My Forex Prediction using Advanced GET - page 110


GBPUSD 30th March 2010

I am still going for a sell.

Yesterday, manage to get ard 20pips by selling.

Here is the images. Hmmm... Really hope someone here to analyse together with me.

I have a hard time looking at my chart trying to figure out how true it is in timeframe lower than D1.

Daily Chart

H4 Chart

H1 Chart

M15 Chart

H4 & D1 is still a selling trend. Until now, there is not much of changes to the chart since last week.

H1 & M15 is still uptrend since last friday. But, Not really convinced it will move up more as it reached the wave 4 in H4 & D1.

So, I will open a Sell trade now. Going for 100pips.


Think I have to start trusting M15.

Just now, it shoot up.... hmmm.. Now have to wait for it go come down.


GU 31st March 2010

I think I will follow M15 timeframe for this week & next week. Cos if basing on yesterday, it did pretty well in counting (Only Yesterday)

So, will test out if it is true or not.

Here is today chart.

Daily Chart

H4 Chart

H1 Chart

M15 Chart

As you can see, H1, M15 waves is completed or to be completed in a while. So it will resumed the down trends of H4 & D1. So that's means this week we can see 1.475 soon.

Hope I am right. Since last friday, M15 had been right & I failed to follow it. Anyway, Good Luck to all.


Advanced GET 9.1 Manual


If you have time, please do some read up over here.

Think it will help us too.

There is an interesting strategy.

Please take a look if you have time.


Following M15 indeed is good for this week..

It keep on going up...

Let's see what today going to be like.


GBPUSD 2nd April 2010

Trade at your own risk.

For me, I am selling.

M15 Chart

My target is until 1.5192

Main reason for selling is the Elliott Wave Oscillator (EWO) is on the way coming down as shown in the chart & gaining strength in the downside.

H1 Chart

Same EWO is coming down. So that's means it will continue to retrace till the other side or Wave 1 of the last wave 5 in H4.

H4 Chart

EWO is also coming down.

D1 Chart

Over at this chart, EWO seems to be going able to go up more as it just cross over the 0.

So that's means it could move up more.

So Conclusion, It will come down for a short while or permanently (1.475 & below) or Goes up above 1.53.

As I state, trade at your own risk. This is what I feel.


GOT MY 60pips AGAIN..


What a good friday I have.

Got 60pips based on EWO & M15 GET chart.

OK. That's all for me this week.

If you still want to trade so much, maybe u can try to buy now. But.... Trade at your own risk.

Why Buy, this is the reason.

H1 Chart

Wave 4 could be completed. But look at the EWO, It just crossed 0 to down side. So It also means that it can still goes down further.

H4 Chart

Same as H1.

But, suggest please wait for clear signal before going for a buy.

Again... Reminder TRADE AT YOUR OWN RISK


Should have trade the long last night.... GREED (I refering to me)...

Wahahahaha... It really went up 30pips.. Anyway, Have a good sleep last night.


GBPUSD 5th April 2010 - 9th April 2010

Here is my humble prediction with Advanced GET.

But at your own risk. Also I am always wrong. Wahahah..

Monthly Chart

Look at the EWO (Osc 5, 35 at the bottom of chart. I be using it most of the time, also known as Elliott Wave Oscillator)

It still on the way going down, So that's means it is going down for long term, Beside, It is either going to form Wave B or Wave 5. So let's see how it will goes this month.

Weekly Chart

Over here, you can see the EWO is same level as last week. So that's means now, it is retracing for last week. As you could see, long term, it will goes down. Let's it complete this retracing wave, it will continue to complete the Wave 5.

Daily Chart

If you look at EWO, it is still going up. So most likely Wave 4 is not completed yet. So it still have room to goes up. So have to beware if you are shorting this pair.

So I feel, it will goes up more & then come down.

i think it can goes as high as 1.55 before coming down.


GU 5th April 2010

H4 Chart

H1 Chart

M15 Chart

Trade at your own risk.