Trading System by Xard777 - page 189


hi xard,

do you still trade your system? do you have an update for it?



I have been trying to figure out the settings to reproduce the zero crossings with a regular fisher but without success. My goal is to add alerts, emails, paint bars, binary, set timeframe period etc but with your settings on the indicator. I was wondering if you would mind sharing the parameters and if not, if you ever made one with alerts and such to save me a great deal of time on this earth by not having to stay stuck on the computer screen...I'm sure you know what I mean.

Any help would be appreciated, thanks!

people INPUTS setting (control-I) , recognition, fine tuning of the codes are people hard work, esp if it is tested thoroughly [ paid subscription elite section in the forum ]

what I would suggest -- esp if you can ' My goal is to add alerts, emails, paint bars, binary, set timeframe period etc but with your settings on the indicator.'

IN SIMPLE WORDS --- I do recommend Readers or Traders subscribe GIFTED people ELITE (upgrade) or superb-elite (double upgrade) of FOREX-TSD

why, simple

just like BK , MD meals -- you can UPSIZE it

upsizing is also how professional TRADINGS floor people play this forex

----- if you cannot afford it -- then stick to this freebies -- hehehe

sometimes, I only give away excellent indicators to a few good friend

telling them in twitter, a good indicator that I left in this forum can be UPLOAD in just half a day, then take it OFF (hehehhe)

you offer your help as MT4 / MT5 coder for that few things

then after you do it , you ask those people to help you to fine tune those indicators that you get in this thread


you could copy other EA, email alerts MT4 coding if you don't know how to do it

--- I am less generous , even if I know how to do my TF with a pair, I won't give it away to you ---


XARD777 MM Levels

MM XARD777's great thank You

mm.gif  226 kb


First off all you need a great understanding of what Murrrey Math is. Murrey Math � Forex & Stock Trading Library

I Put on my Notes the explanations from the site, Thank You..

// Xard MM \¦/

// Knowledge of the Ancients (ò ó)








Thank you Guys You are Rocks

mm_levels.gif  49 kb


Can you share this MM template?



Xard sir, thread awaiting yr new updation

Suddenly this excellent thread has become standstill.

new updation might have come during this period by Xard sir.


Oh Yes, Xard we miss you !!!!!



big joe:
oh yes, xard we miss you !!!!!


the return of xard!!!!!

summer 2012

unchain_me.jpg  85 kb

from Mexico

Sure would be nice to see some sign of life from you, amigo Xard.


I recieved an email from him stating he is doing well but very busy.