Sharing MT4 Statements Live


Hello ,

I am glad to announce I have completed coding my MT4 Statements sharing site , by using this site you can broadcast your MT4 statements live on the net ! no additional software is required , it needs just registering an account in the site and setting up the Publisher feature of MT4.

There is no ads on my site and it is completely free to use I would be glad if you share me your ideas to improve this great tool. also you can post your feature requests and your questions.

Link : - Share Your MT4 Statements Free



Awesome work......looks great and will definitely be trying it soon!


Thank you at last someone gave me a feedback , lol.


Great work. I have registered and I will test. Thanks.

Some suggestions....

1. Will be great that a MT4Live account could hold several MT4 accounts.

2. Refresh interval could be greater than 5 minutes.

3. A FAQ and Support section.

Best regards.

Great work. I have registered and I will test. Thanks.

Some suggestions....

1. Will be great that a MT4Live account could hold several MT4 accounts.

2. Refresh interval could be greater than 5 minutes.

3. A FAQ and Support section.

Best regards.

Thank you , I'll consider your suggestions for next version of the site , please let me know how it works for you.


Hello ,

I've got some free time to work on my mt4live service , first new feature is really amazing and I am so excited about it , now mt4live shows you the equity curve of the statement.

you can see an example here : - Share Your MT4 Statements Free



Hello ,

I've got some free time to work on my mt4live service , first new feature is really amazing and I am so excited about it , now mt4live shows you the equity curve of the statement.

you can see an example here : - Share Your MT4 Statements Free


Today I logged in and saw the equity curve. Really great, I love it, congratulations.

It would even better if the user had the possibility to give some more information regarding the traded system.

Maybe you can provide a small text frame where the user can write some text which can be seen by others.

Thanks again for the tool.




Thank you for your great suggestion , I will implement it ASAP.


I have tried twice in the last 2 days to setup an account on mt4live but I never get the conformation email.. I know my email works I get about 100 a day.. Can you check.. Or maybe yet setup an account yourself and see if you get the email..




I Just tried it and it works fine I am sure the confirmation mail has gone to your spam or bulk folder , please look in there.



it looks very messy on Opera 9&10.

Any plans to get it working on Opera?

Most of my friends use it and I would be glad to show them my live-stats.