Pollan's indicators - page 164








suat is trolling (thus a troll) and should be ignored

And he did delete the "non repainting" indicators he posted:):)

Why am I not surprised:):):)


me so much cos ı m not coder

ı m designer

I don't understand the discussion. Poor Suat, you're a designer and mladen is a coder, he is your natural enemy ;)  btw the same as engineers.

You have ideas and fantasy. Sometimes, if certain ideas meet reality, very often these ideas have to be refused. Listen to people who want to help you. It is proven that it repaints and you can proof it again and again, it won't change, but one should better spend the time on something with more potenial.

Where and when we can have the beer?


wrong signal condition is % 8



% 92 correct signal will be on indicator,  this requirement


DO IT SAME, do not talk much donut4popo and krelian99,



on 1 min. chart if I want I can produce 24 signals at 1 year. This is out of my hands.

23tgb.png  25 kb

DO IT SAME, do not talk much silly donut4popo and krelian99,


me so much cos ı m not coder

ı m designer

Designer of what?

7 years ago you guys started the cci+rsi combination that repaints like hell and you are trying to sell that over and over with different names just hidding that it is the same old .... After 7 years you are still using the same BS - so what exactly did you design? Designer :):):) As someone told : you have no idea what are you talking about.


DO IT SAME, do not talk much sill7 donut4popo and krelian99,



on 1 min. chart if I want I can produce 24 signals at 1 year. This is out of my hands.

Ok, please post some charts when you open position (M5 or M15) and then when you have closed it so that we all can see it.