All-in-One Widget by DailyForex - page 2


Will you also do a desktop application?


great tool

Will you also do a desktop application?

I love your idea.. this tool will be very excellent to run on my desktop


Desktop Widget

This widget is available for desktop use as well. click on the link to get it: All-in-One desktop Widget



This widget is available for desktop use as well. click on the link to get it: All-in-One desktop Widget



ok.... now you've really done it.

this is so cool... i use it all the time


I tried to embade it in a blog i wanted to start but it is too big. Can I change the size of it?


We are working on it. will update you as soon as we have it.

Thanks for all the great feedback!



resize dailyforex widget

I tried to embade it in a blog i wanted to start but it is too big. Can I change the size of it?

i just checked the embed code again and vwala... it worked.

but i don't recommend you embed it this way because it will resize all the widget including the fonts, which will be hard to read..

you just need to change the size you want of the red text in the code below:

<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase=",0,0,0" width="350" height="414" id="Widget" align="middle"><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="350" height="414">
                 Forex Trading by

Hey, I see you were quicker that I was in updating. Indeed, it is possible to change sizes of the widget now too. Thanks Monstrader for your post!


Need indicator to retrieve data from website

dear programmers,

Please help me to find an indicator which can retrieve data from a website and display on the chart window.

I provide signals to my clients in the website...what i need is a indicator which can get the data from the website and display on the chart screen in mt4.

