Who is paying you ?


Who will pay for your money ?

what do you people think from it ? is a forex broker company is a casino ?

its like when you join a forex broker company for 10k and you win for 200k, who will actually pay for it, of course the forex broker will pay for it, but where they will get the money ?

is it the money from the company indeed ?

so the company is hoping that the customer lose then the company will profiting from them ? Its okay if the broker charge for commision, fees , and interest. is it enough to pay for the winning ?

But what profit do you people think if they are free from all fees and interest, (such as fxopen, marketiva) which are spread profiting.

What happens if everyone wins?



I THINK THATS the point not everyone is winning so we have the forex model that bets against its clients. IM guessing because it is more profitable at least in the short term than competing with other brokers who chrge a commission then again im justs guessing..................

What happens if everyone wins?

Everybody winning is not a possible scenario. With every trade you enter, there is a counterparty. When you win, they lose.. When they win, you lose. It's a zero sum game.

Everybody winning is not a possible scenario. With every trade you enter, there is a counterparty. When you win, they lose.. When they win, you lose. It's a zero sum game.

Yes but the point is, who will pay for your winning ? from 'other losing clients money' from the broker ? so we are 'striving' to steal other people money ?

isnt it not good ?


it really is a zero sum game and thats all. When you buy something the person you bought it from gets the money and when you sell something you get the money from that person. Thats it. (A person here doesnt mean a human being, it can be a company,broker etc.)

Yes but the point is, who will pay for your winning ? from 'other losing clients money' from the broker ? so we are 'striving' to steal other people money ? isnt it not good ?

It's not really a zero sum game. The amount of money in circulation keeps increasing. Most traders will still lose but that is not the fault of the system.

The biggest losers are taxpayers. Banks are not allowed to go bankrupt anymore. If banks lose some billions in badly managed forex transactions they get a stimulus package and the directors get bonuses. The stunned taxpayer gets the bill.

It's not really a zero sum game. The amount of money in circulation keeps increasing. Most traders will still lose but that is not the fault of the system. The biggest losers are taxpayers. Banks are not allowed to go bankrupt anymore. If banks lose some billions in badly managed forex transactions they get a stimulus package and the directors get bonuses. The stunned taxpayer gets the bill.

I totally agree. Its usually the weak that pay the bill.

Oh the wonders of progress


"No pain, no gain"... that's all I have to say.

Yes but the point is, who will pay for your winning ? from 'other losing clients money' from the broker ? so we are 'striving' to steal other people money ? isnt it not good ?

If a broker is paying winners from the money of losers, it is called a bucketshop or ponzi scheme. Any legitimate broker would have your money on the open market and they would collect your winnings from said market on your behalf. This is one of the reasons you pay them spread/commission is it not?


When a central bank sells a bond in the shape of his currency" issues a currency " , this central bank makes a commitment to buy this very bond " currency " at market price at any time , in the perfect Trading environment it eventually goes down to that .

David letterman often repeats this joke ever since the economic crisis began "where did all the money went .... could it be in wallmart "the truth is that The total global liquidity is constantly changing and all our losses and gains are in that pool unless your broker is a bucket shop .

In fact , the currency market is a lot mare stable since the trading volume of forex dramatically increased , so we, forex traders are actually , somehow providing a service by making it easy for governments to stabilize there currency's values ,people would be surprised to know that forex is a productive business that contributes in the global economy and pays it's serious workers back just like any other field of work .


Trading is a slightly negative sum game.

Idealling, the only job a broker should be doing is to match buyers and sellers, and they charge a fee to provide this service. So even if for every win, someone else is on the other end of that trade with a loss. The broker is consistently taking a fee for all transactions...that is why it is "slightly" negative sum game.