Trading System by Xard777 - page 51



I think this system as post #1 enclosed

is very close to PERFECT


we need to have our own statistics on excel and see how we can adjust our own trading decision -- how we PREDICT in each scenario

will it lose on that as well , it should ! -- no unbeatable ones are there

there are just very few questions un-answered with this system , e.g. like when to trade, any better indicator for better protection -- so it is good enough


Is there anyone who can know Matrix.mq4 ?

i have the indicator is full of other indicators but i have no idea how does it works and if can be profitable and i'd like to know if there is some programmers here who can know to altered the setting with alert .

thanks for your reply,



fed audit

??? ????

I'm alittle disturbed with the premier of the "v" especially when obama is supposed to have a disclosure anouncement when recieving the nobel peace prize, an announcement that supposedly caused JFK to be assisnated, and that is allien life forms here on earth...

while I have been following some of the research over at 2012 enigma, and others, read about the Annunaki, nibiru and the like, I just hope this is'nt a situation to push further a one world governement, or world order. to paint any kind of ET's here on this planet as negitive, while there is negitive here, and it is the elitists, luminati, masons, aka, annunaki...

There are more possitve entities here trying to stop a world wide genocide, or governement...I think the series the "v" could be propoganda to push a new world order, as obama is said to acknoledge and reveil true earth ET's.

But is obama part of the dark world of elitists, that have stole 12 trillion from american tax payers, or is he one of the good guys.

I know ron paul passed the legislation to audit the federal reserve, because who do they answer to for 12 trillion. we need to know.

One thing is for certain, i think we are upon the golden age of prosperity for all, that being free resources, and energy, but the markets, must all crash, fiat money, gold, oil, all....

It's my understanding that th4ese evil secret societies are runing scared, and we are all apart of a universal consciousness, of pure life forece energy, and are manifestations of our thoughts, there will be allien intervention, no mass genocides, world governments, new world order, or elitists anymore. there is a galactic war going on outside of earth beyound the quarantine area, alot of negitive entities want in, and the galactic allignment of 2012 will be interesting to behold.

My guess is the golden age of peace and love, with no more chaos will be the new world and all these elitists are finally becoming un-masked for who they really are, and all propoganda will cease, lets hope so!

Look for obama to announce the existance of other worldy life forms esisting here on earth in the next 30 days!

that being said, I am short the yen to 88.28, up to 95.31, then drop hard 82.25 watch those areas.

If you are not short, 90.40 is good to go, stop 90.70, also consider getting a broker in canada, most solid banks in the world.


look for the DOW to drop to 9375, then zom up to 10600 before all hell breaks loose and mamouth crash to 2400...along with gold, the dollar, oil....yen pushing up from 90.18, sell entry is 90.33 get some!!!

euro support is .4404, cable .6032, 1000 plus pips



One World government-no FOREX:)


some strategy are too volcanoic volatile -- learning forex just like climbing the volcanic mountains

peace -- could be next generation world peace, (when people live in the concept car world) if we got conspiration theory in mind, then we could guess, this is how the military data feed people , TELLING and YELLING public to work , rather than playing digit game == just stupid assumption

this one is very old school of thought of earlier generation of economy

people in forex earn most of the money from INTERNATIONAL trading, when merchandiser convert money, they lost lot of pips

NOW -- which economy do most trading, us, canada, holland, HK, or japan britain -- usually on trading got a DOMINATE currency ==== we have to visit all these countries to know their attitude towards trade and imported products i.e. the new generation, if trade recede with drama, pips has to be GETTING from people who shop arounds

anyway, I am happy that my UPGRADE version of the templates (5) are better than the last generation, I am testing it out -- will know the result soon


Zard, can you assist me plz...

I would like to be able to change the colors on this indy so that it looks like in the picture without going back to default when changing time frames, much appreciated...


usdjpy1.gif  44 kb
t3_alpha.mq4  6 kb
2_1.gif  48 kb

My Latest Screen Setup

Best used in 30min chart

Here is link...

Download XARD777.rar from - send big files the easy way


PS Tested the link...d/l's ok...enjoy!

I would like to be able to change the colors on this indy so that it looks like in the picture without going back to default when changing time frames, much appreciated...

Hi, Ziggy!



Thanks Boss.

Hi, Ziggy! Done


Would you please post your most recent template

and your preferred time frame for this setup?



Thanks Boss.

No problem, just testing this indicator still at the moment, I wanted to thank pix for allowing color change, but it appears the line thickness changes also go back to default, perhaps if you read this pix, and it's not to much of a hassle...Then I will be glad to post it, the indicator I find interesting as it is a price reflection analitics.

It can be a useful tool, and needs to be demo traded first, with the markets being really difficult lately, I have been concentrating on the 5 min, taking 5 min snake force trades in the direction of the 30, as the probabilities are very high, and can be more exciting have more high probable opportunities, I use a 30 min waddah on that time frame also, as when the 5 min snake is correcting in a 30 min snake trend, the 30 min waddah will give you a idea of the strength of the pullback, if it even registers, then when you get a switch in signal going with the 30 min it's always min 20 pips, rather easily.

I just like creating and playing around as much as I do trading, and this indicator pix has helped with allows me to see things in a diferent way is all, but if I can get the line thickness changes not go back to default as pix has done wih the color, I will post it if you like.

Price reflextion analitics.

Would you please post your most recent template

and your preferred time frame for this setup?
