Pimpology Lives On - Intensive Care for Newbies - page 13


My first trade with the system

Hi everyone.

Here I am posting my first trade with this strategy. This is on a demo account only. As guided by Zak, i am on my way to double my demo account for the first time.

In case I succeed,I would follow the 2nd step of again doubling the same account before going live.

I took this trade of short EURUSD at about 1715GMT from a 15 min chart.

Would have made a clean 100 pips on the account,but I closed my posn when 21CCI started turning at around 75 odd pips. I shorted at 1.3125 levels.

FX Pimp:
Well done team, you are all doing very well indeed.

First of all Zak we are not in your team and there is no need to speak to people in such a patronising tone saying such things as "you are all doing very well indeed" as the people here are not children (well i assume the majority are not) you are not the master of universe except in you own head Zak so for a minute lets forget all the "pimp for president" crap.

You may think you are doing very well for an ex-waiter from Brighton but trying to manipulate people in the way you do is pretty evil the same goes for the rest of you FX guys, In the forex world the fx500club is just another cult and Zak is the David Koresh of your Fx500Cult. (if you do not know who David Koresh is then look it up on google).

If you are one of the people thinking about joining the fx500club which is what this thread in all reality is actually about then first have a think about what your motives are for joining and look at the definition of what a cult is.....check out wikipedia Cult - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You would also be doing yourself a favour by checking my post on Zak's other Pimpology thread.

These guys prey on your loneliness if you are a home trader and your greed for and easy way to financial freedom in the hope that you will join their club and line thier pockets with you hard earned cash...which in the longterm will be bad for you bank balance.

Psychological definition

Studies of the psychological aspects of cults focus on the individual person, and factors relating to the choice to become involved as well as the subsequent effects on individuals. Under one view, an important factor is coercive persuasion which suppresses the ability of people to reason, think critically, and make choices in their own best interest.

Studies of religious, political, and other cults have identified a number of key steps in this type of coercive persuasion:[26]

1. People are put in physically or emotionally distressing situations;

2. Their problems are reduced to one simple explanation, which is repeatedly emphasized;

3. They receive unconditional love, acceptance, and attention from a charismatic leader;

4. They get a new identity based on the group;

5. They are subject to entrapment (isolation from friends, relatives, and the mainstream culture) and their access to information is severely controlled.[27]

You may read the above Zak and it may make you feel good (ie: charismatic leader) but if karma does exist then............

It was only a few months ago that Zak was posting videos on the fxclub chat showing his members that the United States Of America had already made the Amero and Zak had the conspiracy video showing the coins lol.....well these coins were fake Zak and the majority of people in the world knew this about a year before you even posted the video.... you wannabe amateur trader.........you don't sell a service you sell dreams.

First of all Zak we are not in your team

Who the hell are you to say "We are not in your team"? Talk about yourself dude...

I came here as a novice amateur trader...And I still am.

I have learnt a lot from Zak's posts, threads,videos and seminars. I havent been charged anything for all this.

Mr Brokerbot, have you seen the Youtube channel of Zak? If not, then go visit it once and see for yourself what kind of learning is imparted there.

Attend the seminar once and see what all resources are available there.

Why would Zak put his template for free in his seminars if the only purpose of them was to solicit customers for the club?

Why would he detail so deep into his trading strategy on a public forum like this, if all he cared was to trap newbies?

For me, its a learning platform. I dont care if he solicits customers for his club. I dont care if he charges any fee. If I am able to earn 500 pips a week(no matter whether by joining the club or not) and have to pay a fee for it, I DONT MIND!!!!!

As long as I am making money...I am happy.

Brokerbot, keep your sticky ass out of this place and dont hinder in a collective learning process.


Way to go Zak!

I have been doing this for quite some time. I rarely post on FF or any other forum as anything I have to say has already been said; however, I must speak up this time. An ex-waiter from Brighton! I love it! True or not it shows how anyone can do this. FX500Clubs system is one of the few in my many years of testing and writing trading systems which actually works. I am an engineer by training and FX500's system works which is why I am looking at it. Can never have enough knowledge or trading tools in your war chest.

I am sure this is not the first time FX500Club has been attacked and it will not be the last. One of the worst things you can do is tear down without trying to rebuild. If you have issues with Zak or FX500Club addressing them in your post would have been appropriate instead of the scatter gun approach you took. You have marginalized yourself by not explaining your position. You had one shot to get the vitriol you wrote right and by simply attacking Zak who will seriously consider your words now? I assure you I understand anger and I understand how to get others to seriously hear my words. You went about this in the wrong manner. The anger and bitterness you have within you is all I heard when reading your words. Any substance your words may have carried was lost in the negative emotional turmoil your post conveyed. I have never found an ally in emotions when trading. Try a more conservative approach with constructive criticism backing your words with facts and at least I would hear you.


Thanks Gary

Cheers Gary from Scotland AKA Brokerbot.

Your remarks are very touching I must say.

If the weather is so drab up there in the highlands and the trading so bad that you must make slanderous remarks about a particular service / thread then times must be hard.

Truth is, I am part of FX500Club. I am in charge of a small sales team.

I was never a waiter in Brighton but for you to think I was suggests you have been reading this thread.

If you have been reading then perhaps your trading is not going as well as it might be. In which case why not follow the lessons and input something positive. I promise I won't ask for your card details!

https://www.mql5.com/en/forum/general post#1855



Hey Zak,

Con't let these idiots get to you which i know you won't, he has obviously lost money as he has had to sell his wifes car to pay back his debts so he obviously is'nt getting any at the moment as she has to cycle to work every day and she must be so tired to do anything at night except sleep!!!!!!!!.

So he balmes you for his:-

Bad Trading

Debt problems

No Nookie

Overall negativity to trading

Looks like you will have to become a prime minister or something Zak because waht ever you do right you will be wrong

in some peoples eyes.

He will be gone in a week as they all do so carry on regardless and make pips.

This startegy is the best i have seen and i have been around for many years so out of 100 satisfied customers you are going to get a few, just think of him every time you get a new client who joins the FX500 Club and give a wry smile to yourself, you deserve what you have put into this thread and others Zak and you are the best

Keep Smiling



As Zak has said, there is a club you can join - IF YOU CHOOSE TOO. However, the strategy is all on this thread for free. Some people like the comfort of a 'live' room so they subscribe, others don't. I prefer to trade on my own.

The forex world is full of sharks. Zak is by far and away, the most (maybe only) genuine person I have met in this business.

Trading is difficult. I've hit a wall a number of times. Its whether you get back up and have another go determines your success or failure. Blaming others doesn't help your own trading. I've been there and done that. At the end of the day, if you fail at this, you can only blame yourself.

Hi everyone.

Here I am posting my first trade with this strategy. This is on a demo account only. As guided by Zak, i am on my way to double my demo account for the first time.

In case I succeed,I would follow the 2nd step of again doubling the same account before going live.

I took this trade of short EURUSD at about 1715GMT from a 15 min chart.

Would have made a clean 100 pips on the account,but I closed my posn when 21CCI started turning at around 75 odd pips. I shorted at 1.3125 levels.

Well done. One trade one winner. Its a positive start and a very well executed trade.

Thats what I want to see here. Positive feedback from those dedicated to making it happen.

Congratulations if thats not tooooo condescending!

Thanks for the back up Bill and Bloom. I will drop the commissions over later. lol !


Rant, Rant, Rant

First of all Zak we are not in your team ..............

Hey, Brokerbot,

I notice ALLyour postsEVER were posted today and are rants at Zak and our team members.

Did you sign up just to have a rant?

Go away and don't come back until you have something positive to add.........like how to make pips, maybe, which is what forex-tsd is about!!

And don't bother replying as you'll just get the same kind of replies from the rest of the TEAMhere.

And no I'm not a member of fx500!!


support for Zak

First of all Zak we are not in your team and there is no need to speak to people in such a patronising tone saying such things as "you are all doing very well indeed" as the people here are not children (well i assume the majority are not) you are not the master of universe except in you own head Zak so for a minute lets forget all the "pimp for president" crap.

You may think you are doing very well for an ex-waiter from Brighton but trying to manipulate people in the way you do is pretty evil the same goes for the rest of you FX guys, In the forex world the fx500club is just another cult and Zak is the David Koresh of your Fx500Cult. (if you do not know who David Koresh is then look it up on google).

If you are one of the people thinking about joining the fx500club which is what this thread in all reality is actually about then first have a think about what your motives are for joining and look at the definition of what a cult is.....check out wikipedia Cult - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You would also be doing yourself a favour by checking my post on Zak's other Pimpology thread.

These guys prey on your loneliness if you are a home trader and your greed for and easy way to financial freedom in the hope that you will join their club and line thier pockets with you hard earned cash...which in the longterm will be bad for you bank balance.

Psychological definition

Studies of the psychological aspects of cults focus on the individual person, and factors relating to the choice to become involved as well as the subsequent effects on individuals. Under one view, an important factor is coercive persuasion which suppresses the ability of people to reason, think critically, and make choices in their own best interest.

Studies of religious, political, and other cults have identified a number of key steps in this type of coercive persuasion:[26]

1. People are put in physically or emotionally distressing situations;

2. Their problems are reduced to one simple explanation, which is repeatedly emphasized;

3. They receive unconditional love, acceptance, and attention from a charismatic leader;

4. They get a new identity based on the group;

5. They are subject to entrapment (isolation from friends, relatives, and the mainstream culture) and their access to information is severely controlled.[27]

You may read the above Zak and it may make you feel good (ie: charismatic leader) but if karma does exist then............

It was only a few months ago that Zak was posting videos on the fxclub chat showing his members that the United States Of America had already made the Amero and Zak had the conspiracy video showing the coins lol.....well these coins were fake Zak and the majority of people in the world knew this about a year before you even posted the video.... you wannabe amateur trader.........you don't sell a service you sell dreams.


First, that I pardon for my bad English.

I am forced to give my comment. I live in Bosnia and Hercegovina.I am in forex about 14 months. Before a month I wanted to leave the trade forever, because it's for me went bad.One day I make 50 pips and the other day I lose 50 pips. And I am quite accidentally reading on the Internet found Fx500club and Pimpology Lives On - Intensive Care for Newbies and Zak. From that day I started to learn how to earn money on forex and all became well for me. I can only say thank you very much Zak and Fx500club, because you have changed my life, and did not allow me to leave forex.Because of that Mr brokerbot I beg you, go from us, leave us to do, find yourself someone else for the story. Zak go ahead you have our support and thank you much for all the good you are doing for us (we are team).