru the roof after studing supply and demand under Sam.

But he also applys his very own strat to that and other stuff he uses.

He doesn't use any fancy indicators. Just price action and has an uncanny ability

To see thing most can't.

He never visits these forums he just stays in his trading room and works on his out of the

Box ideas.

I have never been that good at trading off of support and resistance.

Im a trend trader thru and thru.

But becuase of him i know that support and resistance is important.

But i mostly just pay attention to pass high and lows.

I try to keep it as simple as possible.

Thats what works for me.

My friend he spend a good 4 yrs trying to find the perfect strat for his style of trading.

And it wasnt easy.

You can say he went a little mad.

He couldn't take off the trading hat.

He would dream and have nightmares of losing a trade.

He would never go outside. Lol.

So I had to step in and do what any good friend would do.

And found him this really hot blonde. They hit it off.

And he ended up spending more time with her then the charts.

(woman have a way of doing that to a trader)

He has retired from trading all together this last year and has been traveling all over with his

Soon to be wife.

He is scheduled to come out of retirement here early next year to start trading again.

Becuase well wedding and babies aren't cheap.

And his woman like nice things which is cool.

Im sure this time it will be different becuase now he has to balance trading and his personal life.

He won't have a choice. And im sure she will keep him in line.

But yeah studying support and resistance is a good thing.

If you can one day perfect it then its a great thing.

Im sure if you were to ask him he would say the same.

Much luck to you.

Becuase its the hardest road in trading that i know of.

So good luck. Lol


My friend who actually my best friend since the 2nd grade. Yeah he is a very impressive trader.

He have pulled off trades that are impossible in most eyes.

He trades only support and resistance.

He never trades the trend.

Thats were we differ. I maily trade the trends and hardly look to trade the turn arounds.

Thats his deal. He is obsessed with pipointing the exact moment of a turn around.

And in my mind thats nearly impossible to do consistantly.

I can tell you that his trading level had gone up thru the roof after studing supply and demand under Sam.

But he also applys his very own strat to that and other stuff he uses.

He doesn't use any fancy indicators. Just price action and has an uncanny ability

To see thing most can't.

He never visits these forums he just stays in his trading room and works on his out of the

Box ideas.

I have never been that good at trading off of support and resistance.

Im a trend trader thru and thru.

But becuase of him i know that support and resistance is important.

But i mostly just pay attention to pass high and lows.

I try to keep it as simple as possible.

Thats what works for me.

My friend he spend a good 4 yrs trying to find the perfect strat for his style of trading.

And it wasnt easy.

You can say he went a little mad.

He couldn't take off the trading hat.

He would dream and have nightmares of losing a trade.

He would never go outside. Lol.

So I had to step in and do what any good friend would do.

And found him this really hot blonde. They hit it off.

And he ended up spending more time with her then the charts.

(woman have a way of doing that to a trader)

He has retired from trading all together this last year and has been traveling all over with his

Soon to be wife.

He is scheduled to come out of retirement here early next year to start trading again.

Becuase well wedding and babies aren't cheap.

And his woman like nice things which is cool.

Im sure this time it will be different becuase now he has to balance trading and his personal life.

He won't have a choice. And im sure she will keep him in line.

But yeah studying support and resistance is a good thing.

If you can one day perfect it then its a great thing.

Im sure if you were to ask him he would say the same.

Much luck to you.

Becuase its the hardest road in trading that i know of.

So good luck. Lol


Thank you Ish,

I GREATLY appreciate you taking the time to give me that response.



Here is an update to the Trading System (designed for TFs H1 and above).

There are two templates to choose from... RSI or MACD.


All the best


NBShould the RSI lines act up simply switch time frame to say 15min then back to desired time frame, should work OK.

Nice trading Ish

Hi Master Xard,

MACD indicator when use for currency chart are not displaying color dividing block, not like on gold which shows dividing block color.


gbpusdh1_6.png  68 kb

Hi Xard,

You are doing great job. Your strategy and templates are very good and very useful for people like me (newbie).



MACD indicator when use for currency chart are not displaying color dividing block, not like on gold which shows dividing block color.

OOps! It was designed around Gold, please try this version, should work OK now.

All the best



The more I watch my chart play out in test mode with the stock template and colors the more i'm falling in love with it just the way it is.

The more I watch my chart play out in test mode with the stock template and colors the more i'm falling in love with it just the way it is.

I had a feeling you would like it buddy!

In my opinion a simple example would be to utilize something that helps determine strength and weakness.

Like a simple currency power meter that Xard has shared many time in many of his setups.

Take Mundu's chart here. It's the setup that Xard posted here called the X-chart.

If you haven't traded with this chart then you should get yourself familiar with it because it's pretty good.

It's one of my favorites.

You can see the obvious entry points on this setup. Its freakin obvious when to look to enter, right?

But the question is should you enter.

Just because you have an entry. Does that mean you should enter.

And that goes for any setup.

Just because you have all your ducks in a row. Or all you indicators lined up for one moment to give a good signal to buy or sell, should you risk your hard earned cash to take that trade? ??

I tell you what you can have a badass setup. Many in which I have now. I have many setups and all of them are great. But I gurantee you that I can't just take any trade those setups give me and always come out with a win.

Not that the entry's won't be valid entries. But they can be good one moment then sometime later fizzle out and even go against me, hit my stop loss, and I lose. It happens. It still happens.

But I can garantee you that if you incorporate better ways to figure out which entries have a higher probability of moving in your favor then you have just raised your winning rate big time.

Heres where a simple addition to your setup like the currency power meter can come in handy.

Now if one of those entry points on Mundu's xchart came along and your currency power meter reading for that pair says that the strength and weakness of that pair isn't going along with whats on your chart then why risk it?

Meaning if the eur isn't at one side of the spectrum of the meter fighting against the usd which you want on the other side of the spectrum showing the strength of which eur/usd, (mundus chart), is more likely to move. And if its not going along with the entry the setup is giving you then why risk it?

Yeah you might miss a valid trade. But I can bet you many more trades will come along.

Now if you do get a valid entry from the setup. Everything lines up the way you like it and the TDI is giving you the nod saying your clear. And your trigger and candle color change is ready.

Then you look over to your power meter or what ever it is your using and its like yeah the eur is at one side of the spectrum and the usd is at the other and its looking strong agreeing with your entry, like its patting you on the back saying you got this.

Then the probability of you winning that trade has gone up a little, yes?

Now im not saying everyone run out and throw a currency meter on your chart. What Im saying is that theres more to trading these charts then lining up indicators and waiting for a good signal visually. Its not always about what you see.

Get under the hood. Get your fingers dirty. Look at the vitals of the pair. Meaning it's health. Is it looking strong or is it looking weak.

. Like, yeah I got a valid buy entry and my eur is freakin strong and the usd is freakin weak and the London just opened up.

And the trade is in the direction of the 4hr, or Im comming off the bottom line on my bands and there moving in a up direction. Or what ever. Thats up to you to figure out.

This is what we should be focusing on. Not does this indicator re-paint? or whats the best indicator. Trust me theres many great indicators out there. Many of which have come out of TSd. And you can throw them all on your chart. All of them, till there is no room left. And you can still lose, trust me, i've tried

I just think we should focus on the bigger picture. Strategy. The best way to trade Xards setups. Trend catching, basket trading, breakouts. How ever you like to get down.

And lets look at the successful patterns and lets improve upon them.


p.s. sorry if i talk to much. Also sorry I can't spell for crap.

Just wanted to bump this great post for those not going back far enough.

Link to page with chart: (post 2068)

There are many more great posts that people are going to miss if they don't go back to at least page......... Well, I can't answer that yet.

I will make a list as I go through everything.


OK, this might be a dumb question but I don't know what all the indicators are as of yet, but regarding an old post by Revolution:

"So, folks using what has been provided for you in this thread (there is a special kind of indicator in this thread that does the job of breaking down and defining the trend for you)"

Which indicator is this in reference to?



I'm getting a funny tingling sensation telling me that I should be studying up on Murray Math.

First time I open a chart with just the MM lines in it and i'm seeing quite a few bounces.

I only the main reversal, there are many bounces.

mm.jpg  346 kb