Indicators are like playing roulette - page 2


Thanx guys, that's what I'm looking for, a nice and deep discussion.

Thanx guys, that's what I'm looking for, a nice and deep discussion.

Hi halfasleep,

With all due respect but I am not participating in a discussion that turns into some religious debate where some people say that god exist and some others say god does not exist. None of them will ever be cappable of giving proof he exist and the others will never be possible to proof the opposite.

With indicators or combination of indicator and or rules it is very easy to give 100% solid proof, without any discretionary elements, if they have a hitrate more then 50% systematicly on each and every pair ,future, index, market and time frame. You just need to run a back test with a certain indicator without changing the parameters and having a NET S/L and T/P that are exactly the same ( reward and risk need to be the same --avg winning trade need to be the same or higher then the avg losing trade).

These kind of debates have been held already many times here on this forum. Up till now whatever they claimed, there was NOBODY that could provide an EA or indicator or set of rules that could proof a hitrate bigger then 50% and important with an EQUAL S/L and T/P and this over and over again on every possible pair without changing the parameters.

I am not interested in what some individuals have as a personal hitrate or claim they have.

All proof without backtest is discretionary and is like me telling you that I saw god just a few minutes ago standing in my kitchen peeling patatoos.

Friendly regards...iGoR


Mp -- most dont even like backtesting

Hi halfasleep,

With a due respect but I am not participating in a discussion that turns into some religious debate where some people say that god exist and some others say god does not exist. None of them will ever be cappable of giving proof he exist and the others will never be possible to proof the opposite.

I think Mr. Bollinger would have rather unusual thoughts to know his oft used bands are actually objects of religious or cult worship, although not proveable because its hard to backtest G-D !

With indicators or combination of indicator and or rules it is very easy to give 100% solid proof, without any discretionary elements, if they have a hitrate more then 50% systematicly on each and every pair ,future, index, market and time frame. You just need to run a back test with a certain indicator without changing the parameters and having a NET S/L and T/P that are exactly the same ( reward and risk need to be the same --avg winning trade need to be the same or higher then the avg losing trade).

HOLD ON HERE --- if "anything" has a hit rate of 100%, which can be shown and "proven", youre saying it doesnt count unless it can pass some arbitrary BACKTEST ? WHAT IN THE WORLD IS THAT ABOUT ?

RISK/REWARD has NOTHING to do with real trading --- every single trade can be said to have risk (I dont agree with that cause trading is more often like shooting ducks in a barrel than some "risky" adventure)

Risk/Reward is a "basic" situation, given to newcomers in the market, to assist with money management routines, but down the road when EXPERIENCE working and trading enters the picture, the concept becomes one of being one of those "basics" that the trader has surpassed !

I am not interested in what some individuals have as a personal hitrate.

All proof without backtest is discretionary and is like me telling you that I saw god just a few minutes ago standing in my kitchen peeling patatoos.

If a trader has a hitrate of 80 - 100%, WHAT THE HECK IS DISCRETIONARY BACKTESTING going to prove, especially when most of the educated trading world pays NO attention to backtesting, but ONLY foreward testing, which translates into the displayed hit rate, which therefore becomes the PROOF ------ ANYTHING YOU SAY TO THE CONTRARY IS BUILT ON A FOUNDATION OF AIR --- the simple truth is"WHERES THE BEEF" !

With or without G-D peeling potatoes in your kitchen !

Friendly regards...iGoR

the SIMPLE PROOF is that people make money WITH or WITHOUT indicators, but that the majority USE indicators, which become self fulfilling and therefore become THE PRICE --- its all a big circle, but the indicators sit right there in the middle of everything or else NO ONE WOULD HAVE A CLUE AS TO WHERE TO TAKE PROFITS !


But the underlying discussion has to do with indicators --- "yay or neigh" and the trading world spends a whole lot of time looking at, speaking about and using INDICATORS, and if THATS the way the crowd is moving the market, I shall move right along with them !

enjoy and trade well



BTW halfasleep,

If I were you I would not pay to much attention to one of the individuals that is posting on your topic.

1) T2W Day Trading & Forex Forums banned for life

2) Traders Laboratory - View Profile: mp6140 banned for life

3) View Profile: mparker banned for life

4) Forex Forum - View Profile: mp6140 banned for life

Not to forget this forum where they opend a topic on his behalve and where the administrators allow to bash and crusify him ...

I know that this is off-topic but I only want to warn you. Because he is going to use your thread as a cockroach as he did with so many other threads to glorify himself and tell you how good he THINK he is so people would contact him. Before you know it he is going to post some statements of his account where he is going to show you a bunch of closed trades but without showing the floating losses that contain some trades that are open as much as a month. As you know that has nothing to do with an indicator that has a probility of predicting direction with more then 50% certainty ( like you stated in your first posting) and in a reasonable time span and according the profits one takes

Friendly regards...iGoR


Thanx iGoR, since yesterday I've learned a thing or two about mp6140 by reading some of the other topic where he posted. Thanx for the warning )


halfasleep, allow that many years ago there was a situation that has never been fully explained, and at this very time I am trying to set right with the original person --- I have NEVER denied or backed away from this situation even though i do not feel the blame is mine, but be that as it may, its ancient history.

What you are seeing before you is the reason for my being banned, as i respect NO ONE who claims to be a "guru" if i find they are not speaking truth !

in that process, i tend to step on some VERY important toes, usually attached to management in some degree --- THIS site even banned me because they "thought" (because im a pro trader, with company and all that stuff) that i would attempt to troll for clients through my teachings and observations.

I was banned from this site, even though NOTHING happened, simply because i was fighting the same lunatics as i have here, and I was banned, i believe, BY THE LUNATICS and not the admin, which is why Im back again and why theyre screaming so loudly !

IGOR has an obvious agenda and i become a fly in the ointment if i can give more information, for no cost, and produce better traders in the process !

I share my information on another site and have no reason to share here also and ive invited people to come over, ask questions and EITHER DETERMINE if my teaching is a way of getting new clients or NOT and of course, NONE of the lunatics WILL DO THAT because its easier to continue slandering me, than seeing the truth of what i do.

So read all about me --- theres hundreds of pages i presume, but then understand that through all these years i have NEVER hidden who i am, sticking with my mp6140 constantly and proudly, because when i finish teaching someone about forex, they KNOW HOW TO TRADE --- and all of these naysayers know I KNOW HOW TO TRADE ALSO, and because of their fear of my showing them all up, they refuse to enter into a competition (theyve seen my daily statements, and 800 pips daily is nothing to sneeze at) !

enjoy and trade well


Thanx iGoR, since yesterday I've learned a thing or two about mp6140 by reading some of the other topic where he posted. Thanx for the warning )

So are you a full time trader or do you have another job on the side ?

halfasleep, allow that many years ago there was a situation that has never been fully explained, and at this very time I am trying to set right with the original person --- I have NEVER denied or backed away from this situation even though i do not feel the blame is mine, but be that as it may, its ancient history.

What you are seeing before you is the reason for my being banned, as i respect NO ONE who claims to be a "guru" if i find they are not speaking truth !

in that process, i tend to step on some VERY important toes, usually attached to management in some degree --- THIS site even banned me because they "thought" (because im a pro trader, with company and all that stuff) that i would attempt to troll for clients through my teachings and observations.

I was banned from this site, even though NOTHING happened, simply because i was fighting the same lunatics as i have here, and I was banned, i believe, BY THE LUNATICS and not the admin, which is why Im back again and why theyre screaming so loudly !

IGOR has an obvious agenda and i become a fly in the ointment if i can give more information, for no cost, and produce better traders in the process !

I share my information on another site and have no reason to share here also and ive invited people to come over, ask questions and EITHER DETERMINE if my teaching is a way of getting new clients or NOT and of course, NONE of the lunatics WILL DO THAT because its easier to continue slandering me, than seeing the truth of what i do.

So read all about me --- theres hundreds of pages i presume, but then understand that through all these years i have NEVER hidden who i am, sticking with my mp6140 constantly and proudly, because when i finish teaching someone about forex, they KNOW HOW TO TRADE --- and all of these naysayers know I KNOW HOW TO TRADE ALSO, and because of their fear of my showing them all up, they refuse to enter into a competition (theyve seen my daily statements, and 800 pips daily is nothing to sneeze at) !

enjoy and trade well


I have no other "job" halfasleep, but THIS is not the place to discuss anything but indicators -- joeschmoe created a thread for those to ask questions and throw stones, so PLEASE can we stick to the subject of indicators here ?


So are you a full time trader or do you have another job on the side ?

Please think.İf forex has a real logic can we imagine any economy.