My Forex Prediction using Advanced GET - page 72

Trading the Wave Counts from GET - EURJPY

Towards the evening (Malaysian time) I BOUGHT EURJPY at 133.90 and SOLD at 134.28 making a gain of 38 pips or US$417.00 within 2 hours 32 minutes.

Attached are the details of the transaction.

As mentioned in my morning's posting, EURJPY's Primary Wave [C] is moving up towards the level of Wave [A].


With my new found understanding (:-)), EURJPY has undergone a complex Wave 4 correction and entering the 5th.

On EURUSD, en extended 5th of the 3rd has completed and we are actually entering the 4th, with an initial target of 1.45.

Have noticed this before as well- GET's counts seem to be one count ahead, as in giving a 5 where it should be 3.

My Transaction Today - EURJPY

This afternoon I bought eurjpy at 134.12 and later sold at 134.31 making a gain of 19 pips or US$210.19 within 1 hour 38 minutes.

At time of writing, the pips has gone down again by 94 pips and is at 133.95 ie 36 pips below the price I had sold.

Good Trading


My Transaction Today - GBPUSD

Bought at 1.6586 at GMT 04:19 and Sold at 1.6620 at GMT 10:12 making a gain of 34 pips within 5 hours 53 mins.


My Second Transaction Today - GBPUSD

Sold my remaining GBPUSD at 1.6602 GMT 13:51 which I bought at 1.6586 making a gain of 16 pips.

Total pips gain is 50 pips for the day.

At the time of writing, GBPUSD is 1.6552, a drop of 50 pips from my selling price of 1.6602;

It must be the impact of the NFP news, which I still have not seen any latest news.


(PS: News just released in CNBC - Jobless Rate Jumps 10.2% as Labor Market Still Weak. That is the headline from CNBC.



Hi Kenneth

I would like to thank for all of your great posts here. I learned a lot form them. I already got the Elwave 7.6 and GET but could not use them due to I do not know how to get the data from eSignal. So would you please give me some advice where can I get the data and put in the software. Thanks in advance.


My Second Transaction Today - GBPUSD

Sold my remaining GBPUSD at 1.6602 GMT 13:51 which I bought at 1.6586 making a gain of 16 pips.

Total pips gain is 50 pips for the day.

At the time of writing, GBPUSD is 1.6552, a drop of 50 pips from my selling price of 1.6602;

It must be the impact of the NFP news, which I still have not seen any latest news.


(PS: News just released in CNBC - Jobless Rate Jumps 10.2% as Labor Market Still Weak. That is the headline from CNBC.

One of the things I have learnt of late is not to look at news as a determining factor in the wave movement. It can be used as a pointer for which wave is forming. Example in this case, we can be sure that this is a Wave 2 (of 5) in progress, as news like this comes out during this period. GBPUSD now seems to be in wave B of corrective 2, with wave B forming a triangle. Triangle is a corrective pattern that cannot appear on its own in Wave 2, but can occur in Wave B of a corrective wave 2, which can be a zigzag or a flat. We will have to wait and see what it is going to be. Best thing now is to wait for this correction to finish and take position at start of Wave 3 of 5.

Hence in the attached chart, instead of looking it as a 5 wave impulse, we can look at it as a corrective 2, with a 1 in the place of 3 and the low before the 4, as an A. Good buying opportunity to follow soon.

Since Wave 2 is getting to a complex correction we can expect Wave 4 when it forms to be simple, by guideline of alternation.



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