Trading System by Xard777 - page 146

I got in a little late on the GBP/USD 4H. Im now up 148 pips.


is your ssa input 20,2,20,300?

Big Joe:
Non repaint ssa released this week-end with a faster library

What else

BUT, i still prefer xards......

the best is normalize ma and endpoint after xards.... dunno why i prefer the repainting one.... ah well...

can anyone help me make an alert for xard ssa?

do i just put if (nmax>0)


message = buy



double dev,ma;

int i, nmax, nmin;


for( i=N-1; i>=0; i--) {




if(dev==0) dev=0.1;






if(nmax==2) {




if(nmin==2) {





Yeah I still prefer Xards SSA better also.


AUD/CAD and a second run on the EUR/JPY

still going strong on the eur/usd and gbp/usd.

aususd.jpg  298 kb
eurjpy_1.jpg  291 kb
hey ismael how are you?

i see trading the 4hr....

xard has been kind to upload all that stuff!!

you can see why i love ssa!!

are you only using 4hr charts?

Hey Francis tried to PM you back but it says you have to many messages so I replied here.

I just start trading the 4hr becuase I haven't had enough time to trade much but it's been going really good these last three weeks on the 4hr especially for eur/usd. The SSA is just really good on the 1hr and 4hr. I think I might stick with the 4hr and 1hr just depends which presents the oppurtunity. And learning to use the CCI indi that Xard put across the SSA works better on the 4hr. I can't wait to see what Xard comes out with next if he ever decides too.


I ended up with only 10 pips with the second trade on the eur/jpy 1hr. Im up 68 pips on aud/cad and 190 pips on Gbp/usd probably take profit soon in this one.

These are the last charts that I will post a picture of for now. I just wanted people to know what Xard has actually given them for free, in their hands. He just handed these systems to you, with all the hard work he put into them. Some might disagree with me but to me it's obvious that these systems where made by a real trader. Someone who puts food on the table doing this. Well I'm done for now and heading to the bar for a beer. Xard if you ever pass thru Dallas, TX the drinks are on me.

audcad.jpg  296 kb
gbpusd.jpg  282 kb
I ended up with only 10 pips with the second trade on the eur/jpy 1hr. Im up 68 pips on aud/cad and 190 pips on Gbp/usd probably take profit soon in this one. These are the last charts that I will post a picture of for now. I just wanted people to know what Xard has actually given them for free, in their hands. He just handed these systems to you, with all the hard work he put into them. Some might disagree with me but to me it's obvious that these systems where made by a real trader. Someone who puts food on the table doing this. Well I'm done for now and heading to the bar for a beer. Xard if you ever pass thru Dallas, TX the drinks are on me.

will you tell me your entry method..

do you see semafor and 13 gannline cross... what about other two gannlines..

and how do you use abha OBOS and fibonacci level..

where is your murrey math.. i can't see in your chart...


Corby just keep it simple bro. I have another chart that I look for support and resistance on. I can't throw it all on the Xard charts because it would look way to cluttered. I still try to follow the semafor rules by entering in the opposite direction of the semafor but for now just try to take the trades that if its opposite of the semafor then you want opposite to be going towards the major trend and allot of times you will notice that you can get this set up and even push off the Fibo that Xard already has on the chart for you which for me is even better.

I personally never been to good with murrey math. I don't have anything against it. I'm sure a lot of guys do good using it, but a prefer other means of support and resistance. Take the time to learn about what support and resistance works for you. I made the mistake of just blindly following indcators and that isn't trading. It took me a good while and costed me some good money to learn this lesson. Take the time out to learn. Practice drawing trendlines. Take time out to study your charts and see how price struggles agains certain MA's and FIBOs. Maybe bollinger bands or Daily Pivots. Don't overwhelm yourself with 10 different MA's and every single Fibo line where you can't even move because you'll hit some supposid S/R. Xard put that one Fibo on the chart for a reason, it has come in handy for me.

I'm just saying to take the time to learn a little S/R. You don't have to be a master at it. I'm sure as hell not. Trade towards the Major Trend for now. Have some dicipline and stick to your plan. Don't change everything up all the time because trades didn't go your way. Make sure you don't break your rules. Like not getting in until the SSA crosses. Yeah I probably could have gotten more pips some time if I got in earlier, but I have broke that rule before and it has bitten me on the ass before.

And start writing shit down. Get a notebook, their like a dollar, and write everything down. " ok the aud/cad looks like a setup might be comeing up soon, need to check back in an few hours" write it down. If a certain pair sucks to trade because its to volitile then write it down. When something works and you have a good trade. Go over and figure out what forces came together to make it happen and write it down so you can improve and know what you want to look for in the future. Same with bad trades, why, what went wrong. If you don't know then write it down, " I don't know"

Last but not least study Xards chart. Look how everything moves. Bare with me because I writing all of this on my phone so excuse the typos. But. Look at the Gannlines. Notice where certain Gannlines are in the different time frames. The 13 Gannline on the 4hr chart is like the big Gannline in the smaller Time Frames so take notice of your bigger Gannlines on smaller time frames when entering on bigger time frames.

I guess that's all for now, I hope that's helps a little.


This is a good example of the Xard Fibo blocking price from going up and then knocking it down. You get an entry pushing away from the Xard Fibo it gives it more probability of it going your way. Unfortunately I missed this one.

xard_fibo.jpg  274 kb
This is a good example of the Xard Fibo blocking price from going up and then knocking it down. You get an entry pushing away from the Xard Fibo it gives it more probability of it going your way. Unfortunately I missed this one.

can you guys keep posting updates of trades your making with this system. may be an fxbook publish is better. it will encourage members to put more effort in improving the system

its what blazan did, its why this thread got 5 stars!


i shall donate 20% of the profit i make form your EA for your generosity.