Eurusd/gbpusd - page 1552

I think that the decline in price was a confirmation of the wide spread opinion that the EURUSD trend is now bearish

Could be that too. ECB announcement still not completely priced in

Could be that too. ECB announcement still not completely priced in

Or it is simply an ECB intervention


According to Bernanke (in one speech) there will be no FED rate hike in his life time. Wall street must be delighted


According to Bernanke (told a few days ago) there will be no FED rate hike in his life time. Wall street must be delighted

PS: he is getting payed $250.000 per lecture. Nice ....

According to Bernanke (told a few days ago) there will be no FED rate hike in his life time. Wall street must be delighted PS: he is getting payed $250.000 per lecture. Nice ....

And now he is telling that this wealth transfer is going to continue for years

Is one of the musts they have to be FED heads an "immense liar" in the job application?

According to Bernanke (told a few days ago) there will be no FED rate hike in his life time. Wall street must be delighted PS: he is getting payed $250.000 per lecture. Nice ....

$250.000 for an hour of blabbing? Nice

$250.000 for an hour of blabbing? Nice

Now he is talking the "truth". For money.

Before he was talking the "truth". For power and money.

So, he is still a liar. See what ECB will do : negative rates. It is just a matter of time when will FED do the same


"In a series of quarter-million-dollar dinners with wealthy private investors, Ben Bernanke " was taking the following : At big-ticket dinners, a blunt Bernanke sounds theme of low rates | Reuters

The outline of the global plan starts to show itself


We all would take a quarter-million-dollar for talking.

The issue is what is exactly what he is saying that those are paying him think is worth it? More ways of making rich richer and killing the middle class.


i'd rather listen to paint talk all day

has n't everyone heard what he has to say anyway, and many times over

hopefully the food was good, maybe its one of those dinners where they eat rare animals, komodo dragons and such like,

ever wondered what happened to the dodo, they were all eaten by the greedy bankers at speech dinners

Carney was on TV again this morning also blowing hot air about the UK housing Market / bubble, but no solution

and won't act with monetary policy

the main argument is some will be pushed into not being able to pay their mortgage,

but should n't they all of been aware of the costs before taking a mortgage, and when in fact they've been having a very easy ride for the last 6/7yrs

someone and friend of the central bankers must be buying up as much land and property as possible and does nt want to pay any more than necessary, as this present course makes no sense, is unsustainable and just a nr repeat of the last bubble / crises

the Central bankers should be aware that when it all blows up next time they wont get such an easy ride

but then the powers that be will invent something to keep us all otherwise occupied, like saying the only option is to raid our bank accounts

at least the government can't tax the nice sunshine