Blessing 2 v5.2 with Stochastic Indicator - page 35


2008 data

Good Morning Board ~

The 2008 trouble spots seem to be the benchmark of all trouble spots so I have a favor to ask of the board here. I would like to know how to get that period of data so I can run my scans and adjust and absorb those periods into the settings to make the settings more general/safer for all market conditions.

If someone can tell me (step by step) how to do that or point me to where I can read how to do that I would be most grateful ~

Happy trading!

Chart ~

"BUMP" -anyone???????


Newbie in trouble

Can anybody tell from the attachment what I have wrong in the Properties that would cause a "send order error 131". I tried all changes but noyhing sems to help.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thank You


hello Chartwalker:

I have four ibfx folder on my computer.I put 5 min smooth on ibfx in one account,only EUR/CHF pair,and 5 min aggressive on another ibfx account,only EUR/CHF pair.At sometime,I put 5 min smooth on ibfx in one account,only EUR/USD pair,and 5 min aggressive on another account,only EUR/USD pair.from sunday till now,EUR/USD pair is normal,there are some orders,but EUR/CHF pair did nothing,what's wrong?Could you help me,thanks.

hello Chartwalker: I have four ibfx folder on my computer.I put 5 min smooth on ibfx in one account,only EUR/CHF pair,and 5 min aggressive on another ibfx account,only EUR/CHF pair.At sometime,I put 5 min smooth on ibfx in one account,only EUR/USD pair,and 5 min aggressive on another account,only EUR/USD pair.from sunday till now,EUR/USD pair is normal,there are some orders,but EUR/CHF pair did nothing,what's wrong?Could you help me,thanks.

Sounds like you are doing everything right...

I'm not at home at the moment so I can't say right now how mine are trading so let's ask the board if they are seeing trades in EUR/CHF or not.


"What say you?"

Chart ~

hello Chartwalker: I have four ibfx folder on my computer.I put 5 min smooth on ibfx in one account,only EUR/CHF pair,and 5 min aggressive on another ibfx account,only EUR/CHF pair.At sometime,I put 5 min smooth on ibfx in one account,only EUR/USD pair,and 5 min aggressive on another account,only EUR/USD pair.from sunday till now,EUR/USD pair is normal,there are some orders,but EUR/CHF pair did nothing,what's wrong?Could you help me,thanks.

For your review:

I had only one buy in the Alpri account for the 5 min mayself, in the MBT account there was no trades today, but in my IBFX (which is my BASE account) I'm NOT running this EA but working on a different EA.

So it seems to be a slow day on my end also with that system.

Chart ~


Blessing Kick My Trades

Hi all,

I had something strange this week, hope someone can explain me for what happen to me, I was reach until level 12 (4.13 lot) for buy USDCAD live trade. For maximize the profit, manually I change the TP for all ticket numbers what blessing with stoch 5.2 has set for me, from 1.0413 to 1.0509.

But suddenly some randomly trades closed by Blessing. Now left only level 4, 8, and 12 still open. At that time it was far away from EP, it was going positive. Why my trades level 1,2,3,5,6,7,9,10,11 are closed ?

And this is my set file :

InitialAccount = 5000

Portion = 1

UseEquityProtection = True

FloatPercent = 100

UsePowerOutSL = False

UseMM = False

LAF = 1

AccountType = 10

Lot = 0.1

Multiplier = 1.4

AutoCal = True

AutoCalTF = 1440

AutoCalPeriod = 21

GAF = 1

GridSet1 = 25

Tp_Set1 = 50

GridSet2 = 50

Tp_Set2 = 100

GridSet3 = 100

Tp_Set3 = 200

TimeGrid = 2400

MC = 2

MCByMa = True

MaPeriod = 100

Set1Count = 4

Set2Count = 4

MaxLevel = 99

BELevel = 12

Slippage = 999

Stoch = True

per_K = 200

per_D = 20

slow = 20

zoneBUY = 20

zoneSELL = 80


Stoploss idea...

Hi All

[also posted this on the main Blessing thread FYI]

Below is a close up of one of the draw downs that this EA hits every once in a while. The very first SELL you can't even see, pictured are the SELLS that followed as the price kept going up and up as you can see. This causes our HUGE drawdowns and hence my idea to try to lessen it.

What if we had a Stop-loss that after x amount of bars would simply close that first trade, then the second one if need be?

For instance, an example would be when the very first trade goes 100 pips against us the EA closes only that trade. If the trend continues agaisnt us it would close the second trade then, and so on.

Get what I mean?...

As you can see in the pics the trends that go against us REALLY stack up, look at the angle of those RED lines! That first trade ran for HUNDRENDS of pips in the wrong direction, and my idea of a adjustable Stop-loss would cut some of those losses short.

I believe everyone useing this EA would save pips by having such an option for when the trend goes against our trades.

In back testing we could be able to figure out what the Stop-loss has to be set at to minimize losses.

Again, take a look at the angle of those RED lines, those are SELLS that are agaisnt the trend and I believe a simple Stop-loss function would help us keep some of those pips, well actually A LOT of those pips!

No EA is perfect, but this one could run alot better I think if we had a Stop-loss that would close trades IN ORDER as the trend went against them.

So can someone code in that adjustable stoploss setting on this posted version please?

Thanks in advance!

Chart ~


My Bad, sorry ~

In my last post this is what I said....

"What if we had a Stop-loss that after x amount of barswould simply close that first trade, then the second one if need be?"

But it should be AMOUNT OF PIPS -not bars....

Sorry for the confusion ~



blessing could win big money

so it SHOULD lost big as well -- this is called RISK FACTOR

if blessing let people interefere, then it simply against the principle of blessing, bet more when you are LOSING


I beg to disagree...

If indicators simply RECORD what is going on, then all we SHOULD need to do is adjust them to their sharpest settings. There is simply no need for the two big hits that are pictured in this pic. A stoploss that would cut losses on the first, then second and even third trade as it went against the trade would have SAVED hundreds of pips.

"It's black & white."

I'm trying to better this for us all, this profit gragh is from those pics posted above. This is what I have been working on and my findings........

Chart ~