Eurusd/gbpusd - page 428

Where can I find the Dow and Nasdaq levels for today?

I don't have them today. I hand some data issues but will resume tomorrow.

I don't have them today. I hand some data issues but will resume tomorrow.

m8! hi big im back hou are you??


i will be polit............

weekno. 5923 from 5883-5839 tp2 44p

and from 5839........-5729-tp3 55p ,tp4 55p.....

i will be polit............

Oh stop it! You can ignore my levels if you problem. What part of 70-80% don't you understand. They are not right all the time.

Oh stop it! You can ignore my levels if you problem. What part of 70-80% don't you understand. They are not right all the time.

im a gentelman forex

im a gentelman forex

and if i hope that you are the on right way , i know a lot of big traders, wich will like it and i will help you

and if i hope that you are the on right way , i know a lot of big traders, wich will like it and i will help you

hmmm...I like the sound of that. Send me a pm with more details.

hmmm...I like the sound of that. Send me a pm with more details.

i know traders , frendes trading 1-2 yard amonth loking for a good system. trading with u.b.s, dutche bank

i know traders , frendes trading 1-2 yard amonth loking for a good system. trading with u.b.s, dutche bank

Where did you meet these friends?