Closed trades for 0 pip/zero dollar
Will this EA correct for the 0 pip / 0 dollar closed trades I see in the closed trades record? They usually closed at a loss for me.
Consider post:
Yes you need only another chart with UltimatAccountManager
(set it to allow livetrading).
Do not remove Ultimate id 580 from RAS.
UltimatAccountmanager manage profit/loss make with Ultimate ras signal.
Thanks for sharing this trial signal.
How does this work?
I have a chart in Metatrader with Rentasignal EA attached so do I need another chart with UltimatAccountmanager attached to it?
Do I need to remove Ultimate from RAS????
Thanks in advance.Multiposition EA for EURUSD,EURJPY,GBPUSD,GBPJPY.
Free until end of August 2009, after that test i will decide for stop the signal or rent it
based on potential customers interest.
Do to the new hedge regulation, for the correct use of signals you need two accounts;
one for manage all buy orders and one for the sell orders.
If you have 200.000usd (100.000 for Buy / 100.000 for Sell) your multipier is 1.
If you have 20.000usd (10.000 for Buy / 10.000 for Sell) your multipier is 0.1.
If you have 2.000usd (1.000 for Buy / 1.000 for Sell) your multipier is 0.01.
You need also this free EA "UltimateAccountManager", you can download it here
Please don' t ask question about the logic of trading.
Best regards
Statistics (last calculation on 2009-05-08 01:00:01)
Start trading since 2009-03-30 12:25:00
This week pips 581
Total pips 4026
This week USD 4628.67
Total USD 25744.21
Advanced Statistics (last calculation on 2009-05-08 20:55:20)
Max Lot size 2.50
Min Lot size 0.30
Max active trades 19
Min active trades 1
Summary P/L 26329.27
Number of winning trades 399 (69295.30)
Number of losing trades 121 (-42966.03)
Max summary P/L 26329.27
Largest losing trade -3162.94 USD, -347 pips Details
Largest winning trade 2256.49 USD, 449 pips Details
Max consecutive wins 35 (12309.93)
Max consecutive losses 11 (-13214.32)
Max consecutive profit 12309.93 (35)
Max consecutive loss -13214.32 (11)
Max drawdown 13214.32
Profit factor 1.61
Active orders 0
Pending orders 0
Closed orders 588Then if I have an account with 10000 dollars the multiplier should be marked to 0.05?
You have already pointed out that needs to open another graph to place the new EA "UltimateAccountManager" while the RAS EA stays on the initial graph: will this allow to have the two separate statements, one for the buy and the other for the sell?
Thank you and best regards.
The Correct use of Ultimate2 id 580 Signals
First account for Buy orders
One chart with RAS EA set to allow only long position that came from
Ultimate2 buy signals and live trading allowed.
One chart with EA "UltimateAccountManager" set to allow live trading.
Second account for Sell orders
One chart with RAS EA set to allow only short position that came from
Ultimate2 sell signals and live trading allowed.
One chart with EA "UltimateAccountManager" set to allow live trading.
If you have 10000USD you must split 5000 for buys and 5000 for sells,
with multiplier 0.025 .
Then if I have an account with 10000 dollars the multiplier should be marked to 0.05?
You have already pointed out that needs to open another graph to place the new EA "UltimateAccountManager" while the RAS EA stays on the initial graph: will this allow to have the two separate statements, one for the buy and the other for the sell?
Thank you and best regards.
The UltimateAccountManager seems to have a problem;
I've set it to "Long Only" on RAS EA and "Allow Live Trading" and the follwing alert keeps popping up
"Ordersend Error: 4111 - shorts are not allowed in the expert properties"
It also keeps closing all orders when $3 profit target is reached
This error came from UltimateAccountManager EA or from RAS EA?
About $3 profit it depend on lots opened.
The UltimateAccountManager seems to have a problem;
I've set it to "Long Only" on RAS EA and "Allow Live Trading" and the follwing alert keeps popping up
"Ordersend Error: 4111 - shorts are not allowed in the expert properties"
It also keeps closing all orders when $3 profit target is reachedHi Marc,
The error is coming from RAS EA.
It opened 3 positions of size 0.5 and closed all 3 for $1.81 profit:
sell GBPJPY $4.11
sell GBPUSD $9.50
sell EURJPY -$11.80
Witch is your account balance?
Hi Marc,
The error is coming from RAS EA.
It opened 3 positions of size 0.5 and closed all 3 for $1.81 profit:
sell GBPJPY $4.11
sell GBPUSD $9.50
sell EURJPY -$11.80Ultimate2 Signal at RAS (ID:580)
I have loaded the two EAs (ras and Ultimate) for as has kindly explained the author but while for the account related to the signals sell I have not had problems, that related to the signals buy has gone to crash different times; I have opened then a new account and while this time the crash there has not been, aloft the following message is signalled to the left: "Error reading file_ras_buyer1.txt" besides the usual indications (date, hour, trade active or inactive and so on...).
It is a thing that has to worry or it only points out that, to the moment, are not there open orders and therefore doesn't read some message?
And in every case,it is necessary to do something or no?
Thank you and best regards.

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16/09/2009 Important change
Do to a lot of problems for manage two separate accounts
from today this is the correct use of signals:
1)You need a broker that allow Hedging
2)If you have 100.000 USD your multipier is 1.
If you have 10.000 USD your multipier is 0.1.
If you have 1.000 USD your multipier is 0.01.
3)For manage all trades you need also this free EA "UltimateAccountManager", you can download it here
4)Do not close any trade manually.
For your info my feed is Alpari Uk.
Thanks for your interest best regards
Free until end of August 2009, after that test i will decide for stop the signal or rent it
based on potential customers interest.
Do to the new hedge regulation, for the correct use of signals you need two accounts;
one for manage all buy orders and one for the sell orders.
If you have 200.000usd (100.000 for Buy / 100.000 for Sell) your multipier is 1.
If you have 20.000usd (10.000 for Buy / 10.000 for Sell) your multipier is 0.1.
If you have 2.000usd (1.000 for Buy / 1.000 for Sell) your multipier is 0.01.
You need also this free EA "UltimateAccountManager", you can download it here
Please don' t ask question about the logic of trading.
Best regards
The correct use of Ultimate2 Signals
First account for Buy orders
One chart with RAS EA set to allow only long position that came from
Ultimate2 buy signals and live trading allowed.
One chart with EA "UltimateAccountManager" set to allow live trading.
Second account for Sell orders
One chart with RAS EA set to allow only short position that came from
Ultimate2 sell signals and live trading allowed.
One chart with EA "UltimateAccountManager" set to allow live trading.
Statistics (last calculation on 2009-05-08 01:00:01)
Start trading since 2009-03-30 12:25:00
This week pips 581
Total pips 4026
This week USD 4628.67
Total USD 25744.21
Advanced Statistics (last calculation on 2009-05-08 20:55:20)
Max Lot size 2.50
Min Lot size 0.30
Max active trades 19
Min active trades 1
Summary P/L 26329.27
Number of winning trades 399 (69295.30)
Number of losing trades 121 (-42966.03)
Max summary P/L 26329.27
Largest losing trade -3162.94 USD, -347 pips Details
Largest winning trade 2256.49 USD, 449 pips Details
Max consecutive wins 35 (12309.93)
Max consecutive losses 11 (-13214.32)
Max consecutive profit 12309.93 (35)
Max consecutive loss -13214.32 (11)
Max drawdown 13214.32
Profit factor 1.61
Active orders 0
Pending orders 0
Closed orders 588