Eurusd/gbpusd - page 1452



Despite a slight recovery our short-term expectations are still associated with the support range 1.6180-1.6300. In the future if the pair stays above the lower limit of the range we expect a resumption of a growth with a target to break above 1.6620 testing the key resistance 1.6750.

Volumes near the resistance level 1.6465 indicate purchasing power lowering.

the pair will probably bounce from 1.6465 to 1.6385. The break of 1.6385 will allow sellers to open short orders to a rising trendline 1.6330.

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Here we go : much worse than expected NFP and the unemployment falls from 7% to 6.7%. Come on guys. Why can't they invent a credible lie? Wait for the whipsaw now


Any information (even a false one) can be used to do a good old stop loss hunting. Good luck guys.


No. That is not stop loss hunting. That is traders starting to realize that without QE the economy is not going to look so nice any more. After all : it was "only" $4 trillion that was pumped in using the QE


QE addicts the lot of them

they need to get off the QE, as its bad for our health

elections again soon enough (especially here in the UK) and they will need to prove things are actually better

not just numbers that look better

if folks still feel or have quite a bit less in their pockets and vital services still being cut to endlessly bail out the bankers its not going to wash for too much longer

at least its the weekend

2 days for the peasants to drink and play as much online poker as much possible,

things are n't so bad afterall (FFS)


They will never get off the QE. There is already an announcement of a new QE : Fed Hints At Reason For QE5: Obamacare


That is fantastic. Everything is going to be used to continue QE


FED is not going to let Euro weaken. The need the weak $ for exports (the thing that Japan have been doing for years) and they are not going to let USD get stronger just because of some tapering. If needed they will invent 10 new QEs in order to continue weakening the USD to some "reasonable" level (the level that assures that US sales abroad is competitive to Europes prices)


But their trade deficit is smaller. Seems that they are winning this war


A fist full dollars less maybe, but not much

they keep increasing the borrowing limit so something does n't add up

and the overall debt rises, even if the deficit is slightly lower

here in the UK they are cutting just about everything, to try to pay down the deficit, the projections in 2011 were for it to be nearly paid off by now, but so far they ve only managed around 25%

at this rate have another 20 yrs of Austerity - which the public obviously won't put up with, as we are all a bit tired of it already

no one votes for Governments that says we will cut everything for 10-20yrs and in the process ruin all the vital services that have took many many yrs to build up, and will actually cost far more to put right again,

we only have a 100/110bill deficit, (was 140) which is very nr the 111Billion used to pay off the Bankers loans for the nr Bankrupt UK Banks

the UK debt is also increasing even though the deficit is very slightly coming down,

if i remember correctly around 10bill has been used to pay down the deficit from the profit made from the BOEs QE, but its no where nr enough

how the US pay off their deficit is anyones guess, but if the Republicans get in again next time, which looks more likely by the day, they are sure to start another war costing 10Trillion+

So unless they actually use the QE wisely and pay off the debts it looks like game over in the next 50 yrs for the US and time to learn to speak Chinese

The endless QE looks like the very rich decided the trillions they made in the last boom they are just keeping and will not hand any back over under any terms and will only be used for their own major investments,

QE is the only money available for a recovery and they also keep 90% as only 5-10% actually trickles into the real economy

Maybe the real reason for endless QE is so "the FED" controls all the bond market, only 25% for now, but would n't of been possible without QE, and would give the Fed power over nr any country in the world,

once they control 75-100%, maybe we will some real tapering, who's knows ?

a bit of a mess, good job we have Forex and Beer

The End of Britain - MoneyWeek