Eurusd/gbpusd - page 1639


No gap (1.3433 - Bloomberg rates)

No gap (1.3433 - Bloomberg rates)

No gap at all - and no volume

No gap at all - and no volume

The usual

Rest till London open - not worth waiting for a few pips

The usual Rest till London open - not worth waiting for a few pips

Agree, not worth waiting now.


The Dollar will remain the main focus, lets see how it keeps reacting.


For now with a 7 pips range during the Asian session

It is getting worse and worse


All is as usual

Today we can expect a mini "correction" (simple trading within a previous day range without exceeding the previous day range - probably some 20 pips in the best case up from daily open) and then the bearish trend should resume

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Only pending home sales surprise can move EURUSD, but I don't think so. Looks like nothing will change before Wednesday

Only pending home sales surprise can move EURUSD, but I don't think so. Looks like nothing will change before Wednesday

This is what we are already used to - good old times when 15 minute bars were like this daily range are long gone. All we can wait for is another push down


Not even pending home sales data changes anything

We are looking at a record low daily range today