Eurusd/gbpusd - page 1445

olso week no.6502, 6498 was signal sell---- ()

stop out 6477 tp1 25p, tp2 21p

later week no. 6526 was signal sell-------

stop out 6477 tp 49p ( later week no. 6498, 6502 was signal buy---- (olso week no. 6526 was signal buy----

Week no. are signals buy/ sell,trade week no. same no. all the week,every day ,24-h,5-days,trade with the trend -no indictors ,only week no.enter on week no.posted once a week on monday for all the week. use week no. as enter trade point.,news is just event that can speed up or down the price movment

rules:enter olso( +-)6-9p,or week no.

week no.(12/29/2013)

have a nice green week! ()

no one has ever lost by taking profit .........week no.

gu--6438, 6442, 6466, 6498, 6502, 6526, eu----3702, 3708, 3731, 3762, 3768, 3791

key levels to watch 3630, 3652, 3698, 3734, 3761, 3842, 3893, 3922, 4014


Who the hell is still trading?

Either brokers trying to squeeze some extra at a last minute or some that are on a wrong side

stop out 3810 tp 19p, later,week no. 3791 was signal sell---- see week no. on post 14443

stop out 3761 tp 30p , later again 3791 signal sell------ ()


(an email i received earlier)

thought it worth posting, not sure where best to post it, but here seems a good a place as any, while tradings slow


It is time to revisit an ever important topic. I have been in the

trading and trading education world for many years. This has allowed me

to watch traders grow at different levels and reach different levels of

success, and failure. I have often wondered and speculated on the

difference between those who achieve success and those who fail. For

me, the answer lies in the proper definition of success when it comes

to trading, or any occupation for that matter.

Cycle of Trading Let me explain a scenario that I have experienced

hundreds of times with individuals going through trading education.

There was a gentleman back in 1999 who I met at a trading seminar. He

walked up to me before it started and introduced himself. He had been

reading my daily trading advisory letters and was very excited to meet

the face behind the letter and take the seminar that I was giving. He

explained that he had a family and that trading was going to be “IT”

for him. He wanted to make lots of money at it and do it for a career.

After the seminar, he thanked me and could not wait to get home and get

started on his quest for “IT.” A couple weeks after the seminar, he

sent me an email and said he was doing well but he said “Sam, if I

could only take all my stop losses according to plan, I would really

make “IT.” Time went by and I contacted him and asked him if he made

“IT?” He said yes. I said, “How is IT?” He said “IT” was good. He then

said that if he adjusted his rules a bit and added a moving average for

a trail stop, he could hold on for larger gains and really make “IT!”

More than a year went by before I heard from him again and when I did,

I asked him the same question, did you make “IT?” He said he did. I

asked him how “IT” was and he said “IT was good.” He also added that

his marriage was falling apart and he did not know where things were

going in his personal life. He said that he only needed to make a

little more money from trading than he did from his day job to quit the

day job and that this would be “IT,” this would save his marriage, his


Let me let you in on something I realized long ago. “IT” is never “IT.”

The “IT” cycle will have you chasing an illusion of happiness your

whole life in many forms if you let it. If you are looking for “IT,” it

only exists in a much grander vision. This grander vision will meet all

your needs and become “IT” for you. I want to invite you into a simple

reality that most consistently profitable market speculators share.

They are not looking for trading to be “IT” for them. They have a much

grander vision. The best traders I know spend very little time trading

and spend less time talking about trading. They make plenty of money

trading and they use that money to feed the grander vision. One person

I know who has done very well in trading and bought 3 vacation homes on

a lake all next to each other. He has a family with many kids and

invites families who would not be able to afford to do this to stay at

these vacation homes in the summers. His life is all about his family;

that has always been his grander vision. Because of this, he is not

looking to change or improve his trading strategy, he does fine. In

fact, he never talks about his strategy, he would never waste the time

as he is too busy with his grander vision. I know his strategy and let

me tell you, I see many people come out of the Online Trading Academy

classes with better strategies that don’t make money because they are

always looking to improve the strategy so they can really make “IT.”

People who keep changing their trading strategy and keep taking more

and more seminars and read more and more books never make it in

trading. They are always looking for “IT.” From what I see, the

successful people at Online Trading Academy take the classes, become

graduates, and then go and run the strategy they have developed from

the education. They don’t rush off to take more and more seminars and

courses. The group that has taken every trading course around the world

and has read every trading book written is not the group that makes

money trading; this is the group that typically pays those who have a

grander vision.

In trading, the best outcome each day is more money in your account. If

you keep striving for more money, you will never be happy because you

will never have all the worlds’ money. How many times do men and women

get into relationships because they think that partner is “it” for

them? They are counting on that partner to make them happy and fill all

their needs and voids. These relationships always fail because the

other partner will never meet these expectations. So much pressure is

put on that partner to be “it” for that person. Trading is not all that

different. The pressure people put on themselves with unrealistic

expectations is simply setting you up for failure.

Why do I trade? The focus for me is the grander vision, not attempting

to attain all the worlds’ money. THIS is what allows me to run a simple

and successful trading strategy year after year after year. I have not

changed one thing about how I trade in many years. The income from

trading allows me to feed my grander vision. I have played hockey all

my life and still play in the most competitive leagues around. I also

coach kid’s hockey and that has been great for me. Many of these kids

can’t afford to do certain things that will benefit them. Trading

allows me to dive into these kids lives and expose them to things most

of them could not afford to do on their own. For example, I do have an

IPhone but not all the other gadgets however, I can afford them.

Instead, I felt much better buying these kids 1 year family memberships

to the fantastic museums in Chicago. Hhmm, loud music in my ears or

exposing a child to some of the best science, art, and history museums

in the world? If I wanted the I-PAD, Google Glasses, Galaxy Watch, I

would also want the I-Car, I House, and the I-life… You see, “IT” never

ends and in the trading world, this thought process will drain your

account. Instead of buying the latest power computer, my grander vision

had me buy the Dr. Seuss series of books for a local school in the area

that didn’t have a budget for new books. My grander vision is making a

difference in the life of children which will end up making a positive

difference in the world. That is what I spend most of my free time

doing. This just so happens to also allow a successful trading strategy

to run, there is no pressure of better numbers and more dollars.

The next time you have a few minutes and you are about to tweak that

trading strategy because your strategy, while profitable, may not be

allowing you to really make “IT.” Understand that “IT” is never “IT.”

You are likely chasing something that does not exist. You’re walking

east and west trying to find the North Pole. Instead, open your mind to

the possibility of a much grander vision which has nothing to do with

trading. In doing this, you may just find that the grander vision is

what will finally allow you to execute your successful strategy with

disciplined precision for the rest of your life. More importantly, this

grander vision is likely where you will find “IT.”

What if you are not a consistently profitable market speculator yet?

Don’t give up! Remember, most of your failures could have been

converted into success if you had continued on for a short time longer

or made a little more effort. With a positive attitude, you are ready

for all the adversity and short term defeat that leads to success. You

see, adversity is really a stepping stone requirement along the path to

success. Without the positive attitude adversity more often than not

leads to failure. When you eliminate failure as an option and remove

all escape routes you will be surprised how fast you figure out how to

succeed. What about Thomas Edison? He attempted to create the electric

light bulb only to fail 10,000 times. How did he press on with so much

failure? That all depends on how you define failure… He viewed each

failure as a very positive step in his quest because with each failed

attempt, he was eliminating a way NOT to produce the light bulb. The

more times he failed, the closer he was to achieving his goal. The same

goes for trading. So often, people give up just as they are about to

become consistently profitable. The next time you get discouraged

because of a few trades that didn’t work out, think of Edison’s 10,000

bad trades and the success that came from that failure. Next, once you

invent your light bulb, make sure you spend your life using it to feed

your grander vision, not trying to improve “it.”



The purpose of this piece is to share some insights that may help you

create an amazing life with no limits. Everything we do in life is

driven by our belief system. Let’s move backward one step at a time.

Actions stem from behavioral patterns, and behavioral patterns stem

from beliefs. It is at the level of beliefs that decisions are made,

and moreover, where your ability to differentiate reality from illusion

lay. The reality is that you can achieve just about any goal you can

think of. The illusion: you think you can’t. When you live by a set of

core values and unshakeable beliefs you become stronger and less

fearful. Life is a journey, a long exciting marathon for which you have

the road map and control the rules. Without them you are tossed around

by the struggles of day – to – day life. At Online Trading Academy, our

core values and beliefs allow us to “live life in our hopes, dreams,

and goals… Not in our fears and doubts.” You can do this as well; it

may help you become a more successful person and trader. The challenge

is that people grow to be risk averse and with that mindset change

brings unknown fear of more risk. Risk of loss and failure are the two

big ones. We are all conditioned from a young age to not make mistakes

which is SO WRONG. The only way a person can overcome the state of

focus of risk and fear is by focusing on possibility and opportunity

that positive change will bring. That’s a hard exercise for the mind

because everywhere we look or whoever we talk to the communication we

will receive when opportunities come up is cynicism and doubt and not

encouragement to take risk.

An unshakable focus on your grander vision is the key to a life of

happiness with no limits.

For those who find that grander vision, please let me know.

Merry New year

stop out 6477 tp 49p ( later week no. 6498, 6502 was signal buy---- (olso week no. 6526 was signal buy----

stop out 6565 tp1 67p, tp2 63p, tp3 39p

stop out 3761 tp 30p , later again 3791 signal sell------ ()

stop out 3770 tp21p


Hope that this year will be more logical than the last one

Happy new year to all traders